HomeMy WebLinkAbout1922-10-3012ETING, OCTOBER 30, 1922. ALL IIEMBEIRS PRESENT. Mr. Neil McIntosh of Mick?_le Street and Mr. Errol H. Locke of Abbot Road were drawn as Jurors. Mr. Ryder came before the Board ark explained that Mr. Clapp of the Committee on the purchase of "Depot Part_" had been in consulta- tion with the Boston & Maine Officals in regard to the-)urchase of "Depot Park" and advised that the board paste a vote authorizing the �)urchase. The following vote was therefore passed: Voted that for the purpose of widening Massachusetts Avenue opposite the Boston and Kline Railroad centre station this board purchase for the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) a strip of,land fif- teen feet wide adjoining said Avenue and extending from the Hunt Estate (formerly land of Bigelow) on the southeast to the estate of Hurley (formerly land of Boutelle)on the northwest, said strip con- sisting of the first fifteen feet of front land owned by the Rail- road abutting on the Avenue, and being all of parcel A as outlined in red on a plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington belonging to the Boston and Maine Railroad, May 9, 1922, scale 1" equals 20 feet, J. Henry Duffy, Town Engineer", and referred to in a vote of the Town passed May 22, 1)22, authorising the Board to make such pur- chase. Said stri of land is also shown on a plan marked "Land in Lexington, Mass., Boston and Maine Railroad to Town of Lexington. E. D. Chapman, Real Esti>te hng. Oct. 1922", the same appearing there- on as Parcel No. 1. The above purchase to be subject to title ex- amination by Town Counsel and title being found good. Voted that payment for the fifteen foot strip of land to be pur- chased under the preceding vote be made concurrently with the receipt of a deed from the Boston and Maine Railroad, conveying to the Town in return for purchase money contributed by citizens substantially what is known as Depot Park, less so much thereof as is embraced in said fifteen foot strip. A request was made to the Board for the use of Emerson Hall, free of charge, for the purpose of uniting the Improvement Societies of Last Lexington. The Board voted to grant the use of the hall sibject to the approval of the other members of the Library Trustees. The Edison Electric Ill. Co., of Boston was granted permission to attach its wires and fixtures to a pole of the New England Tel. & Tel. Co. on Woburn Street near Lowell :street. Special Police Commissions were granted to Walter F. Spellman and Bion C. Merry. A letter was written to Mr. Janes L. Barrington of Bloomfield ' Street in regard to his protest of the bill for 593.50 for side- walk work, Mr. Barrington's attention was called to the fact that he had agreed to the apportionment of this bill and the Board con- .sidered that it was a fair charge. lir. Harrison presented a petition signed by 22 persons re- ceived from firs. Ida H. B. Capper in which the petitioners re- quest that her license be granted for a filling station to be erected at the corner of Middle Street ,.r -d Waltham Street. Lir. Harrison reco-mended that she be given a hearing and the Board voted to give a hearing on November 21,1)22, at 3 o'clock Y. bi. The Girl Scouts were granted permission to use the Town Hall on Thursday evenings free of charge provided they pay for the lights end janitor service, and that they give up the hall for any other entertainment for which remuneration is received, or any special occasion held on Thursday evenings. Cdr. Harrison rade a written report to the Board in the matter of giving the grade of streets in Cliffe Avenue section. His recom- mendp tion was that the Town should not do any work, not even to put in any stakes as in doing so we make ourselves liable. Lir. Harrison stated that he would take down the profile map and meet some of the people in that section and go over the streets with them with the map and in that way they would understand the proposi- tion much better. Mr. Harrison was also requested to look into the matter of giv- ing the grade of Lake Street. The Board approved the bid of Estabrook & Co. for 100 and ac- crued interest on the $21,000 Town of Lexington Highway bonds. In regard to the application for a gasoline filling; station at 119 Mass. Avenue the hoard decided that they would hear the peti- tioner, but they would not grant a regular henrini to the abutters as yet. Mr. Harrison was requested to look into the matter of drives'at the Moulten filling station, his permit having; been granter', subject to agreement as to drive location. Mr. Harrison reported that a number of names had been handed to him by the heads of the v rious town departments of those who were entitled to the two weeks vacation. In looking over the list of Highway employees the Board thought that there vrere some names on the List who were not classified as laborers. It vv .s left with 14r. Harrison to look into the matter further. Mr. Cotton called attention to the fact th_:t the sidewalk on Maple Street is below the level of the street and that it could be considered part of the street work, and that it should be done now while the State and County have the contract on hand. This is from the bridge to Massachusetts Avenue. The Board left the matter with Mr. Harrison and lair. Scaz^.rman to take up. Mr. Cotton stated that the Supt, of Streets had called his at- tention to the fact that the highway e.ppropriation was very low, and that he would have to let some of the men go as they did not have sufficient money to maintain a department of the full force. He also called attention to the contract of the hew England Road Machinery whereby the said company took the Stone Crusher and and the Town agreed to buy $1500.00 worth of machinery. It was CJ) 1 1 1 left with Mr. Harrison and Mr. Scamman to look into the matter. In connection with the Highway Department Mr. Harrison showed ' pictures of a, snow -plow attpched to an automobile truck clearing the streets, and he advised that.it would be economical to buy one of these snow -plows. :1r. Harrison reported that he had written to the Civil Service Department asking thlt they hold an examination for sergeant for the Lexington Police Department. 11r. Harrison; presented a picture of an automobile which he thought the Police Department should have and that the motorcycle should be used for traffic work. It was decided to take up these matters with the Finance Com- mittee at a later date. WATER AND SLAVER DEPARTMENT Mr. Harrison reported that he had written a letter to Mr. Hunt in regard to the sewer and water pipes in Wallis Court. He stated that Mr. Hunt objected to paying for resurfacing of street and pay- ing for the placing of pipe from the main, on Mass.' Avenue to the line of Wallis Court, the total cost of which would be approximate- ly $100.00. After considering; the matter with Mr. Harrison the hoard decided that Mr. Hunt should pay the charge, inasmuch as they have saved him considerable by putting the sewer and water pipes in the same trench. Mr.,Harrison was instructed to advise Mr. Hunt of the decision of the Board. . Mr. Harrison read a letter from the Western Water -,)roofing Co., in which they agreed that the stand -pipe needed attention and that nothing could be done until after the completion of the pipe at Arlington Heights, which would be about the 10th of Pdovember. A true record, A,�test: �' �✓' n . CLLRK. 1