HomeMy WebLinkAbout1922-11-07ISO cry oa MHETING, NOVEMBER 7, 1922. All Members Present except Mr. Scamman he having to preside at ' the Election. It was voted to transfer the Bowling Alley License of Ernest E. and Fred Viano to Conrad Ronzano of Lexington, for the balance of the term, May lst, 1923. Eugene N. Viano came before the Board relative to securing a permit to install a free-air service in place of the one formerly given to William K. Seifred. He drew a sketch of the proposed station that he expected to have and asked that he be given a permit. In this connection he spoke of the trafficsituation in front of the Lexington Theatre and it was suggested by Mr. Tenney that Mr. Harrison look into the matter and see if the traffic regulations in the centre of the town could not be made better. Ir. Harrison not being able to be present requested Mr. Duffy to present the status of several matters which were before him. He reported that he had received a bill from Anthony Ross & son which covered the amount of his claim against the Town. He also reported that he had written to Mr. Wadman, Build- ing uild ing Inspector asking that he request all petitioners for build- ing permits of a commercial nature to come before theBoard of Selectmen and make their request, before he grant3any permit to erect a building. The opinion of the Town Counsel was that Mr. White and the steam roller man were entitled to two weeks vacation, under Chapter 217 of the Acts of 1914. The situation in regard to the Moulton Filling Station was mentioned and it was stated that Ur. Harrison had viewed the situation with regard to the centre driveway which was proposed by Mr. Moulton. The Board voted that they adhere to their original suggestion that there be no centre drive. The following list of Civil Service Applicants for Police Sergeant was received: John Russell, Walter H. Kew, Edward C. Maguire, James J. Sullivan and William F. Fletcher. 1rr. Duffy was instructed to getthe estimated cost of fixing the corner of Hayes Avenue at land of Edward C. atone. It was decided to call the Appropriation Committee together on next Tuesday evening, 1rov. 14th at 8:30 Y. M. , The Election returns for the election held on even date were signed by the Board. 1S The Lexington Gas Co. was granted permission to excavate on Mass. Avenue at #460 for the purpose of making test holes to locate a leak and to excavate for the purpose of repairing the leak. An order for special work not included in the estimate of daple Street was approved by the Board. This is for work dove -t the corner owing to the removal of the island, so called, which was originally planned, but later agreed to be removed. Mr. Duffy reported that he had received a letter from Mr. . Harry M. Aldrich in regard to information relative to a culvert running; under Lincoln Street to his land, Mr. Duffy thought that possibly the matter should be turned over to the Town Coun- sel in as.nuchas it might be in connection with the McCaffrey brook matter which is now in the hands of Town Counsel. Mr. Blake reported that he had received a letter from Mr. Aldrich relative to water backing upon his meadow land due to the Park Department diverting the course of the brook. Mr. Blake stated that he would get some more information and turn the same over to the Clerk and have Mr. Harrison reply to Mr. Aldrich. WATER AND SE','&,R DEPARTYEN T It was voted to instruct the Treasurer to sell notes to the amount of $2800 in anticipation of water main extension. In regard to the excess bill of Alice D. Goodwin for water rates it was decided to let her pay on the same basis that Mr. Wheeler did, that being 10)e per cubic foot for all water in excess of that of the corresponding previous quarter. In regard to the water bill of George W. Spaulding for the Hancock Church it was decided to settle the same on the basis as above. Mr. Tenney reported that Mr. Hunt had agreed to pay in addition to the assessment the cost over and above the 1915 eetimate of 4161.00 towards the installation of the sewer in Wallis Court, and in this connection it was voted that $500.00 be transferred from the Sewer Assessment Fund to the Sewer Con- struction Fund that the work might be carried on. A true record, Attest; CLI5RK.