HomeMy WebLinkAboutSC September 17 2013 OS.pdf FINAL Approved 10 8 13 OPEN SESSION MINUTES MINUTEMAN REGIONAL VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL SCHOOL DISTRICT SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SCHOOL COMMITTEE SEPTEMBER 17,2013 6 00 PM PAUL REVERE ROOM,MINUTEMAN HIGH SCHOOL Present. Alice DeLuca,Chair(Stow) Kemon Taschioglou(Lincoln) Jeff Stulin,Vice-Chair(Needham) Jack Weis(Belmont)(arrived 6 50 pm) Carrie Flood, Secretary(Concord) Mary Ellen Castagno(Wayland)(left at 10 18 pm) Ford Spalding(Dover) David Horton(Lexington) Cheryl Mahoney(Boxborough) Dan Mazzola(Lancaster) Judy Taylor(Carlisle) Doug Gillespie(Weston) Dave Manjarrez(Sudbury) (arrived 6:40 pm) David O'Connor(Bolton) Nancy Banks(Acton)(arrived 6.03 pm) Absent: Laura Morrissette(Arlington) Others Present: Ed Bouquillon,Kevin Mahoney,Ernie Houle,Elizabeth Rozan,Deanne Dupont,Steve Hemman, John Pelletier, Sheila Nagle,Marc Fillipmo,Nancy Pierce,Annamaria Schrimpf,John Donato,Jack Dillon, Margorie Daggett 1. CALL TO ORDER: OPEN SESSION The Chair called the meeting to order at 6 00 PM 2. SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEMBER ISSUES The Chair referred to the two member issues as noted. a.D. Manjarrez: 8.30.13 Request to Rescind a letter dated 5.23.13 and sent to various recipients by vote of the School Committee A motion was made(Spalding)and seconded(Taschioglou)not to rescind the letter The Chair explained the details,and noted that related materials were at the table It was suggested that the item be tabled until later,when perhaps the member would arrive, in case he was stuck in traffic The following vote was then taken ACTION 2013#119 Moved(Stulin)and seconded(Castagno) To table the member issues items Vote. 10 in favor, 1 opposed,1 abstention b D Manjarrez• 8 30 13 Public Records Request for Superintendent Emails The Chair explained that this item would also be taken up later,that Item#3 was a timed item,and that the business on the agenda would be taken out of order. 3 SECRETARY'S REPORT a Action taken on 9.3.13 regarding review and release of Executive Session Minutes The Secretary explained that during its Executive Session on 9 3 13,and acting on the advice of counsel,the Committee took a roll call vote that resulted in the following 1 to release the minutes of executive sessions held on 10/16/12(Session 1), 10/23/12,and 3/12/13 without redaction, 2. to release the minutes of executive sessions held on 8/27/12,9/5/12,9/18/12,9/27/12, 10/3/12, 10/16/12 (Session 2), 12/18/12, 1/8/13,2/5/13,2/12/13,3/5/13,and 3/26/13 with redactions as advised,and 3. not to release the minutes of executive sessions held on 11/13/12 and 11/27/12,as release of those minutes would defeat the respective purposes for which the executive sessions were called 1 b. Approval of Past Minutes A motion was made(Stulin)and seconded(Mahoney)to approve the Open Session minutes of 9 3 13 as presented A clarifying amendment was offered(Mahoney)and seconded(Banks)to page 45, line 3,and the following vote was taken. ACTION 2013#120 Moved(Mahoney)and seconded(Banks) To amend page 45,line 3 of the 9 3 13 Open Session Minutes as noted Vote: 11 in favor,2 abstentions An additional minor editorial suggestion was made and accepted without vote. A second amendment was offered (Castagno)and seconded(Stulin)to page 47, line 25,and the following vote was taken. ACTION 2013#121 Moved(Castagno)and seconded(Stulin) To amend page 47, line 25 of the 9 3 13 Open Session Minutes as noted Vote. 11 in favor, 2 abstentions A vote on the main motion was then taken as follows ACTION 2013#122 Moved(Stulin)and seconded(Mahoney) To approve the Open Session minutes of 9 3 13 as amended Vote: 11 in favor, 2 abstentions 4 SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS a Policy Subcommittee l Policy DIBA(Student Activity Accounts): 15`Reading The outgoing Chair of the Policy Subcommittee explained the review process used with this policy,noting that the Policy Subcommittee had suggested clarifying language for the benefit of non-accounting people The Assistant Superintendent for Finance noted that this draft represents input from the Policy Subcommittee and the Finance Subcommittee The changes are consistent with the recommendations of the outside auditing firm,and streamline student activity accounts,eliminate the need for 2 separate checking accounts,and run the activity through the General Ledger The following vote was then taken ACTION 2013#123 Moved(Mahoney)and seconded(Spalding) To approve the Draft Policy DIBA as presented for 151 Reading Vote. Unanimous This will be presented for 2nd Reading at the next meeting 2. Guidelines for School Committee Requests for Information and Public Records Requests Form. 2"d Reading [At 6.40 pm, Mr.Manjarrez arrived] It was moved(Mahoney)and seconded(Spalding)to approve this draft for 2nd Reading A member commented that