HomeMy WebLinkAbout1922-09-26MEETING. SEPT. 261 1922. All Members Present. Application for gasoline tank at the corner of Maple Street and Mass. Avenue was received from Fred H. Moulton. It was decided to have a hearing on the same on October 10. at 7:45 P.M. Another request was received from the Colonial Filling Stations. Inc. for a hearing on their application for a gasoline tank to be located on part of the Plummer Estate at 377 Mass. Ave. It was decided to have a hearing on October l0,at 8:00 P.M. Petition of the Edison Electric Ill. Co. to attach its wires to two poles of the N. E. T. & T. Co. on Vine Brook Road, was granted. Notice was received of a hearing at the Court House, Ea. Cambridge on Oct. 5 at 10 A. M. This was turned over to the Superintendent of Public Works with the request that he attend the hearing. Insurance policy #26917 for $6000 was approved, the same expiring Septa 9, 1927, and issued through the office of Edwin B. Worthen. Residents of Lake Street again requested some action on their request for the acceptance of said streete They stated that they could now get the material and would like to do this work. The Clerk was instructed to ask Mre Duffy to talk with Mr. Mood one of the petitibnere, and give him an idea of what todo. Letter was rec.eived from the School Department asking for the use of the Town Hall for -dramatic entertainments and dances Without expense. This is owing to the fact that the High School Hall is now used as a study room and library. The Board discussed the matter and decided that the School Department should at least pay 50% of the regular charge for the use of the hall for entertainments and dances. Mayor Harrison of Everett, who is to take the office of Supt. of Public Works on October let, 1922 came before the Board to talk over matters relative to his office. Mr, Tenney stated that he thought the Board should give some consideration to a new type of street signs. ' Complaint was received from L. G. Mitchell of Parker Street of the condition df the sidewalk in front of his place. He also called attention to the fact that two trees which were planted there were dead. The Clerk was instructed to call this to the attention of the Supt. of Streets. 166 The Board voted to request Mr. Harrison to present a bond of $5000 in accordance with the law, this bond to cover his position of Superintendent of Public Works. Mr. Tenney called attention to the street light on Hancock Street and stated that it should be moved nearer toward Bedford Street as it now misleads the ddrection of the road. Mr. Scamman agreed to request the Edison Co. either to move the present light back or to place another light in and put the other one out. The Clerk was directed to turn over the Zoning Law matter to the Superintendent of Public Worke so that he may consider and perhaps draw up s dodo for the town. Mr. Cotton reported that Clara Dane an inmate of the Alms- bouse through the War Risk is getting about $5.00 per month. It was decided not to do anything about securing the money towards her board it being such a small amount. Water & Sewer Dept, Patrick Flynn came before the Board and protested strongly against paying the guarantee required for the installation of the water main in Bowker Street as voted by the Town on Sept. 1991922. Mr, Frederick J. Spencer. who is employed by Harvey C. Wheeler of Lowell Street, reported that there was a bill of$86.74 for water used at the cottage occupied by Mr. Wheeler's chauffeur. It was found that there were no leaks but that the chauffeur let the water run. Mr. Wheeler's request for a rebate could not be made as the responsflbility does not rest with the Water Department. Mr. Tenney stated that he would notify Mr, Wheeler to that effect, Mr. Tenney called attention to the fact that some years ago Mr. Proctor installed a Water pipe to hie premises. He then sold the property to a man by the name of Ha*kee and gave him to under. stand that there was something coming to him from the Town in the way of reimbursement for the water pipe laid. The records show, however, that there is not obligation on the part of the Town to reimburse Proctor or his successor. Mr. Tenney stated that he would take the matter up with the Town Counsel with an dndeavor to straighten the matter out. A true records Att�ee tt:� CU�'��'�J►�Lc� y Clerk. 1 # The Board decided to get $30.000 bonds printed in anticipation of the sale of highway construction bonds to cover the con. ' struotion of Lowell and Maple Streets.