HomeMy WebLinkAbout1922-08-15153 � cv D'E :TILING. AUGUST 159 1922. Messrs. Seamman, Cotton, Blake and Burnham Present. Lir. Wadman, Building Inspector and Mr. Black, contractor, came before the Board. Lir. Black complained that he had been held up by the Building Inspector on a contract job. Lir. Wadman explained that the contractor who built the foundation did not have the same inspected and he refused to allow the frame placed upon the cellar until the cellar had been inspected. It was finally agreed that Mr. Black should get the name of the contractor who built the cellar and have him talk with Ivir. Madman in regard to same and that Mr. Black could go on with his work provided he did this. This arrangement seemed to be agreeable. Town Treasurer George D. Harrington came before the Board re- questing the approval of the Board on a loan in anticipation of revenue of $75,000. he was authorized to borrow this amount payable in January. The 'Treasurer was also authorized to borrow $15,000 for 3 months in anticipation of issue of•bonds for highway construction. In regard to the construction of Bedford Street from Elm Avenue to the brook the Board thought it beet to have the lo.^rn Forces do I this job. The Supt. of Streete was therefor instructed accord- ingly. Mr. %illiam C. O'Leary came before the Board to find out whether or not he was to be regularly hired on the Police Dept. The Clerk was requested to get figures from the Accountant as to general expenses co that the Board could see whether or not it was advisable to place another regular man or, the pay roll. uIr. Scamman stated that he would talk with the Chief on the matter. letter was received from the Chief of the Fire Department relative to conditions at 119 mass. Ave. He stated that his orders were not complied with, and that he had reported the same to the Department of Public Safety. The Clerk was instructed to write the Department of Public Safety asking their opinion as to demolition of the building. Petition of the Edison Elec. Ill, Co. to attach to pole tf the L'.iddlesex & Boston St. Rwy Co. on 4altham St. -i�55-012 was granted. Application of the Edison Electric Ill. Co. for permission to make excavation at 404 Mass. Ave. was granted subject to the directions of the Superintendent of Streete.. Mr. Blake reported that he called the attention of Dir. Briggs ' Chairman of the School Committee,,to the fence between Harrod's store and the Adams school grounds and that Mr. Briggs would look into the matter. I ' The Board voted to hold the Primary in Precinct 1 at Emerson jlall, atone Building, provided there were no limitations to the use of the hall. The hours for the Primary were sent for four to eight P. M. The Board voted to hold a Town meeting on aeptember 19,1922. idr. Duffy came before the Board and urged that the Board authorize the purchase of a plow to be attached to a truck to plow out the highways this winter. He called attention to the fact that the balance in the enow removal account amounting to $5.41 and that an appropriation should be made for this account so that prepar- ation__ could be made for next winter. He was requested to get figures on the price of a new plow. icr. Burnham called attention to the disturbance caused to the neighbors in the vicinity of Parker Street by persons coming from the ball games on Sundays. Hr. Blake agreed to see the Uhief of Police and ask him to place an officer at the Parker St. entrance of the field when the games are over. iar. •+ay 0. Richards was authorized to renew $6000 policy blanket insurance expiring September 6, 1922. This formerly was carried by U. F. Brown & Scns. ' ir. Richards was also autr,Iorized to renew liorkmante Compen- sation policy covering street department expiring September 6,1922. A. varshall was authorized -to renew policy 826 for $6000 expiring Sept. 6, 1922. Specifications for the building to be erected by Frederick Lundergan on Sylvia Street were received. :sir. Lundergan was instructed to fix up the sewerage system before the Board would grant him a permit. Permission was granted to the Lexington gas Co. to install service at #454 mass. xve. Permission was also granted to install a main on L'laple St. a distance of 160 feet from Llase. rive. subject to the approval of the engineers. Letter was written to the Boston & Uaine RR asking that they remove the sign on the railroad land until such time as the committee appointed to secure $10.000 subscriptions are enabled to get the amount. Letter was received from the Lexington Building Trust requesting that a sidewalk be made along their property from the corner of No. Hancock and Bedford Ste to the point of beginning of ' the sidewalk previously laid. The matter was referred to Lr. Buffy. Mr. Duffy presented the plan of "Park Heights" with the suggestions as to changes. 158 The Board approved hie changes and requested him to consult with the Planning Board in regard to same. A true records Attest: CL:RK . # The following election officers were appointed to serve at the 6tate Primary, wept. lc 1y22. PRE0111�CT. DKK. i arden - Edgar `:'i . harrod Deputy '+iarden- ioilbur F. Atwood Clerk - 7ichael H. Pero Deputy Clerk- Charlee J. Dailey Inspectors Bartlett J. Harrington - Gilliam B. Foster Deputy " - Evelyn C. Broughall - Alice I -Spaulding , Tellere - Joseph A. +iaters - Earle L. Hadley James 'j"Neil - Thomas Doherty PRr C IT CT TSO . `r'iarden - .0 illiam 6. Scarman Leputy 'warden- Albert r.. Burnham Clerk - Patrick F. Dacey Deputy Clerk- John h. Bane Inspectors - villiam C. O'Leary - Ralph H. iviarshall Deputy It - Katherine Kiernan - Larion '.i. Jackson Tellers - aamuel 3. Bigelow - James F. YloCarthy Allston L. Redman - John J. Garrity Nvilliam E.kulliken - -4iallace Z1. Liller Lzra F. Breed - James L. UcKenzie.Jr. 1 13