PRESENT Mmes. Smith and Wales; Messrs Bilodeau, Courtright, Cron, Hall,
Merluzzo, Mollo-Christensen, Morse
ABSENT Mr Kelsey
VISITORS: Mrs Rubel (Concord LWV); Messrs Chasan and Harlow (Minuteman staff);
Mr Solito (Press)
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 8:25 p.m
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as printed, with the addition: "In
executive session, the Committee voted unanimously to hire the following people,
who are recommended by the Superintendent-Director at the annual rates stated:
Robert A Warden SPC $12,000 effective February 4, 1974
Charles I Van Arsdale SPC $11,000 effective February 4, 1974
Mark A Neckes Staff $11,000 effective February 18, 1974 "
Teacher - Distributive Education
The Treasurer reported a regular account balance of $27,096 93 and a construction
account balance of $15,799.81
Alfred C Cron was nominated as Vice-Chairman, to fill the vacancy created by the
resignation of Erik Mollo-Christensen Nominations were closed The Committee
voted unanimously to direct the Secretary to cast one ballot for Alfred C Cron
The Policies Subcommittee reported the election of Ruth Wales as its Chairman
A motion was made that• For admission in September 1974, Minuteman will accept
applications from Metco students attending school in the sending towns These Metco
students will be admitted through the regular admissions process, provided that•
1 the sending town School Committee formally resolves that Metco students
from that town shall be counted as part of their town quota in
Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School;
2 there be a validated assurance that Minuteman Regional Vocational
Technical School will be reimbursed for the operating expenses (paid
tuition?) for Metco students in the same fiscal year as they attend Minuteman;
3 this policy will be reviewed by 1975
Charles Courtright moved that this motion be tabled for further discussion after obtain-
ing the advice of counsel Rico Merluzzo seconded the motion The roll call vote
was 5 in favor of tabling the motion, 4 opposed
Lydia Smith moved to take the tabled motion off the table Rico Merluzzo made a
motion, seconded by Charles Courtright, to terminate discussion on Metco. Lydia Smith
withdrew her motion to remove the motion from the table
The committee agreed to have the Policies Subcommittee, with the Metco Subcommittee,
study the matter, confer with counsel and then make a recommendation to the committee
MAR 181974
Minutes -2- January 15, 1974
Erik Mollo-Christensen was appointed to the Advisory Board by acclamation The
Chairman expressed appreciation on the part of the Committee for his contributions
The meeting was adjourned at 10 p.m , to be reconvened in executive session
Respectfully submitted,
�• cue
Approved F ebruary 5, 1974