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December 9, 1975, at the Minuteman School
PRESENT Bilodeau, Cormier, Courtright, Cron, Heinrich, Kelsey,
Merluzzo, Shimkus, Smith, Wales, Zeoli
STAFF Ricciuti , Resnick, Whitney, Hayward, Mayer, Lydiard, Essman,
Marotta, Crafts , DellaPenna, Lillis
VISITORS Mr Isenberg of the Parents Organization, Mr O'Neill of the
Regional Finance Committee, representatives of the League of
Women Voters, representatives of the press, and several
parents 4)
The meeting was called to order at 7 50 p.m
MEMBER FROM John Shimkus , the newly appointed member from Boxborough, was
BOXBOROUGH introduced and welcomed by the committee
STUDENT Mr Hayward reviewed the status of the student recruitment
RECRUITMENT effort Activities already begun include visits from 8th
grade teachers and counsellors to the school , tours by 8th
grade classes, and preparation of posters (by Mr DiCiaccio)
for rotating display at sending schools
Still in the organizational stages are letters to newspapers
written by students in the Communications/Human Relations areas,
closed circuit TV presentation for large groups of students
(being developed by Mr Gibson and Mr O'Reilly) , and the
formation of recruiting teams (two will be formed, each with
one vocational teacher, one academic teacher, and one student)
Beginning January 5, these teams will visit 8th grade class-
rooms (last year this method proved more effective than the
assembly-type meetings) Follow-up visits will be made in
February Meanwhile, brochures will be mailed to all 8th grade
students , and letters to their parents, as soon as the brochures
are ready, in five or six weeks
Other projected activities include an evening meeting for
parents in each town, at which respective school committee
members would be present, and which would feature a slide-tape
presentation developed by Mrs Lydiard Dr Ricciuti will
organize these meetings, the Parents Organization will publi-
cize them, and Mr Hayward AGREED to coordinate the school
committee members' participation - Further recruitment
efforts are being considered for March and April if necessary
1976-1977 The budget was reviewed briefly by Mr Merluzzo, who noted
BUDGET that budgetary matters are being taken care of on time this
year, with everyone having plenty of opportunity to ask
questions and make suggestions - A parent in the audience
said Minuteman should have no trouble getting their budget
approved, her daughter was very happy here and they think
it is the "best school ' - Mr Courtright asked how the
tuition figure is determined Mr Merluzzo answered that
transportation costs are subtracted from ofl rating costs
and the remainder divided by the st .dent pc ulation Mr
Lombardo noted that a state exec live ruliu,; specifies two
formulae, one as described above and anothn for state
wards, which results in a lower igL e
Mrs Wales REQUESTED that for the p ! lic F aring the next
week, handouts be printed up )bowing for each line Lem,
the figure from last year, the figure for the comieg y ar
and the reason for the change (i e , this item higher because
of higher student enrollment, or this item changed because of
realloaction from another category, etc )
Mr Cron noted that a)the total student population as of
October 1 , divided by the number of students from a given
town, determines the assessment for that town for the next
year; b) the number of 3th grade students in a given town,
compared to the number of 8th grade students in the region,
determines the number of seats that will be made available
to that town the next year
Mr O'Neill REQUESTED, on behalf of the Regional Finance
Committee, that a per pupil cost estimate for next year be
based on a more realistic projected enrollment than has been
used in the past He noted that per pupil costs for this
year appeared to be right in line with the figures projected
in the original brochure, until actual enrollment was con-
sidered Then it turned out the towns were spending more
money (per pupil) than expected
Mr Cron said it was always anticipated that costs would be
high in the first years , and would even out to a reasonable
figure by the fifth year of operation , even assuming an
inflation rate of 72 per year or so Another committee member
said it was not valid to compare the costs of vocational edu-
cation with those of a comprehensive high school
RECYCLING There was considerable discussion of a proposal to permit
students to participate in one area for two cycles Several
students have requested this opportunity already, some in
order to do more advanced work, some to catch up and master
an area, all such requests arose From an especially keen
interest in the particular area Vocational teachers reported
on specific cases where the ability to recycle would have made
a great difference to those students
Arguments were presented on both sides The philosophy of
maximum exposure (so that students do not narrow their choice
of options too soon) still has validity - Probably only a
small percentage of students would be involved, but for those
few the chance to recycle would be very important - This
proposal is in line with the very basic Minuteman philosophy
of individualized instruction - It is better to answer a
student's needs, even if his choice may be a little unwise,
then to have him become a dropout - If too many students
change the program to suit themselves, the program may dis-
appear altogether in two or three years
It was MOVED by Mrs Smith, SECONDED by Mr Courtright, and
VOTED UNANIMOUSLY, that students be allowed to repeat a cycle
under the following conditions 1 ) that no other student be
denied a program which was his/her first or second choice,
and 2) that the decision be reviewed by the student's parents,
vocational teacher, SPC, and the Director of Curriculum.
