HomeMy WebLinkAbout1922-02-281 1 1 MEETING, FEB. 889 1928. A11 Members Present. The records of the last meeting were read and approved. Bernard F. Baker and George E. Stone were drawn as Jurors. Hearing was held upon the application of Anselm 0. Mullen of 53 Maes. Ave., for permission to install three underground gasoline tanks with capacity of 1500 gallons. Mr. Mullen presented a sketch showing proposed location. This rough sketch showed a tank on the line of the sidewalk. The Board objected to a pump being located near the sidewalk line aridsuggeete1T that it might be located further back so that there would be one pump about 10 ft, from the widewalk and the other about 19 feet. The Board suggested that Mr. Mullen draw a sketch to scale with new proposed location and present same to the Board before the next meeting. Hearing was declared open upon the application of Eugene V. Earle of Wood St. for permission to install an underground tank with a capacity of 1000 gallons on his premises on Wood St. No persons appeared against the petitioner. Mr. Earle personally appeared. The Board voted to grant the license subject to the approval Of the Chief of the Fire Department. Mr. Walter H. Kew came before the Board to explain that he only received $13,75 for pay for the week.of Feb. 18, 1922. He explained that the Acting Chief told him to go home, but that he reported for duty each night. The Board considered the matter and informed the Acting Chief that unless he had reason for not doing so the Board would approve Mr. Kew's claim for a full weeks pay. The following letter was received from Mr. Ezra F. Breed. Adj. Lexington Minute -men: "As Chairman of committee for Ball held'on Friday evening, Feby 24, inst. for the benefit of the Buckman Tavern Community Assooiation, I wish to extend to you my sincere thanke for the use of the Town, Hall in helping to make the affair a success. If the Town's people had shown the same patriotic spirit as your Board did it would have been a greater success. Dur account shows a small profit and it will be presented to the Tavern Assooiation.li 73 74 The Board vo=ted to renew Boiler insurance covering four boilers, two at the High school and two at the Town Hall, issued through the office of Elmer A. Lord & Co. expiring March 10, 1922. The Board voted to grant permission to Joseph Defelice to move a bµilding from the Cemetery property on Bedford Street up Summer St. towards the Bedford line. Mr. Richards reported that he had taken up the matter of awards with Mies Elmina Munroe. In regard to the award for the land at the corner of Maple and Lowell St. the Board informed Miss Munroe that they felt that she should have her lawyer push the matter and get a decision from the proper authorities, as to the amount that should be paid. A letter was also written to Mise Munroe relative to the $100 award for damages on Woburn Ste in which it was stated that so long a time has elapsed that the Board felt that she had lost her right to ask for more money. The Board received a request from the School Department for 100 copies of school reports bound separately for that depart- ment, The Board informed the superintendent that if he would write a letter to the Board stating that the 'tchool department would pay for the books, the Board would then place the order. The Board nominated Dr. Harry L. Alderman ss Inspector of Animals for the year ensuing, subject to the approval of the Division of Animal Industry. It having been found that the sign erected by the Colonial Garage, for which no permit had been granted, overhung the side- walk, the Board decided to notify the garage that they would have to move the pole back so that the sign would not overhang the sidewalk. It was voted that the use of the Town Hall be given to the Girl Scouts for a Rally to be held Saturday evening, May 13, 19220 free of charge. It having been found that James Carroll actually rendered services to the town during the months of November, December and January it was decided to allow him $60 for full payment of services he signing a receipt for same. Arrangements were entered into whereby on and after Mar. 1, Mr. and Mrs. William E. Eaton will board the horses of the Highway Department at the Town Farm for $7.75 per week per horse. They are also to purchase whatever supplies are now on hand at the Farm belonging to the Town. A true record. Attest: CLERK. 1 1 1