requests should not be unreasonably denied,as it is not good practice to withhold information from the School Committee who are interested in monitoring their budgetary responsibility The process for making requests,the protocol for School Committee members receiving direct complaints from people who might not want to be public with it,the need for clear avenues for School Committee members to get information,the need for a timeframe in the guidelines,that a School Committee member should never be forced to go to Public Records Division,and cautions against unnecessary denial of information were discussed.To the concern over the layers that may appear as roadblocks for School Committee members who want information,the past year was cited as being onerous for the Administration to turn around multiple requests for information in short order,as such requests often require much more than a simple piece of paper It was emphasized that responding to requests often costs time and money, and that some School Committee member requests appear unreasonable Outlining a time frame,and having a 2 report on the requests and their associated costs would be helpful One member noted that the reasons that these guidelines were suggested in the first place was a defensive measure to head off unreasonable behavior Another member disagreed,offering that it was an attempt to manage the volume and scope of requests It was agreed that these guidelines were not yet ready for a 2"d Reading,and the following vote was taken ACTION 2013#124 Moved(Stulin)and seconded(Flood) To table this item and defer it to the newly constituted Policy Subcommittee for another review Vote. 13 in favor, 1 abstention [Mr Manjarrez arrived and noted that he was recording the meeting,the Chair asked if anyone else was recording, and hearing no affirmation,the meeting continued] 5. POSSIBLE EXECUTIVE SESSION a Follow up from 7.9.13 and 9.3.13: Email Security Report,Annamaria Schrimpf,Director of Education Technology The Chair reported that upon consideration,the Superintendent advised that there was no need for an Executive Session to discuss security A motion was made(Mahoney)and seconded(Banks)to accept the 8.26.13 Report to the Minuteman School Committee from the Director of Education Technology as presented,and the discussion was held in Open Session The Superintendent noted that some questions were received in advance,and he received confirmation from the member that his questions had been answered adequately The member concerned with the security issues asked for more information on the consultant report from a few years ago The Superintendent noted that this was a WISP report,presented in 2011 and paid for in 2012 To her question of whether the School Committee can get a copy of it,Ms Schrimpf referred to the confidentiality statement on the front of the Report The Superintendent offered that she could come and review it in the school office. The member noted that the recent report notes that no email accounts were accessed"at that time" She wondered about before the timeframe specified,and who would authorize it Ms Schrimpf noted her desire to be respectful, but that she did not design the system,and is not yet as intimate with how it works as she would like to be She stressed her interest in being at an"enterprise"level with it,but that this must be done strategically There are many elements that go into designing a secure,effective system,and there has been a lack of funding and limited documentation over the years which has made it difficult to understand completely how the system has evolved to this point,but for practical reasons,the auditing function,which might provide answers is not"on" The member asked who has the authority and ability to open emails, Ms Schrimpf noted that she can,and two of her staff members can also do so now Prior to her arrival,she does not know who had access The member stressed that a School Committee member is a person of authority in the District,and that she sees accessing her emails as disrespectful It was clarified that the auditing logs are not turned on because they require resources that are not readily available Ms Schrimpf acknowledged that protocols need to be improved,and present procedures are not adequate The member who had provided questions reviewed some of them,and emphasized his interest in notifying the School Committee member if the account is opened A recent cheating episode at Harvard was raised again as an example of not being informed Another member asked for clarification on who has the authority to open an account,noting that an employer would have anticipated authority Ms Schrimpf explained that in the case of a Public Records Requests,the Superintendent would have the authority,and he would direct her Permissions, as currently configured,are allowed to her and her staff members. A member pointed out that when