HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921-12-20-BOS-minW ' YEETING, DEC. 201 1921. All Members Present. The records of the last meeting; were read and approved. Application for fourteen advertising signs all being old ones was received from the Department of Public '',Vorks, Division of Highways, State House, Boston. The Board decided to view these signs within the twenty days allowed, but before doing so instructed the Town Engineer to secure the Uamera, which he was given authority to buy, im- mediately, so that the Board could take pictures of these ad- vertising signs. Easement for the drain running through the land of Clifford W. Pierce and Alfred Pierce executed by the Pierce's was received from Town Counsel, Robert L. Ryder. The same was signed by the Board and returned to Mr. Ryder who is to have the same duly recorded. Letter was received from John N. Cole, Commissioner of ' Public Works of the State, in which he thanked the Board for their recent letter giving lay out of future highway work in this town in which we desire the State's cooperation. Letter was received from the Lexington Gas Company in which they informed the Board that there will be a reduction in the price of gas to the amount of ten cents per thousand. Kaler, Carney, Liffler & Co. of 70 Kilby St. were author- ized to place a rider covering blasting operations on the 41uork-man's Compensation policy after the first of the month. Report was received from Officer Sullivan in regard to his investigation of actions of children of the Adams School on mornings during the week of Dec. 5th. The Clerk was directed to inform the Acting Chief that they desired him to send an officer down to the school in the afternoons when school lets out and make report of conditions at that time. A Used Car Dealer's License, Class II was granted to Paul Revere Garage located on the State Road near Lincoln St. fee for same being $15. The Board voted to let the tenement at 335 Mass. Ave., Bacon Estate to Fred G. Hall for $15 pr, mo payable the 1st and 15th of each month. In this connection alight repairs are being made on the tenement and Mr. Ryder, employer of Mr. Hall, has agreed to 5G reimburse the town for the amount of repairs in case fir. Hall did not make good on his rent. In accordance with the vote of the town passed on Dec. 9, 1921 the Selectmen viewed '1ileon and Cliff Avenues on Dec. 15, with Mr. Howard of the Edison Company and as result ordered street lights as follows: Yvilson Avenue. 12374: 1232: 1236 and 12310 on Cliffe Avenue, 1203: 1206 and 1209. Also to place 12015 on the town bill if it is not already paid for by the town. Letter was written to the Postmaster of Arlington request- inp information regarding the mails.in that town. Mr. Roland Smith of Belmont, agent for the Fortalite, came before the Board to demonstrate a portalite. The same was left in the Police Station for a few days trial. Mr. Cotton reported that Kichael Cody was to be adminis- trator of the estate of Catherine bilva who had two policies of $140 each in the Metropolitan lneurance Co. and $100 cash in the Lexington Trust Co. Catherine Silva's board was paid by the town but reimbursement will be made by the Administrator. Mr. Cotton also reported the cape of Myles Vdalsh of 92 Vine St. who had frozen feet and needed hospital treatment. There was a possibility of a settlement in '4ayland but the man was sent to Tewksbury. n Aid of groceries and fuel was granted to William E. Ramsdell ' of 38 Woburn St, Lexington. Settlement in this case is as yet undetermined. The following men were drawn as Jurors: Harry L. Coolidge, Charles h. Sefton, John E. Barnes and 'Walter 11.6. Kilgour. A true record. Attest: Lvi�ucrr� ry . tel` CLERK.