HomeMy WebLinkAbout1922-03-2884 �. GG MEETING, MARCH 289 1922. ' All Members Present. The records of the last meeting were read and approved. Mr. Willard C. Hill came before the Board and presented a letter in which he explained the rates on several town employees compensation insurance. He also explained that the liability on the Town Hall and Village Hall would not be sufficient to warrant insuring the same. Nothing was done in regard to placing insurance'. Mr. Hill requested that the Board send him copy of estimates on buildings made by Mr. O'Connor and Mr. Whitney so that the blanket schedule drawn up in 1920 may be revised. The flags on the Common and Town Hall were ordered at half mast in honor of Henry A. C. Woodward who died on March 88th. Mr. Woodward was a former Selectman. Mr. Clarke of the Eastern Contractors Co., Cambridge, Mass. came before the Board and requested the privilege of demonstrating I a 12 20 H. P. Tractor for use on the highway department, price $1435 delivered in Lexington. It was agreed with Mr. Duffy that Mr. Clarke would demon- strate the tractor on Thursday of this week on Concord Avenue. Mr. Joseph Swan, representing his brother, and Mr. Russell of Bedford St. came before the Board to request that the sewer be extended on Bedford St. to include the first two cement houses owned by them. Thequestion of laying the sewer in the sidewalk or under the car tracks was considered the cost to be born by owners. Mr. Beaudry was requested to make an estimate of the cost of extension and present the same to the Board. ' Mr. Robert P. Clapp came before the Board to request per- mission to have the soft maple trees between Mr. Miles' house and his own, along the street line, removed and replace the same with elm trees. He explained that there were six trees to be removed and that he would have the work done with no cost to the Town. The Board voteato grant Mr. Clapp permission to do as requested. The Board considered the matter of installing a sewer to Audubon Road to relieve the conditions complained of in that section for the past three or four years. It was the sense of the Board that there might be some other means of curing the situation other than spending $10,000 on a sewer, and the matter was therefor taken under advisement. 1 NIL" Dir. Duffy was instructed to inform Mr. Barton of 12 Bloom- field St. and Mr. Barrington of 2 Bloomfield St* that they would have to pay the cost of service drive construction. They were informed that they could either employ a con- tractor or wait until later in the season when the highway depart- ment would perhaps do the job and charge the cost to them, In connection with finishing work on Bedford Street, Mr. Duffy stated that a storm drain with 10 or 12 inch pipe should be installed from Elm Avenue to the brook, and that the same would cost approximately $1000. ' Mr. Duffy was instructed to have the drain installed. In this connection Mr. Scamman was also to talk with the Middlesex & Boston St. Railway Co. to see if they would contri- bute towards the construction of Bedford St. It was voted to grant the Girl Scouts the use of the Town Hall on the evening of May 27th in case of storm as they were to hold their drill on the play ground on that evening at 7:00, but in case of storm would like to use the Town Hall. The dates of May 6 and 13 held for the Girl Scouts were cancelled. As a result of investigation as to whether certain men would serve on the Board of Assessors, Mr. Tenney reported that the men he'talked with preferred a Board of five with the former Assessors as Assistant Assessors. He reported that Mr. William W. Reed would serve for a year, as would also Mr. Theodore A. Custance and Mr. C. Edward Glynn. Mr. Worthen would not serve. Mr. Scamman reported that Mr. George H. Gibson would serve for one year. It was decided to interview Mr. Frank D. Peirce. Mr. Duffy came before the Board to talk over highway In regard to the application for matters. He _called attention to the section of Woburn St, which has been abandoned, that it is in bad condition but automobiles be placed on Mass. Ave. between the rest and the Child's garage continue to drive through there. He thought signs prohibiting the Mr. the use of this road should be placed up. default and notify The same is for a sign The Board therefor authorized Mr. Duffy to have the signs of printed and put in place. Mr. Duffy called attention to the fact that the Stone Crusher should be removed by April let. Victuallers License The Board decided that the demolition of the building should to be done by a carpenter or some one who had experience with lumber. the year ending Apr. 30 123. It was also decided that it would be economy to keep the lumber for use in the Town Departments rather than sell the same. Mr. Scamman was requested to get a figure from Mr. Burgess as to what he would demolish the building for. Dir. Duffy was instructed to inform Mr. Barton of 12 Bloom- field St. and Mr. Barrington of 2 Bloomfield St* that they would have to pay the cost of service