establishing a Minuteman email account, members must sign an Acceptable Use form Such emails are public,and should not be relied upon as private Another member suggested that a system be created that ensures that emails of board members should not be subject to perusal by anyone In response to another question of what could trigger the action to open an account to read emails,Ms. Schrimpf clarified that it could be a Public Records Request,or concerns about safety,violation of law,or impropriety. Ms Schrimpf noted that from her professional point of view,she is obligated to get the system up to where it needs to be,and she approaches this with the utmost integrity She is unable to verify the current detail that was questioned,but she answered the inquiry to the best of her ability The Chair extended thanks for Ms. Schrimpf's efforts The following vote was then taken 3 ACTION 2013#125 Moved(Mahoney)and seconded(Banks) To accept the 8 26 13 Report to the Minuteman School Committee from the Director of Educational Technology Vote: 13 in favor, 1 opposed, 1 abstention The member who initiated the concern referred to the July 11,2013 email from her Board of Selectmen,and reminded the Chair that the Board of Selectmen is anticipating a response 6. SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEMBER ISSUES a. D.Manjarrez. 8.30.13 Request to Rescind 5 23.13 Letter With Mr.Manjarrez's arrival,the following vote was taken ACTION 2013#126 Moved(Stulin)and seconded(Flood) To take this item from the table Vote. 14 in favor, 1 abstentions The main motion was reiterated Not to rescind the letter,moved(Spalding)and seconded(Taschioglou) The Vice Chair expressed his opinion that the report is correct as it stands He reviewed the history of what prompted the letter of 5 23.13,namely that an independent analysis was sent out via email by a School Committee member to a potpourri of people, making a number of assertions about the Minuteman budget,without discussing it first with the Finance Subcommittee When one official who received the email brought it to the attention of the auditor,concerns were raised,which the Vice Chair felt warranted an official response In answer to a question,the Vice Chair explained that the auditors had reviewed and were comfortable with the response,but did not sign it He also explained that the Finance Sucommittee had talked about whether it would come from the auditors,but noted that the School committee was more appropriate,making reference to the auditors Thus the letter was presented in draft to the full School Committee and sent upon its approval The member making the request to rescind noted that the material had been sent to the Vice Chair,and that he had replied that he didn't understand Another member urged that the subject stay on track with the motion on the table The requester asked if the Superintendent,the Vice Chair,and the Assistant Supermtendent stand by the content of the letter as written and if it was irrefutable The Vice Chair noted that he was not prepared to answer that The Superintendent responded that he thought the 5.23 13 letter was completely appropriate A member pointed out that usually an appeal or recision of a decision is reserved for new information that comes to light for the body to consider,and if not,the decision stands A member of the Finance Subcommittee noted that the purpose of the response letter was to correct misinformation and misunderstanding,as a lack of response might have been construed as agreement The following vote was then taken ACTION 2013#127 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(Taschioglou) To not approve the request to rescind the 5 23 13 School Committee Decision relative to Mr Manjarrez's 4 4 13 analysis and comments Vote. 11 in favor, 1 opposed,3 abstentions The request to rescmd,therefore, was denied b. D.Manjarrez: 8.30.13 Public Records Request for Superintendent Emails The Chair pointed out this second request in the 8 30 13 email from Mr Manjarrez The requester asked why it was on the public agenda,and the Chair responded that she had consulted with the Public Records Division as to whether this could come before the School Committee so the group as a body could consider how they wished to address the issue,and received confirmation that this was within the protocol She then explained the practicalities of the request,and pointed out the time and effort that would be required to fulfill it A member wondered if the Town of Sudbury supports this request He suggested inviting their Board of Selectmen to a meeting to discuss why this request is being made Another member expressed her opinion that that was a fallacious argument,and that citizens, and employers are entitled to this information. The requester suggested that the material could be segregated and put on a disk, and that he could come to the school to view it The Chair reminded him that