HomeMy WebLinkAbout1922-01-24M ' YEETIEG, JAN. 249 1922. All :.embers Present. The records of the last meeting were read and approved. Dr. J. Odin Tilton and ter. Edward Uood of the Park Com- mission came before the Board to talk over matters in connection with the use of the pumping station by the highway department. The Dr. outlined the proposed improvements which the Park Commission desired to make in future yeare, namely a skating rink; two new tennis courts; larger play grounds so that a junior baseball game may be played at the same time a high school game is being played; making the pumping station into a home for the park care taker; making a convenience station Out of the wooden building in the rear of Buckman Tavern.. The Dr. also suggested that the play ground or at least the park in the rear of the play ground be named after the donor, ?i.Ir. A. D. Scott. The Dr. informed the Board that it was the intention of the commission to have a community day and by having such the work to be done on the play ;;round could be finished up. In connection with the Highway Dept. using the pumping station for storing materials, mixing road materials, etc. the commission requested that the highway department give their ' department the use of a horse and team at intervals with which to do the work in their department. They stated that the entire item would not amount to any more than $100 during the year. Letter was written to the Park Commission in which the Selectmen agreed to give the park commission the use of a horse and team at intervals through the coming year to do work for their department in return for the use of the pumping station. Mr. Sheldon A. Robinson, Tree warden, came before the Board to talk over matters relating to his department. He stated that as a result of reducing the wages to the amount paid the Moth Department, namely $4.25 per day his men all left and are now doing private work. He inquired whether or not the Board desired to hire outside help or whether they just as soon let the work drag on until some of the men doing private work got through and would then be willing to work for less money. The Board suggested that he advertise in the Minute-:nan for help and if he could not get men at that wage to let the work drag as suggested, except in cases where dangerous limbs hang over the highways. These cases Yr. Robinson agreed to attend. to. It was voted not to grant a license to 1rs. Ida H. B. Capper to install a gasoline filling station at the southwesterly corner of the State Road and Waltham Street. Mr. Richards voted in favor of granting the license, but the Znajority were not in favor. Insurance policy of the fidelity and Casualty Co. of 1V., 2 issued through the office of Edwin B. 'Oorthen, covering boiler at the Munroe School expiring Jan. 7, 1925, was approved by the I Board. Acceptance of the appointments of Local troth 6upt. and Forest Fire '�oarden were received from 0. J. Gorman. Letter was received from the Department of Public Yorks acknowledging receipt of the protest of the Board on advertising signs and stating that the Board would be notified of the date of the hearing on said si,-ne. It was voted to grant the American Legion Auxiliary the use of the Town Hall on the evening of Feb. 21st at one half the regular rate. The entertainment to be given is in aid of the American Legion. Bill of J. F. .icCarthy for sending Daniel Andrews to the Waltham Hospital when accident occurred to said Andrews as a result of an automobile accident was mailed to the Travelers Insurance Co. as Mr. Richards talked with LIr. ihitford,agent for said company, and was informed by him that the company would stand the expense. A true record, Attest: CLrERK. F� I 1 3 b EETi__.G, JZ,. 24, 1922. All lLembers Present. The records of the last meeting; were read and approved. 2he '++arrant for a Primary to be held Feb. 149 1922 was signed by the Board. This Primary is to be held on account of the resignation of Guy L. ':'Veymouth, Repreeent=tive from the 28th Iliddleeex District. -Jarrant for a Town Meeting to be held on Feb. 6th, 1922 c;as also signed by the Board. This 'iarrant cor_taired an Act authorizing the Selectmen to act as a Board of Public`iorks. Election Officere were appointed for the Primary as follows: Ballot Clerks Ralph h. varshall John J Garrity Tellers. Samuel B. Bigelow Patrick F. Dacey Allston L,. Redman Nathaniel Nunn Election Officers were appointed for the Town Meeting to be held Feb. 6, 1922 as follows: Ballot Clerks Ralph H. arehall John H. Garrity Tellers. Tilliam E. Lulliken +illiam C. O'Leary Fred Butters Patrick F. Dacey The Board voted to grant permission to the Edison Electric I11. Co. to attach its wires to 5 poles of the New.Eng. Tel & Tel. Co. namely nos. 6632, 33, 34, 35 and 36 on Ididdle St, near Waltham. The following notice was cent to the Minute -man in con- nection with dogs biting persons in Lexington and a copy of same mailed to all dos owners. Jan. 23, 1922. ,For the safety of the public and until all danger from rabies is passed, the Selectmen hereby order that all dogs be muzzled or restrained