drive construction. They were informed that they could either employ a con- tractor or wait until later in the season when the highway depart- ment would perhaps do the job and charge the cost to them, In connection with finishing work on Bedford Street, Mr. Duffy stated that a storm drain with 10 or 12 inch pipe should be installed from Elm Avenue to the brook, and that the same would cost approximately $1000. ' Mr. Duffy was instructed to have the drain installed. In this connection Mr. Scamman was also to talk with the Middlesex & Boston St. Railway Co. to see if they would contri- bute towards the construction of Bedford St. It was voted to grant the Girl Scouts the use of the Town Hall on the evening of May 27th in case of storm as they were to hold their drill on the play ground on that evening at 7:00, but in case of storm would like to use the Town Hall. The dates of May 6 and 13 held for the Girl Scouts were cancelled. As a result of investigation as to whether certain men would serve on the Board of Assessors, Mr. Tenney reported that the men he'talked with preferred a Board of five with the former Assessors as Assistant Assessors. He reported that Mr. William W. Reed would serve for a year, as would also Mr. Theodore A. Custance and Mr. C. Edward Glynn. Mr. Worthen would not serve. Mr. Scamman reported that Mr. George H. Gibson would serve for one year. It was decided to interview Mr. Frank D. Peirce. In regard to the application for an advertising sign to be placed on Mass. Ave. between the rest and the Child's garage the Mr. Board decided to let the same go by Briggs of the action of the Board. default and notify The same is for a sign of the Lexington Lumber Co. The Board voted to grant a Common Victuallers License to Elisha W. Otis of 217 Mass. Ave. for the year ending Apr. 30 123. 86, cn It was voted to grant the Edison Electric Ill. Co. per. mission to attach its wires to pole of the Middlesex & Boston St. Rwy Co. on Bedford St. near Valley Road., No. 52/0540 ' It was voted to grant a Sunday Sales License to W. � Sim add Herbert L. McDonald to do business at 172 r`:ass. Ave. The Board approved the bond of Constable Patrick J. Maguire. A letter was received from the British Naval and Military Veterans Association of Maes. requesting permission to parade and decorate the monument on the Green on Sunday, May 21, 1922. The Board voted to grant permission and requested the Chairman to meet them when'they come to Lexington. The American Legion was also notified. H. L. Roberto of Cliffe Ave. applied for a permit to sell on the streets on April 19th. It was voted not to grant him a license. Mr. Tenney reported that Mr. Ryder has spent considerable money in improving his place on Maple St. and that he would like to have the culvert under the old county road which crosses his place removed. Mr. Tenney suggested that this Board together with Mr. Ryder meet the Board of Public Works of Arlington to see what can be done. BBs. Tenney was requested to communicate with the Arlington Board. Board of Survey. Mr. Jay 0. Richards, -representing the Lexington Building Trust, came before the Board and presented a plan of the lay out the Company had made and requested that the same be approved by the Board. He requested that the Board allow the side streets to be 40 feet in width owing to the fact that there were restrictions of 25 fts set backs on all streets. The main streets were laid out 50 feet in width. In this connection Mr. Richards also requested that the bounds of Burlin Rton Street, Grove Street and No. Hancock St, be established. He was informed thea the Board would request the County to do this. Mr. Richards made the request that the assessment on the Building Trust property remain the same while it is undeveloped. Mr. Richards was requested to present a blue print of the streets proposed and also detail plans to conform with I the requirements of the Town Engineer so that the Board could advertise a hearing on same. 1 1 Parke & Playgrounds. Mr. Blake reported some general matters pertaining to the work on park department. Mr. Blake requested that the School Committee be requested as to whether or not they desire to have the High School flag staff raised andif so to direct Mr. Hamblen to raise the High School, Common and Village Hall flag staffs. Mr. Blake stated that he had many applications for the use of the playgrounds and that a schedule would have to be made up for same. A true record, Attest: G1� ✓c�-G�.unJ—v.j �' CLERK. SPECIAL MEETING, March 30, 1922. The Board met and appointed the following Assessors: William W. Reed George H. Gibson C. Edward Glynn Charles L. Parker Theodore A. Custance. All of the above to serve for one year to March 15, 1923. George H. Jackson, H. Eugene Tuttle and Frederick J. Spencer were appointed Assistant Assessors. SPECIAL MEETING, March 31, 1922. Messrs Scamman and Blake Present together with Assessors. The Board of Assessors organized as follows: William W. Reed, Chairman C. Edward Glynn, Clerk, A true .record, Attest: xf Clerk,