he does not have any greater access than anyone else would have The Secretary pointed out that he is not the"employer" The School 4 Committee as a body employs the Superintendent,the Assistant Superintendent,and the Treasurer His request is being made as a private individual,not as an employer. A member noted that the School Committee is obligated to generate a cost estimate in response to the request,and the cost is to be covered by the requester A member noted that as public records,emails could be forwarded,and would not have to be redacted Another member expressed her opinion that she believes the request is punitive in nature,and designed to create a great deal of pain She urged that this practice has to stop,as it is"mucking up"the ability to run the district She urged that the request be denied outright,and let the Public Records Division make the determination,with a cost estimate to then follow She also noted that no electronic documents should be forwarded,as that is a violation of Open Meeting Law The time involved,and the costs were discussed,and it was noted again that the cost of fulfilling a public records request can be passed on to the requester The requester again noted his opinion that the emails could simply be segregated,put on a disk,and he could come in to view them,which would reduce costs He expressed his view that privacy and confidentiality is not required, and this"falderal" is unnecessary,since he wants to look at the emails He stressed that these are public records, and he should have the ability to have access to them A member offered her opinion that making this request a public records request obfuscates his position as a School committee member,and that he is mixing up viewing them as a member of the Executive body,vs as a private citizen A member asked what the risk would be if the School Committee as a body disregarded the request Another member responded that there was the danger of being found in violation of the Public Records law He pointed out that there are costs,and since there is no cadre of underutilized staff at Minuteman,he suggested utilizing professionally competent people He also noted the difference between an estimate and a binding quote. Another member agreed that getting an outside group to deal with this request would be the right approach The requester suggested that the request not be ignored,as the records could be subject to subpoena A motion was made(Stulin)and seconded(Weis)to direct the Superintendent to develop a detailed cost estimate for review at a future meeting An amendment was offered(Spalding)and seconded(Flood)to invite the Sudbury Board of Selectmen andTown Manager to the next discussion of this item. A friendly amendment was offered(Mahoney)and seconded(Stulin) to the amendment to include the Town Moderator,and this was accepted The requester voiced his opinion that it was foolish to invite all these people,but he will give the estimate to them and ask if they will pay it ACTION 2013#128 Moved(Banks)and seconded(Stulin) To move the question and end debate Vote: 13 in favor,2 opposed ACTION 2013#129 Moved(Banks)and seconded(Stulin) To accept the amendments as presented Vote: 11 in favor,4 opposed When debate continued,the motion was made to move the question ACTION 2013#130 Moved(Banks)and seconded(Mahoney) To move the question and end debate Vote. 13 in favor,2 opposed 5 ACTION 2013#131 Moved(Stulin)and seconded(Weis) To direct the Superintendent to develop a detailed cost estimate relative to Mr Manjarrez's 8 30 13 Public Records Request,and to invite the Sudbury Board of Selectmen,Town Administrator,and Town Moderator to the next discussion of this item. Vote: 13 for,2 abstentions 7. CHAIR'S REPORT a. Subcommittee Assignments The Chair presented the draft Subcommittee Assignments,and pointed out that Negotiations is one subcommittee that is different this year. A motion was made(Stulin)and seconded(Horton)to accept the list of Subcommittee Assignments as presented A member expressed her concern that negotiating with the MFA is an essential function and there should be School Committee representation,not just administration on this subcommittee. The Chair offered a historical perspective that School Committee representation has only recently been added A member pointed out that in some communities School Committees take the lead on negotiations A member who had been on a previous team gave his perspective that it is important to get to know the faculty,to spend time with them,to build understanding He noted that when he served in that role,there was never a bad meeting A few members offered to help out It was pointed out that listening skills and time are required,as there might have been close to 30 meetings, and they usually are held around 3 00 pm Group size for efficiency and the importance of sticking with the process from begmmng to end were noted The Superintendent suggested discussing it later in the meeting A member suggested,given the small size of the Communication Subcommittee, that perhaps it could be organized as a Task Force for more flexibility Another member pointed out that Attorney Contract Review is not really a subcommittee These suggestions were accepted as friendly amendments It was suggested that the amended list be considered,but with MFA Negotiations Subcommittee held until later A motion was then made to move the question and end debate ACTION 2013#132 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(Banks) To move the question and end debate Vote: 14 in favor, 1 abstention ACTION 2013#133 Moved(Stulin)and seconded(Horton) To accept the list of 2013-14 Subcommittee Assignments as written and amended, with the exception of the MFA Negotiations Subcommittee,which will be addressed later Vote: 13 in favor, 1 opposed,and 1 abstention 8. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no Public Comment 9. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT a. MIAA Cooperative Wrestling Program The Superintendent briefly explained this opportunity with the Town of Bedford,MA. A motion was made (Spalding)and seconded(Banks)to support this program General information was presented by the Assistant Principal for Education Services and the Athletic Director How the co-op was initiated and the MIAA policy around co-ops was explained,the financial contribution from Bedford, transportation,coaching,student discipline, insurance,and benefits to Minuteman were discussed.A number of questions were raised and answered,and members expressed appreciation for the complete explanation of how this kind of partnership can maximize resources and present side benefits The importance of the no fees/no cut policy that allows students to participate on a team was also noted The following vote was taken ACTION 2013#134 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(Banks) To support the cooperative wrestling program with Bedford High School Vote: Unanimous 6 The Assistant Principal stressed the high level of athletic programs at a high level of integrity He noted the potential for other partnerships for other sports. A member referred to a newspaper section from the MetroWest Daily News,and wondered why Minuteman is not covered in this publication The Athletic Director agreed to follow up with them,as he is in touch with other newspapers in District communities Another member suggested signing up for daily list serves that provide scores of games the next day b. Opening Week The Superintendent gave some highlights related to the opening week of school. c. Governor's Visit The Superintendent gave brief slide show of the Governor's visit to Minuteman's Biotech and the Trades Hall area He noted that for security reasons,he was asked not to inform the public,but that the officers and a few town managers were invited He commended the Officers for their work getting the issues in front of the Governor He noted that the Governor had recently gone to Worcester and wanted to see Minuteman It was noted that there is often more traction with DESE after a visit d. Federal and State Mandated Testing The Superintendent gave a brief summary of some of the required testing for students. Whether there are tests specific to vocational schools,movement to consolidate the tests,and the RETEL for teachers dealing with English Language Learners were discussed e. NEASC 5 Year Review The Superintendent reminded the Committee of the importance of this review,as Minuteman is on"Warning Status" at the present time due to physical conditions of the school building f Letter to the Commissioner of Education The Superintendent referred to the draft letter to the Commissioner regarding non-member tuition It was moved (Spalding)and seconded(Stulm)to authorize the Chair and Superintendent to send the letter on the School Committee's behalf A member noted that he received this letter the day before he met with his Selectmen,and they wondered if he had written it,as it addressed many of his ongoing concerns He expressed thanks for writing a convincing letter. The Vice Chair pointed out that the letter is consistent with the findings of the Marginal Cost Task Force The difference between marginal and average costs was discussed,as was the idea of going to boards of selectmen in the towns and educating the elected officials with the talking points that have emerged from the Legislative Working Group A motion was made (Spalding)and seconded(Banks)to move the question ACTION 2013#135 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(Banks) To move the question and end debate Vote• 11 in favor, 3 opposed, 1 abstention ACTION 2013#136 Moved (Spalding)and seconded(Stulm) To authorize the Chair and Superintendent to send the letter on the School Committee's behalf Vote: 14 in favor, 1 opposed g. Overnight Field