from running at large for 90 days from 66 s :n w date unless this order is sooner revoked. Please see that ,your dog is kept under restraint or rroperly muzzled, for after ' Wednesday, January 25th, orders will be issued to kill all dogs found running at large in Lexington" ..arrant was issued to the Chief of Police in accordance with Chap. 140, Sec. 167 of the General Laws. The following notice was sent out with the 'Jarrant: Important Notice. Lexington, -iass . , Jan. 28, 1922. The special town meeting, called for February 6, 1922 for the purpose of voting on the proposed change in Town Govern- ment will give no opportunity for debate or, the subject prior to voting, as the polls open at 2 P. ". There is some demand for a public meeting at which questions may be asked and an opportunity given for debate. Accordingly the Selectmen deem it 7riee to open Town Hall, Saturday evening, February 4, where all voters who desire may attend. The Committee on charge in Town Government will be glad to explain any pointe of the proposed change car_cerning which citizens may wish to ask information. Do not forget the date. Saturday, February 4, 1922 - 7:30 P.L" L.r. Ryder offered the Board a proposition to lease land belonging to him with an entrance on ++oburn St. for five or 6 years for the use of the Stone Crueher. lur. Robert P. Clapp reported orally that the Attorney General approved the Building Law amendments with the exception of two articles. He also informed the Board that the article in relation to fees for permits may be retained after further consideration. The other article was taken from the Building Laws of Winchester, but as tris was adopted under a Special Act of Legislature for Yvinchester, it does not ap-ply to Lex_nFton. The following is a report of Hearing on Railroad matters, in connection with improving railroad transportation. Present. Henry L. iadeworth Herbert P. Russell Robert P. Clapp Leroy S. Brown itm. Roger Greeley Edwin B. Worthen Morton G. Ho}kine Harry A. 4heeler Robert L. Ryder 1 dr. Greeley, Chairmar of the Planning Board stated that I after two years of patient waiting, the RR station is now being repaired and the Town is now to have a respectable looking station. On account of the change of government of the Boston & Maine RR. and the policy of the new offices, they M will not carry out the former plan of deeding the Depot Park land to the town for release of taxes, as suggested a few years ago. Lr. Greeley thought some committee ought to Pee the Officers. of the nailroad and offer a proposition, zwhereby Depot Park may be secured for the benefit of the Town. Mr. Greeley stated, that in his business he came in contact with many persons who proposed building; or locating in Lexizmton, but who on account of the time -table and poor service of the Boston & liaine RR. would locate in some other place, where better service could be obtained. He also stated that some railroads were experimenting with small gas engine cars, to be run as auxilliary to the regular service. Pie would suggest that the To -%,n requeet the Of_'icers of the Boston 1 Laine RR to try these cars out on the Lexington.Branch so as to give better service during the shopping hours and early evening. i:r. Brown expressed the belief that the Boston & Maine would not give any better service. Mr. Richards informed the meeting that Mr. Pollock of the B. & 11. RR stated that he hoped to give Lexington better train service. It was also stated that w.r. Attwill of the Department of Public Utilities advised keeping after the railroad for improve- ments. It was brought out that Arlington mi,., -,ht be ir_terested in this matter and would join Teith Lexington in its request. Mr. Greeley moved that the Selectmen appoint a committee of five or more to take this matter up with Arlington, as soon as possible for the interest of both towns. It was unanimously voted as. above. Mr. R. P. Clapp suggested that the sale of the railroad plot be taken up along.with the train service. Mr. Richards informed the meeting that the park plot and other land must be sold and if sold the town will be given the preference. It was also stated that the -Directors voted to sell the land between ,eriam and 11anctck Sts, but will not sell the land between keriam and Grant Ste. ;sir. '-.7adsworth of the Planning Board read a summary of the report of what that Board propose to do to improve the center of the Town. Mr. Worthen believed that it :,as tot necessary to have parks from Lierian, Street down or a series of them. He thought a first class commercial building on the Park land would be no detriment to the business district and would ad taxable property to the Town. Mr. Wadsworth offered a suggestion that if the Park land was sold for commercial purposes, the railroad might include in the deed some provision for a set back. The meeting voted to bakk up the Selectmen in their endeavor to secure improvement for the 'Town. The Committee ap,Iointed by the Selectmen is as follows: 4-illiam R. Greeley, Chairman. Edwin B. dorthen Leroy S. Brown ' Frederick L. Emery Jay O. Richards. A true record, Attest: