HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-01-16M ILEET11 G, J.,NU�EY 16, 1923. aeeere. Scamman, cotton, Blake and Burnham Present. Will' -am 0'1 e11 of 51 i:aee. Ave. was granted two weeks vacation pay as he had worked for the town le months and was entitled to same, under the Act accented by the town. Letter was received from i:r. =dwin A. Bayley in which he requested the Board's approval on the publication of the 3y-Lawe by the Committee and etat_ng that he had not received a reply as to the Board's poe tion in the matter. The Board replied tIA in accordance with the opinion, orally given, of the Town Counsel the matter was entirely -;yithin their juriediction in printing the by-laws and asked that they print as many pamphlets as possible under the appropriation available and that at a later date.the number of pamphlets to be printed would be decided upon when funds could be obtained. :ter. hatch personally ansvrered the first letter. Notification was received to the effect that A:r. Jesley T. Wadman, Building; Inspector, was des -roue of giving up his position as the position took up too much of his time and the compensation was not sufficient for the services. The matter w;as left over for the consideration of the Appropriation Committee. Notice was received from the Bept. of Conservation giving t -_e approval of the local moth euperinten.:ent's appointment and also of the forest warden'e appointment. oz. Osborne J. Gorman was appointed to both positions. Acknowledgment was received from the Edison Elec. Ill. Co. of Boeton in which they informed the Board that they would have all night street lighting; for,the balance of January and February in accord< nce with the order of the Board. The matter of placing the picture of the Town Treasurer, George D. Harrington, retired, in the town report, was discussed, and it was voted that owing to the fact that Lir. Harrington had served the tom for 25 ,yrs as Treasurer they should insert his picture. .r. hatch was requested to get a copy. Roland Garmon, member of the rmerican Legion, came before the Board and requested that the April 19th Committee be aprointed at an early date. The matter was laid on the table for one week. Acting Chief Patrick J. :k_--aguire came before the Board and stated that he desired to prefer charges against iialter H. Kew for neglect of duty. The Board requested him to put his chargee in writing. "Z I 1 a Letter was received from the Nast Lexington Improvement Soc. informing the Board that the "Go Slow" signs between Pleasant an Curve Streets had disappeared, and asking that they be replaced. ' The Superintendent was requested to see that the same was attended to. The Board decided to meet on ddedneeday evening at 5:30 P.Y. to interview 141r. Leavitt, Chief of Police of 1pswich, and candidate for the position of Chief of Police of Lexinf;ton. In regard to the town planning and upon which Air. John ,dolan of Cambridge reported that the proposition would cost $5000, the Board voted to instruct.Lr. Eolan that the expense was too great for the town, also that a copy of the report be sent to 1,1r -William H Ballard, Chairman of the Planning Board. is -r. Cotton filed with the office of the Town Clerk an official statement of his resignation as Selectman, the Fame to take effect on January 31, 1923. iur. Cotton, having been elected Represextative to the General Court, finds thwt hie duties do not allow him sufficient time to give to the office of Celectnian another year. The Board expressed tLeir regrets as in losing Yr. Cotton they were losing a very active and efficient member of the Board. The Board voted to approve the 1daple and Lowell Street job. Parke and Playgrounds. Mr. Blake prevented plans rho,�,ing "Proposed Convenience Station" to be located on the Buckman Tavern property. He stated th�it he would give the elate and windowe for the building, and that ar. Garrity could do the cement work, and the main cost would then be for the plumbing material and sand used. The Board was in accord with the suggestions of:ir. Blake and U voted to proceed with the work e they ,-ere of the opinion that the appropriation could be obtained at the spring town meting for aa.me . A true record, Attest: 1