Trip The Superintendent explained the details of this trip,and noted that it complies with all School Committee policies for overnight field trips The following vote was then taken ACTION 2013#137 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(Stulin) To approve the Skills USA trip to the Fall Leadership Conference in Marlborough,MA November 24- 26,2013 as presented Vote: Unanimous Reference was made to the updated calendar that had been included as informational in the School Committee packet. The Principal described the few minor changes that had been made to the calendar,since the School Committee originally approved it on January 8,2013,and confirmed that the School Committee had at that time approved the graduation date. 7 10. BUILDING PROJECT UPDATES a. School Building Committee The Chair of the School Building Committee gave an update of the process so far,noting that we are in Module 3 (Feasibility Study)and on November 4 he will present to the MSBA the preliminary Design Program which will outline the plans for the MSBA enrollments for 435 and 800 students He noted that the scope of work that must be completed has been circulated He noted that all information provided to the Building Committee is on the website, and he invited people to sign up for the hstserve at the site to receive current information He noted that the Building Committee has received the current Education Plan building layout and very preliminary building layouts for 435 and 800 students,including renovation and new construction. Square foot calculations of costs for all options have also been presented at a high level estimate,and are a long way from reality The Education Plan Task Force will report to the School Building Committee on September 30,and the School Committee vote to finalize the Education Plan will be on the October 8 School Committee meeting agenda He also noted that the School Committee has been invited to attend the August 26 and September 16 Building Committee meetings,and there were few School Committee members in attendance. Additionally,Carlisle, Sudbury,Wayland,and Weston are not represented on the Building Committee He expressed his opinion that this is"shameful". The Wayland representative noted that there is a conflict with the time of the meetings and her Board of Selectmen representative The representative from Sudbury noted that he will set up a meeting with him and the Board of Selectmen The Chair of the School Building Committee noted that he will talk with any one of them,as he would like to see all communities actively engaged b. Regional Agreement Amendment Subcommittee(RAAS) The Chair of this Subcommittee had presented a summary of amendments in the Draft Regional Agreement,the draft Regional Agreement with changes,and clean copy dated 9 11 13 in advance of the meeting. Some members expressed an appreciation for the summary,and others were curious about next steps. Many had questions about the draft amendments,and wanted them clarified before giving the documents to the Board of Selectmen for consideration.Others felt they wanted to provide their Boards with the documents right away to get the dialogue going The time frame for consideration,how the agreement dovetails with the School Building Committee's timeline, and whether the draft agreement would provide for a sustainable District were points raised The MARS Consultant in the audience pointed out that the RAAS group will meet again on September 30,and that he feels this is a good document,and that it is the result of many compromises It was agreed that given the importance of this item,a special meeting would be held on October 1,2013 at 6.30 pm Materials would be sent out electronically so that members could circulate to relevant town people to start the dialogue Any questions should be forwarded to the Superintendent,with a CC to Ms Rozan,and Ms Flood wouldcompile before October 1 c. Education Plan Task Force The Chair of this Task Force summarized that they have met about 4 times since July,and have looked at questions related to the Education Program Plan He explained that there has been good data to look at,and that they have an ambitious agenda to meet the deadlines of the School Building Committee. 11. ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT FOR FINANCE REPORT a. Bid Results There were no Bid Results to report on b. FY 14 Budget Update The Assistant Superintendent provided information related to staffing changes He indicated that after the school year began,there was a need for 4 new positions Network Technical,School Psychologist,Assistant to the Superintendent/District Communications Officer,and a SPED Paraprofessional. Questions were raised about whether these positions were being raised for approval,and the Assistant Superintendent explained that this was informational relative to tracking the FY 14 Budget,and has already been discussed with the Finance Subcommittee. c. Appointment of 2"d Management Trustee to the Mass Bay Health Care Trust It was explained that there are two representatives from Labor and two from Management Kevin Mahoney and Kris Luoto to represent Management,and due to Mr Luoto's resignation,another appomtee is necessary The following vote was taken 8 ACTION 2013#138 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(Banks) To appoint HR Coordinator,Lynne Belmer,as 2nd Management Trustee to the Mass.Bay Health Care Trust Vote. 13 for, 1 opposed, 1 abstention 12 SUBCOMMITEE REPORTS a Informal Legislative Working Group The Chair gave an update on activities with this group,in their efforts to focus on the passage of S228, in preparation for the October 24 hearing Ms.Banks explained that the legislators need to hear from others in the community and that more noise needs to be made. She explained that she devised some"Talking Pomts"which can be used to support those making calls or writing letters. It was noted that long-winded explanations are not the approach to take, rather quick sound bites that get the point across succinctly It was also explained that it's the volume of calls and letters that matter Thanks were extended for the efforts in putting together these Talking Points. A suggestion was made to get the communication students involved and to let the issues go"viral" This would help to build school pride and publicize the needs at Minuteman The need for numbers,the opportunities to attend legislative breakfasts or library visits where there is more time to talk about the issues more in-depth were also suggested ACTION 2013#139 Moved(Stuhn)and seconded(Weis) To continue the meeting beyond 10.00 PM Vote. 10 in favor,5 opposed b. Superintendent Negotiation and Evaluation a. 2013-14 Evaluation Process Mr Horton described two sections of the Superintendent's contract--Section 1: Term of Employment/Appointment, and Section 8 Evaluation He explained that to comply with Section 1,the School Committee must decide by December 31,2013 whether to enter into negotiations with the Superitendent for a successor agreement to his current contract By that date,the goal of the Subcommittee is to have a 360 evaluation of the Superintendent completed to inform the School Committee's decision The Subcommittee will also provide additional data and information to the School Committee to assist in that decision This goal is the Subcommittee's first priority,but it will also focus on developing the FY 14 Superintendent evaluation process that is described in Section 8 b. 2012-13 Evaluation Discussion The Superintendent pointed out that the summary evaluations are now on the website The Chair of this subcommittee explained that the goal in this round of evaluation was to reduce the number of "do not know" responses,and feedback on whether this was accomplished or not would be helpful Evidence was provided on successful meeting of goals,and efforts continue to improve the process Ms Castagno noted that it was required to discuss the evaluation in Open Session,and it was agreed that this would be placed as an item on an upcoming agenda [Ms Castagno left the meeting at 10.18 pm.] 13 POSSIBLE EXECUTIVE SESSION At 10 18 pm,the Chair described that there was a need for an Executive Session for the following purpose Pursuant to MGL c 30A,s 21 (a)(3)to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining with the Minuteman Faculty Association,as an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the School Committee,and the Chair so declares A roll call vote was then taken,as follows 9 ACTION 2013#140 Moved(Stulin)and seconded(Taschioglou) To enter into Executive Session for the purposes described,to allow Dr Bouquillon,Ms Rozan,Mr. Houle,and Mr Mahoney to remain,and to possibly return to Open Session Gillespie yes DeLuca yes Mazzola yes Spalding yes Horton yes Mahoney yes Weis yes Taylor yes Taschioglou yes Manjarrez yes Flood yes O'Connor yes Stulin yes Banks yes Vote: Unanimous 14. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION At 10.35 pm,the Committee returned to Open Session,and took the following vote relative to the MFA Negotiations Subcommittee for the 2013-14 Subcommittee Assignments. ACTION 2013#141 Moved(Stulin)and seconded(Spalding) To appoint Kevin Mahoney,Ernie Houle,and Lynne Belmer to the Negotiations Subcommittee,and authorize them to represent the District and its Administration to negotiate a new 3 year contract with the MFA,per the School Committee direction,and to report to the School Committee every 2 months The School Committee will add one or two members later in the process Vote. Unanimous 15. ADJOURNMENT ACTION 2013#142 Moved(Stulin)and seconded(Mahoney) To adjourn the meeting at 10 36 PM Vote. Unanimous Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Rozan Carrie Flood District School Committee Assistant Secretary 10