HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-01-23onw L EETIT: G . J AT;[ LRY 23 ,1923 . Lie^ere. 3camman, cotton and :lake Present. Lir. Patrick J . Kaguire, ticting chief of rolice and :Palter H. Kew, Patrolman, came before the 3oard in responre to the notice the Board sent to each as a result of the chargee brought by the acting Chief againet Patrolman -Lew. lie hearing developed no written orders, as the procedure in the department is largely one of general underptandirg. All understood they were to report at 7 P. :`. unless excused. Lr. 3ca.;mian, Chairman, stated that the acting Chief was present to prefer chargee against:r. hew, and that hie charge war, failure to report for duty on Jan. 16th, 1923. Lr. Kew stated ;hat he was not there at 7 o'clock P.:::. on that date and did not suppose he was to be there. =.e stated that the :thief aeked him to stay at the office w:iile he rent to Cambridge. .then the chief returned he asked him if he -;ranted him to stay while he went to supper and he said "io ." He then asked if he wanted any more of him and he said "o." He supposed that the case was coning up at Cambridge the next day and that he would not have to return at night for duty when he would be on duty the next day as happened in a similar instance. He stated that when he received the telephone to come to work treat right he immediately did so. Lr. tagu_re stated that he knew of no other occacion when Lew did duty in the day time and did not return at night only when excused, and that the cape at Cambridge tea n (JW and tiest la� X=ixI nat have tzo reU= e;t, r44�h- fz= n he w4zlt b* e:r: du4 tl�;e se--Tt da:� " haprew,�d In a Vis$ . Se sig tiltl WC118Z h* r -C �u the tej3e�p�ne -t�* ewe t•Ci wa- tizat ntght he &iA ns, did not come up the next day and he should not assume that it was because he did not so. L:r. Lew stated that .he thought he was t:,rough duty for the night, and that he did not remain away intentionally. L:r. aguire stated that Kew did not intend tZ come to work. ;r. :e-�felt that when he acked the quest_:me on the cane he got short answers. ::r. J-ew stated that he thoupht he was t':.roui-�h duty for the -ight, and that he did not remain away intentionally. ,,r. Laguire eta 'Led that uew did not intend to come to work. is. hew felt that when he asked uhe Chief "if there was any- thing more he wanted done" and he said "no", he wap riot needed for further duty, The evidence and .-tory conflicts and the Board thinks there is a possibility of a misunO'erstarding. The 3oard failed to find intentional violation but feel that a Patrolman should never go contrary to general underptood orders without beinor positive and sure that tt_e Chief or officer in charge is aware of ane consents to the variation. Voted that Officer Lew be reprimanded by the Board and minute made in our records. 'Tse above procedure wap not carried nut under the Civil Service Acte and the maximum the Selectmen may impose ie a repri- ^and . M 1 1 1 heport �60ao rec% ved from the Building Inspector as to the condition of the Town Hall Ti4 th reference to basket ball being played there. 1 i.e reported that the strain -rras ruch that it did not create a dai-gerous condition wt.ic waE detrimental to the b..ilding, he did not, however, believe that it w,as cetrimental to the plaster on the ceiling; below, but that was not under i:ie jurisdiction. C. j. Henrich requested the uee of .lmerson call or. SundaTr, Jan. 28, for one hour for the mast Lexington Civic Club. The members of the board and one member of the School Com- mittee were agreeable to tide privilege being granted. In regard to the ap ;oint,rent of a vhief of Police, it was Voted that Edward Leavitt, formerly jhief of Police of Ipswich, be appointed chief of Folice of the Town at a salary to be at the rate of :;2100 per wear, to tai_e office as soon ae practical. in reply to the letter of the oard sent to -r. Leavitt Le replied as follows; "Your letter of the 18th inst. received. c;.ring to a number of cases that 1 have pending on the docket of the superior court, and matters of detail in the Ipswich department to be disposed of, it will be impooeible for me to aesuzme the duties at Lexinwton before 'ebruary 10th, upon which date i will be prepared to start on the J_ob. in the meantime, 1 shall be in Lexington not later than February 1, and will see you at that time." ineurance policy for $19,400 expiring Jan. 149 1'28 through the office of Ceo. ii. Taylor Son was approved. A. A. arshall was instructed to renew compensation insurance on the Cemetery Dept. the came amounting to $1200. The matter of resignation of the 'Town Jouneel which was placed in the hands of the Board to take effect upon the approval of the new By -Laws, was consikered. The Board voted to requestr. cyder to continue in office until the new board of Selectmen is elected. Release of all claims signed by u'rd.rda P. 'gilkinson of YLaple Street for damwges done to her house while work was be -:ng done on said street.wae received from the 'Town Counsel. The Board voted to award the bid for the Topa Report to the Somerville Press, Chas. Sullivan, Pro. at their bid of X815 together with addit_.onal cost for cut of lir. harrinte,ton, Town 'Treaaurer retired. Pill was received from .:r. Bidwell for 269.92 for one half the cost of stenographic work in the hearings in the icOaffrey case, _'r. Richard 11. Jones being the retorter. The Board decided to take up the matter of appointing; a successor to tr. Beaudry next week. Six applications for the position are pending. I' -r. harrioon called attention to the fact that the Boston __nine ',R Co. charge the town $36 for use of land and $5 for watering culvert.a and t1:ey ask the use of the to n enow plo-r; for which the 10 town gets no reimbursement. � Pot-ing war done about the matter. OTJ' x -r. harrison reported receiving a letter from :..r.F.L. Emery in which he called attention to the condition of the !uzzey ' its =Xtenoion at the junction. of "uzzey and Foreet Jtreete, and stated that thin work had not been completed. ir. 6otton agreed to see "r. �iilliam F. :uilliams in regard to securing one of the truckr TM,.-hich the estate has for work in Lexington. The Board drew S. Gilman Bowen of 251 Mase. ive. and iiarr-r B. '- iley of Fern 6t. as tiurors. Overseers of the !'oor, Letter was received from Edward i. -ara in which he sated that jr. J. H.. vfaleh of 317 Mace. Ave. had taken John F. ;ielch from the iiouee of the ftngel Guardians Jamaica Flain and had placed him in hie home at no expense to the town. Attest: LERL 1