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Approved 9 17 13
SEPTEMBER 3,2013 5 00 PM
Alice DeLuca,Chair(Stow) Laura Morrissette(Arlington)
Jeff Stulin,Vice-Chair(Needham) Jack Weis(Belmont)
Came Flood, Secretary(Concord) Mary Ellen Castagno(Wayland)
Cheryl Mahoney(Boxborough) David Horton(Lexington)
Judy Taylor(Carlisle)
Dave Manjarrez(Sudbury)
Nancy Banks(Acton)
Absent.David O'Connor(Bolton),Dan Mazzola(Lancaster),Ford Spalding(Dover),Doug Gillespie(Weston),
Kemon Taschioglou(Lincoln)
Others Present Ed Bouquillon,Elizabeth Rozan,Ernie Houle,Kevin Mahoney, Sheila Nagle,John Pelletier,
Terry Regan
The Chair called the meeting to order at 5 00 PM She extended appreciation to those present for coming to the
meeting on short notice She acknowledged that Mr Manjarrez was recording the meeting,and asked that members
assist her by pointing out any errors or omissions in her conduct of the meeting
2. CHAIR'S REPORT,Alice DeLuca
a Welcome to New Members
The Chair welcomed 2 new members present Nancy Banks(Acton)and Judy Taylor(Carlisle)
There was no objection to her suggestion to take the Superintendent's Report out of order
a Approval of Overnight Field Trip
A motion was made(Castagno)and seconded(Momssette)to approve the Environmental Technology Program's
overnight trip to the NEED Building in Eastham,MA September 10-13,2013 Terry Regan extended his
appreciation to the Committee for calling a meeting on short notice for this item,and he explained the circumstances
that necessitated it He gave an overview and history of the trip,noting that it combines the science education with
21st Century skills,such as collaboration and teamwork He noted that everyone,students and teachers alike,have
enjoyed this trip in the past,and it is a great deal of fun It was confirmed that this trip has been planned in
compliance with the School Committee's rules,regulations,and policies
ACTION 2013#109
Moved(Castagno)and seconded(Morrissette)
To approve the Environmental Technology Program's overnight field trip to the NEED Building,National
Park Service,Cape Cod National Seashore,Eastham,MA September 10-13,2013
Vote. Unanimous
4 CHAIR'S REPORT(Continued)
b. Follow-up from 7.9.13: regarding letter of Cheryl Mahoney sent to Sudbury Town Moderator,
including discussion and possible response to informal Open Meeting Law issue raised by David
Manjarrez regarding electronic correspondence transmitted by another committee member
The Chair explained the possible OML violation,and the remedy of reading Ms Mahoney's letter into the record
She inquired of Mr Manjarrez if he was asking for this letter to be in the record,and he said no She then noted
that the School Committee can vote to only read Ms Mahoney's email into the record A motion was made(Stulm)
and seconded(Flood)to enter Ms Mahoney's email into the record It was pointed out by the member from
Wayland that this made no sense to have the email,but not the letter read into the record She then offered an
amendment to the motion,which was seconded(Stuhn),to include the letter with the email The sequence of events
was clarified Ms Mahoney had a concern,she sent the letter,personally,to the Sudbury Moderator,copying Mr
Manjarrez She did not send it to School Committee members Subsequently,Mr Manjarrez had requested that
everyone on the School Committee get a copy,and Ms Mahoney sent it out to everyone via email Because the
email was sent to all members,and it contained the letter,which contained Ms Mahoney's opinion,the means by
which it was transmitted(not the letter itself)could be a violation of OML The Chair stated that she has been
advised that formally introducing the letter in a public meeting would remedy any potential violations
Mr Manjarrez indicated that he did not want the letter included,but that it was the Chair's decision The Chair
