December 18, 1973
PR ES ENT Mmes Smith and Wales; Messrs Alphen, Bilodeau, Cron, Hall,
Kelsey, Merluzzo, Mollo-Christensen, P ippert
ABSE NT Messrs Courtright and Morse
VISITORS• Mmes Alexander and Stoneman (Belmont); Messrs Bryant and O'Neill
(Arlington); Mr True (Wayland); Mr Solito (Press)
The meeting was called to order at 8:15 p.m by the Chairman
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved with the deletion of the sentence, "The
committee voted to terminate debate on the special education program "
The Treasurer reported a regular account balance of $3,846.52 and a construction
account balance of $35,609.72
The committee voted unanimously to hold the first January meeting on January 8, 1974,
instead of January 1
Lawrence Witty of the Minuteman staff presented a summary of the information program
the student program coordinators are using with sending schools, parents and students.
The committee voted unanimously to authorize the Treasurer to bill the National Park
Service $2000 for sewer and water connections.
The ad hoc subcommittee on Metco distributed a draft report of its findings to date
The committee voted unanimously to approve a $450,000 bond issue dated March 1, 1974,
and payable over a nineyear period as part of the debt previously authorized
The Budget Review Committee presented to the meeting a draft act establishing regional
school district finance committees and providing for a reserve fund in regional school
districts It recommended that the School Committee endorse this legislation It was
voted unanimously to endorse and urge passage of this draft statute
The committee voted unanimously to hire the following people recommended by the
Superintendent-Director, effective February 4, 1974, at the annual rates stated:
Walter E Purvis, Jr SPC $14,000
William W Garcia Senior Teacher - Metal Fabrication $12,000
Richard H Soule Staff Teacher - Building Trades $12,000.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m to be reconvened in executive session
JAN � 1914