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MEETING, hOVELiBER 142 1922.
All Members Present. ,
In regard to the application of Howard Y. Munroe for a
filling station at the corner of Woburn and. Lowell Streets,the
Board voted to grant Mr. ilunroe a permit to erect a. filli,.g
station with two gasoline tanks with a capacity -of 1000 gal-
lons each. This is in accordance with a plan filed at the
Town Hall, Lexin`ton, dated Oct. 1x22, and drawn by Parker
Holbrook, Engineer, Winchester, lsiacs. This permit is granted
subject to the approval of the Chief of the r'ire Department.
A letter was received from :1iss 1 riorn P. Kirkland stating
that she had received a request from Lir. Harold uiurdock of
Brookline to copy the portrait of Earle Percy which hangs in
the Caryiemoriel Librarlr. TheBoard decided to notify Miss
Kirkland that they had no objection to this portrait being copied,
provided it was done under her direction.
In regard to the application of John Zunino of 514 A. Main
Street, Idedf ord, the Board voted not to grant a he^ring owing
to the fact that they did not think public convenience and
necessity require e filling station at the point indicated,
namely 119 ?Massachusetts Avenue.
A letter was received from Harry M. Aldrich in which he '
asked to be informed of the proper steps to take to have Hayes
Lane become an accepted street, also hoer to obtain the water
in that street. The matter was referred to ;sir. Harrison for
his attention.
A letter vias received from Mrs. G. M. Smith of Bedford
Street in which she requested that a hearing be given her for
the erection of a Commercial Building to be erected on her
premises. The Board haviriC investigated found that no written
application had been filed in the office of the Building
Inspector, and informed LIrs. Smith that until such was the case
that trey see no reason for having a hearing.
In regard to the bill of $200.00 rendered to Mr. Leroy S.
Brown for curbing and concrete work done along his property
on Bedford Street, the Board voted that the Town Accountant
be instructed to credit that amount to Bedford Street Con-
struction inasmuch as it was part of the (+onstruction of that
Mr. Scamman reported that Lir. Ellsworth N. Van Densen of
Woburn Street had ,)ut up some buildings rithout a permit. Mr.
Van Densen stated that he was unaware that a permit was need-
ed for building. The buildings, however, are not located near '
other buildings and they comply with the building laws, so
it•was decided that the Building Inspector could issue him a
In regard to the application of Roland Garmon for permis-
sion to install a radio on the Stone Building the Board voted
to grant him permission, as long as no charge wrs to be made by
the insurance companies for the privilege.
A letter was received from the Town Counsel in which he in-
formed the Board relative to the execution in the case of Chas.
Z. amith vs the Town of Lexington in the sum of $5121.10. It
was left with the Town Treasurer to get in touch with the Town
Counsel to see whether or not this sum had to be paid at once.
It wee reported that thebridge over vine Brook on Sherman
Street was in a d8lapitated condition and the Clerk was instruct-
ed to request Mr. Duffy to look up the matter.
Mr. Sca.mman reported the condition of the sidewalk in front
of Thomas F. Griffin's place at 74 Bedford Street. When the
town re -built the street the sidewalk which was previously built
did not correspond to the grade of the street: and it was left
with .Lr. Harrison and Mr. Duffy to attend to the same.
Mr. Harrison reported that he had granted permission to
Eugene N. Viano to place a free air stand in front of his build-
ing next to the Lexington Theatre in connection with the tire
In regard to a letter from Mr. Aldrich relative to divert-
ing the brook in the park area so that the same flooded said
Aldrich land, Mr. Harrison was instructed to get in touch vd th
Mr. Aldrich and have a consultation with him.
In regard to the schedule of rates for the rental of the
Town Hall Bir. Harrison was requested to get in touch with Bel-
mont in connection with revising the Lexington rates.
Mr. Harrison reported in regard to the parking of automo-
biles in the centre of the town that he had a plan for park-
ing. This would simply involve the expense of painting white
lines on the street.
Mr. Harrison reported that he had received a. request from
George L. Harrington for filling material from Follen Road,
the excavation being made opposite the new house which he is
building. Mr. Harrison granted him permission provided the
same was done under the direction of the Engineer, and also
that he file a bond with the Town Clerk to cover a.ny liability
for damages which might occur to the travelling public.
Mr. Harrison presented a profile of Lake Street in connec-
tion with the that the
petition residents on said street be
given a grade. The Board suggested that the information on
the profile be transmitted to them with the understanding that
it is not a town lay -out and that the Board does not bind
themselves in any way by giving them this information, Mr.
Harrison was directed to communicate with the residents on
that street.
lbr. Harrison reported on research work that he had com-
municated with the Town of Peabody in which they have a
police call box system. He consulted with Mr. Buttrick,
?tanager of the Salem Telephone Company, and was informed that
the installation of this system would depend upon the number
of wires available in the cables.