clarified that it was not her decision,but rather that of the entire School Committee Because this issue related to a
question of tape recording a meeting,it was clarified that any member of the audience,including the press,must also
announce if they are recording the meeting
A motion was made(Manjarrez)and seconded(Stulin) to move the question,and the following vote was taken
ACTION 2013#110
Moved(Manjarrez)and seconded(Stulm)
To move the question and end debate
Vote 10 in favor,1 opposed
The following vote was taken on the amendment to the main motion
ACTION 2013#111
Moved(Castagno)and seconded(Stuhn)
To include the letter with the email
Vote• 10 in favor,1 abstention
The following vote was taken on the main motion as amended
ACTION 2013#112
Moved(Stulin)and seconded(Flood)
To read the email and letter into the record
Vote- 10 in favor,1 opposed
Ms Mahoney then read her email and letter into the record as follows
Email and Letter
From: Cheryl A. Mahoney [mailto:Cheryl.Mahoney@town.boxborough.ma.us]
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 9 42 AM
To: Elizabeth Rozan; 'Arlington, Laura Morrissette'; 'Belmont, Jack Weis'; 'Bolton, David O'Connor';
'Carlisle, Donald Rober', 'Concord, Carrie Flood', 'Dover, Ford Spalding', 'Lancaster, Daniel Mazzola',
'Lexington, David Horton'; 'Lincoln, Kemon Taschioglou'; 'Needham, Jeffrey Stulin'; 'Stow, Alice Deluca';
'Sudbury, David Manjarrez', 'Sudbury, David Manjarrez', 'Wayland, Mary Ellen Castagno', 'Weston, Bella
Cc: Ed Bouquillon; Elizabeth Rozan; SC
Subject: Letter to Sudbury Moderator
Sudbury mod FoxM
ay21_20130609 pdf
Pursuant to Mr Manjarrez's request, (made during our July 9th meeting) attached please find the letter I
sent to Sudbury's Town Moderator concerning the incident of May 21st
Cheryl A Mahoney
Boxborough Representative
Minuteman School Committee
cell 781-405-7372
Cheryl Mahoney
188 Liberty Square Road
Boxborough, MA 01719
June 9,2013
Moderator Myron J Fox
Town of Sudbury
Flynn Building
278 Old Sudbury Road
Sudbury,MA 01776
Dear Mr Fox,
I serve as Boxborough's representative on the Minuteman School District School Committee along
with Sudbury's representative, David Manjarrez I am writing this letter after much thought and
introspection, however, I feel I must relate an incident that occurred at our May 21, 2013, School
Committee meeting
Mr Manjarrez has been in the practice of recording our regular session meetings with his own
personnel audio recording device He has consistently announced, at the commencement of the
meeting, that he would be recording, in full compliance of the Open Meeting Law However, on
May 21, 2013, approximately 1 — 1 %2 hours into our meeting I noticed that he had an audio
recording device in front of him on the table When discussion of the agenda item ended I asked the
Chair for a "Point of Order" I advised the Chair that I thought that a possible OML violation may
have occurred—and asked if Mr Mangy arrez could be asked if he was recording the meeting At that
point Mr. Manjarrez stated he was not recording and threw the device exclaiming, "Here, see for
yourself1" He and I are seated on the same side of the table with two committee members seated
between our positions (approximately 8 feet). The device landed on the table in front of me After a
significant pause in activity, Mr Manjarrez stated he had meant to slide the device There were
approximately twenty people present at this meeting. I am sure that the name of those individuals
can be provided to you if you need to corroborate my statement
When I first came on to the Committee Mr Manjarrez was very considerate and helpful, providing
me with much appreciated insights into the workings of this group. However, over the last year —
year and half there has been a dramatic change in his demeanor Again, I write this with a heavy
heart,hoping that something positive can come from my reaching out to you.