BADGE Dr Ricciuti reported that badge readers are no longer used
READER to monitor student attendance There were some difficulties
with the system, and the manual procedure that was used as a
backup is being continued The badge reader is still used in
accounting for students who are in other than scheduled areas,
in checking out materials and tools, and for identification
In the course of the discussion, the problem was raised of
getting messages to students ; open mailboxes are not being
used It was SUGGESTED that the Student Council consider
this problem
OCG PAY Dr Resnick reviewed the history of the Occupational Competence
Grant program, and explained the request being made for further
compensation for OCG teachers $36 per cycle, instead of $72
total , for time beyond student-contact hours, brirying the total
for each teacher for five cycles to $900, instead of $792
The position of the prospective Minuteman OCG teachers, as
presented by Peter Crafts, was that they had no opportunity for
input until two weeks ago, that until that time they had under-
stood this would be a five week exploratory program; that
they believed it was a worth while program, and still do, and
they would like to participate However, considering five
cycles, and five different groups of students , there will be
much more work involved
+ r
The teachers felt, for instance, that curriculum development
should be an ongoing process, benefitting from experience,
whereas the original plan called for all curriculum develop-
ment to be completed before the first teaching component
Also, it would certainly be necessary to put in a great
deal of time in "setting up" and "breaking down" shop for
each class Altogether the teachers felt they were being
asked to do much more than expected, and should be paid for
School committee members expressed concern over various
aspects of the proposal Several members pointed out the
advantage of having Minuteman staff members teaching in
the OCG, because of security, familiarity with the program
and the school 's facilities , and interest in recruitment
possibilities It was considered very unfortunate that the
teachers had not been more involved in drafting the contract
in the first place On the other hand, the school committee
had already granted two pay increases and authorised a
contract; granting the current request would be, in a sense,
"allowing the teachers to write a Federal Contract "
It was pointed out that 260 students have enrolled for the
OCG, that the program was due to start very soon, that
Minuteman teachers had planned to fill all but two of the
positions Dr Resnick felt the program would be greatly
jeopardized by failure to meet this latest request
Mr Courtright MOVED, and Mr Bilodeau SECONDED, that the
terms be approved as proposed, with the clear understanding
that no further amendments would be made This MOTION was
later WITHDRAWN, however, when it appeared that the OCG
budget would not cover the increased cost (This question
was never resolved to everyone's satisfaction)
Mr Merluzzo asked Dr Resnick what he would do if the request
were turned down; Dr Resnick replied that he would go to the
faculty with the present contract and sign up all he could,
and then advertise outside Minuteman for teachers to fill
the rest of the places
Mr Merluzzo then MOVED, and Mrs Smith SECONDED, that the
Occupational Competence Grant be continued under the present
contractual arrangement and that Dr Resnick put his contin-
gency plan into effect immediately if necessary This motion
was DEFEATED, 4 in favor, 5 opposed, 1 abstaining After
further discussion Mrs Smith MOVED, Mrs Wales SECONDED,
that the committee reaffirm its action in the Occupational
Competence Grant vote of December 2, 1975 VOTED 5 in favor,
4 opposed, 1 abstention
TEACHER Mrs Smith REQUESTED that Mr Whitney report in writing on
EVALUATION the process of teacher evaluation and how far the evaluations
have progressed at Minuteman
During the ensuing discussion, committee members emphasized
that four evaluations are required per year; that each
teacher is entitled to such evaluation it provides a
rational basis for granting or denying raises or tenure; for
teachers whose performance is below expectations , it allows
an early enough warning so that improvements can be made
Mrs Wales referred to the document dated ilarch, 1975, which
sets forth in some detail the criteria for evaluation Mr
Whitney said he had never seen this document He was using
an MBO form which had been approved by the school committee
His evaluations are based on 1) a pre-form, filled out by the
teacher, stating his/her teaching objectives ; 2) an observa-
tion form filled out ty the observer (so far, the Director
of Curriculum) and left with the teacher, and 3) a post-form
in which the teacher responds to the observer's comments The
first round of observations is now 60% complete Different
forms are being developed for use by peers and subordinates
LEXINGTON Mr Zeoii thanked Mrs Wales for her assistance at the
meeting with the Lexington Board of Selectmen he reported
that the board was very appreciative of the $207,000 Budget
Change, but wanted more information , which Mr Zeoli had
promised to provide when available
SUPERINTENDENT Mr Kelsey reported that the Search Committee expected to
SEARCH have no more than 11 and no fewer than 7 candidates for the
screening committees to interview on December 13
ANNUAL Mr Heinrich asked about the status of Minuteman's annual
REPORT report Mrs Wales said some suggestions had been made for
changes She hoped that the towns could wait long enough to
be able to include the appointment of the new Superintendent-
Director Mr Lombardo said he hoped to be able to review
the financial statistics Dr Ricciuti was REQUESTED to
supply the population statistics of the school by age, grade,
and sex, as of October 1 , for inclusion in the annual report
PARENTS Mr Isenberg reported that the Parents Organization meeting
ORGANIZATION December 3 had gone off well , with Dr Ricciuti presenting
the budget and Mrs Wales answering questions on behalf of
the flays and Means Committee Mr Courtright and Mr Hein-
rich were also present The Parents Organization had adopted
by-laws and so rias now an official organization Mr Isenberg
thanked the school committee members for being there and the
whole committee for the use of the facilities
Mrs Smith MOVED, Mr Heinrich SECONDED, and it was VOTED
UNANIMOUSLY, to adjourn the meeting to be reconvened in
executive session to consider collective bargaining
Meeting adjourned at it 40 p.m
Respectfully submitted,
CewAtt y 00.C.Ce/t.
Recording Secretary
Approved rf t. ( (VT..)
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Ruth W Wales, Se:.retary