The cost per month for the police system w, -.s $59.00 and
the number of boxes consisted of either 11 or 12. This gives
a way by which the policemen can be checked up on their routes.
Mr. Harrison stated that he would communic<^te with : r.•
Pruyn, ManaLer in this district, and endeavor to �-,et a figure
from him on what a. system of this kind would cost in Lexington.
'Ar. Harrison also reported that he had made a visit to the
office of the Purchasing 1,�;ent in the City of Lynn. He report-
ed that the system in that office appeared to be very complete,
and that he was assured by the Purchasing Atent that the
salary of a. man could be saved in a ire. -r as a result of the
installation of that office.
Mr. Harrison reported that
had rlade a
visit to the
fice of the Supt, of Public "forks
of Melrose,
1r. Servis,
get some points about the. City
he understood
that the
in 1 -Ar.
Servis's Department was carried on in a. eery fine man-
Mr. Harrison presented a letter to the Board in which he �
recommended that an increased appropriation be granted to the
Engineering Office so that tile work of preparing the block
system, beneficial to the Assessors, could be carried out, as
at present the facilities of the Engineering; Department do
not warrant the work which might be done in that line.
In connection with Forest Street Extension Llr. Harrison
presented a plan of a proposed extension of the street.
It was reported that Fred K. Brown of 23 Meriam Street
and Edward D. Sawyer of 2 .Berwick Road burn leaves in the
street after six o'clock at night and the sraoke from these
fires blind the drivers of autos in that section. It was sug-
gested to call this to the attention of the Chief of Police
and to have him instruct the patrolmen to carry out the issue
of the law to the effect that no fires shall be made after six
o'clock at night.
In regard to the controversy which arose some time ago
relative to ordering the trees at the corner of :,laple Street
and "lass. Avenue, st the island so-called, removed the
Board decided that these trees should be removed and the
island w^s therefor reduced to a much smaller area.
?,1r. Tenney bought up the matter of smoking during office
ho<urs in ne mown Hall and it was decided by tre Board that
this practice should cease.
at a later date.
Two members of the 3oard expressed their opinion that a
centre drive would make the corner far more dangerous then it
would be otherwise, Mr. Harrison also stated his opinion as
being; the same.
Mr. Tenney called attention to the fact that although the
By-laws were not approved that he considered that the Town
Offices should be kept open during the noon hour.
In regard to the issue of bonds for the Railroad Park it
was requested that 1r. Blake and the 'Town Treasurer attend to
the financing.
?fir. Harrison reported that he had granted firs. Tedora
Robbins Crosby an extension of time to connect her property
with the sewer, owing to the fnct that her property was not oc-
capied only a feT months of the year.
Minnie Bloustein was requested to pay $10.00 down and $ .00
per month for 13 months towards the installation of the sewer.
lr. Sam Lippa came before the Board relative to betting
water for his new house on Yottler Avenue which he is building.
tie was informed that the present water main ends at Tjx.Balogh's
house, and this was put in by the Suburban Land Company, and
that permission could not be granted to connect with that pipe.
In vier, of the conditions to help out the situation 21r. Harri-
son was requested to take up the matter with Mr. Luff* and :r.
Beaudry <nd see what could "be done in the matter.
A true record, Attest;
C s.
CLi:RK ,
In reEard to
t:^e controversy
relative to a centre drive
at Ur. rioulton's
and lass. Avenue;
filling st,-tion
members of the
at the corner of
Boa.rd expressed
Maple Street
their opinion,
and a vote of 3-2
was passed to
allow Mr. lJoulton
to have a
centre drive, the
same to be actually
located by
the Engineers
at a later date.
Two members of the 3oard expressed their opinion that a
centre drive would make the corner far more dangerous then it
would be otherwise, Mr. Harrison also stated his opinion as
being; the same.
Mr. Tenney called attention to the fact that although the
By-laws were not approved that he considered that the Town
Offices should be kept open during the noon hour.
In regard to the issue of bonds for the Railroad Park it
was requested that 1r. Blake and the 'Town Treasurer attend to
the financing.
?fir. Harrison reported that he had granted firs. Tedora
Robbins Crosby an extension of time to connect her property
with the sewer, owing to the fnct that her property was not oc-
capied only a feT months of the year.
Minnie Bloustein was requested to pay $10.00 down and $ .00
per month for 13 months towards the installation of the sewer.
lr. Sam Lippa came before the Board relative to betting
water for his new house on Yottler Avenue which he is building.
tie was informed that the present water main ends at Tjx.Balogh's
house, and this was put in by the Suburban Land Company, and
that permission could not be granted to connect with that pipe.
In vier, of the conditions to help out the situation 21r. Harri-
son was requested to take up the matter with Mr. Luff* and :r.
Beaudry <nd see what could "be done in the matter.
A true record, Attest;
C s.
CLi:RK ,