F a you,
Chery ,i y' one 4
cc Boxborough Town Moderator, John Fallon
Minuteman School Committee Chair, Alice Deluca
David Manjarrez
Mr Manjarrez asked if there had been any reply from Mr Fox Ms Mahoney noted that Mr Fox has never
contacted her
c. Follow-up from 7.9.13: regarding District Email Security Report
The Chair confirmed that in response to the discussion of 7 9 13,Ms Schnmpf prepared a report,and that this was
included in the packet She asked for a motion to accept the report,and this motion was made(Stulm)and
Ms Castagno noted that she is still uncomfortable,and that her questions were not answered to her satisfaction She
was concerned about point#7 of the report,that no email account searches of her email were made by the
administration at that time She wondered about before that time,why they were opened and by whom Referring
to materials dated 3 31 11 and 12 15 11 possibly from the Finance Subcommittee,she noted that in 2011,a
consultant was engaged to look at the server,and the School Committee never got a copy of the report The
Superintendent noted that he would investigate for a Scope of Work for further clarification Concern was raised
that Ms Schnmpf was not present to defend her report The Superintendent pointed out that it is not a matter of
defending the report Ms Shnmpf had been asked to report on the email security concerns,and she did so to the
best of her ability A motion was made(Weis)and seconded(Mani arrez)to table the report and ask Ms Schnmpf
to be present at the next meeting to clarify questions The Superintendent pointed out that she can plan to address
areas that were lacking in the report,but if there is a discussion that involves security this must be done in
Executive Session
Ms Castagno urged that the School Committee not lose sight of the dynamics here,that a School Committee
member's email was opened It was pointed out that the Committee has heard that the email was opened and why,
and this can be further clarified with Ms Schrimpf It was pointed out again that any email is a public document
Ms Castagno noted her view that the disrespect on the School Committee is loud and clear The following vote was
then taken
ACTION 2013#113
Moved(Weis)and seconded(Manjarrez)
To table the report and ask Ms Schrimpf to be present at the next meeting(September,or October if she is
not available in September) to clarify questions
Vote 10 in favor,1 opposed
a Review of Minutes
The Secretary entertained a motion made(Stulin)and seconded(Weis)to accept the minutes of 7 9 13 as
presented Amendments were offered and discussed,and the following votes were taken
ACTION 2013#114
Moved(Horton)and seconded(Manjarrez)
To accept the amendments on page 13,line 25 and page 14,line 16,as noted
Vote- 9 in favor,1 abstention(with one member out of the room)
ACTION 2013#115
Moved(Castagno)and seconded(Manjarrez)
To accept the amendment on page 10, line 50,as noted
Vote- 9 in favor,1 opposed, 1 abstention
Another amendment was offered,moved(Manjarrez)and seconded(Weis),adding some words to page 10,line 29
Some members expressed that they didn't recall the words being spoken,others expressed concerns that the
Committee might be held liable as the words could be construed to be an unconfirmed accusation of wrong-doing
Mr Manjarrez noted that if the DVD was reviewed,it would be clear that the words were part of his comments
He pointed out that he had been speaking as a member of the public, so he did not believe that potential liability of
the School Committee was a concern,and that the issue he had commented on had come before the School
Committee in a public meeting He noted that he felt bullied,and that he was not willing to change his proposed
amendment A member raised a concern about setting a precedent It was suggested that in the case of discrepancy,
the exact wording from the DVD could be used It was also pointed out that the School Committee's intention is not
to write a transcript of the meetings,and that the Secretary has suggested that proposed amendments to draft minutes
be submitted to her in advance of the meeting The following votes were then taken
ACTION 2013#116
Moved(Manjarrez)and seconded(Weis)
To accept the amendment offered on page 10,line 29,subject to a review of the DVD
Vote: 6 in favor,5 opposed
ACTION 2013#117
Moved(Stulm)and seconded(Weis)
To approve the minutes of 7 9 13 as amended
Vote: 7 in favor,2 opposed,2 abstentions
At 6 10 PM,the Chair read the reasons for the possible Executive Session as follows,noting that Ms Rozan would
remain and the Committee would not return to Open Session
a. Consideration of Public Records Request for Past Executive Session Minutes
Pursuant to MGL c 30A,s 22(f)to consider past minutes from Executive Sessions of the
Committee to determine whether continued non-disclosure of such minutes is appropriate,and
not to return to Open Session
b. Approval of Executive Session Minutes
Pursuant to MGL c 30A,s 22(0 to review,amend,finalize,and approve minutes from
Executive Session of the Committee held on 4 8 13,4 9 13,5 21 13, 6 18 13, and 7 9 13,and to
determine whether continued non-disclosure of such minutes is appropriate
The roll call vote was taken as follows
ACTION 2013#118
Moved(Mahoney)and seconded(Stulm)
To enter into Executive Session for the purposes noted,with Ms Rozan remaining and the
Committee not returning to Open Session
Horton yes DeLuca yes
Castagno no Mahoney yes
Weis yes Taylor abstain
Mornssette yes Manjarrez no
Flood yes Banks abstain
Stuhn yes
Vote• 7 in favor,2 opposed,2 abstentions
The meeting adjourned from the Executive Session at 6 50 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth Rozan Came Flood
District School Committee Assistant Secretary