HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921-10-25-BOS-min34 MEETINGS OCT. 259 1921. ' All Members Present. The records of the last meeting were read and appuroved. As requested Mr. Doris Reeves came before the Board and explained the situation in connection with the sale of a second hand car to George C. Shaw. Mrs. Shaw claimed that Mr. Reeves misrepresented the car as being a 1919 model when it was only a 1916. Mr. Reeves stated that the car was either a 1917 or 1918 model and that dodge care sell for what they are worth and not for the model. Mrs. Shaw claimed that Mr. Reeves would not exchange the car, but Mr. Reeves stated that he did not believe that she wanted to exchange the car but that she wanted her money back. Mr. Reeves stated that the agreement read that she had 90 days to exchange the car but she did not do so within that period. Michael Kelley came before the board to inform them that the boys moved their lookers into the other aide of the , locker building as they thought that was the sunny side and that the Park Commissioners objected very strenuously to their action. The looker building is located on the Parker Playground and is under the direct jurisdiction of the Park Commissioners. Kelley was informed Of this fact and told to comply with any orders the Commissioners may give the bays. A. A. Marshall was authorized to renew Boiler Insurance on the Hancock School expiring Nov. 14 for the sum of $6000 also Workmen's Compensation Moth Dept. and Public Liability for the sum of $8000 each expiring Nov. 23. Permission was granted to the Lexington Gas Co. to excavate at #24 Hancock Street to supply service to the house of H. E. Tuttle. The same was granted under the usual terms and conditions governing street openings in Lexington. The Board authorized Mr. Richards to equip the Police Department with automatic pistols for the use of the department. Boiler insurance covering the boiler at the Parker School issued for $10,000 covering three years expiring Sept. 27. 1924 was approved, the same being issued through the office of Edwin B. Worthen. Notice was received from the State Commission of the , Blind giving new prices on brooms. 35 Legal opinion was received from the Town Counsel relative to Compensation Insurance. In this connection the Board discussed the matter of insurance on town employees and teachers. It appears that the boiler insurance policies do not cover the above mentioned. The matter was laid over for discussion at a later dater and the Clerk was directed to get the figures showing the balance and insurance doming due the balance of the year. The Clerk was directed to notify the Supt. of the Yater Department of the order of Colonel Foote that all dynamite used shall be guarded. Mr. Richards reported that Mr. Duffy is to make test holes and lay a drain pipe on Audubon Road. ' It was left with Mr. Richards to see Mr. Burrill about the purchase of the "Bluff's for the erection of the Stone Crusher. Application for State Aid for Mrs. Hannah D. Frost was approved. Mrs. Frost received $6.00 from the Town of Arlington and the same was transferred to Lexington. The Board also approved granting of Soldier's Relief to Mrs. Hannah D. Frost of 29 Waltham St. to the amount of $8.00 per month. The Edison Electric Ill. Co. acknowledged receipt of the order of the Board for two street lights at the junction of Revere and Hancock Streets also two lights on No. Hancock St. between the junction of Burlington and No. Hancock Sts. to the end of the present service. On Saturday, Oct. 22. 1921 the Board ordered the street lights to be burned all night each night until further notice from the Board. This was done on account of the holdups which occurred in the Town the past week. Mr. Duffy was instructed to have a guard rail placed on Bedford Street between the street railroad right of way and the railroad crossing, the same to be a part of the Bedford St. reconstruction. The Board suggested that Mr. Duffy get Mr. Webster to do the work so that his work would go toward payment of the I back rent owed to the Town on the Bacon Estate. It was decided to call Mr. Ryder's attention to the fact that he has not as yet drawn up the necessary legal pavers in connection with drains laid through property of Al red Pierce on Bloss. Avenue and Semonian Brothers on Yvoburn Street. Legal opinion was received from the Town Counsel relative to Compensation Insurance. In this connection the Board discussed the matter of insurance on town employees and teachers. It appears that the boiler insurance policies do not cover the above mentioned. The matter was laid over for discussion at a later dater and the Clerk was directed to get the figures showing the balance and insurance doming due the balance of the year. The Clerk was directed to notify the Supt. of the Yater Department of the order of Colonel Foote that all dynamite used shall be guarded. Mr. Richards reported that Mr. Duffy is to make test holes and lay a drain pipe on Audubon Road. ' It was left with Mr. Richards to see Mr. Burrill about the purchase of the "Bluff's for the erection of the Stone Crusher. 36 s W The Board signed an order for a transfer of $600 , from the Highway Maintenance Account to the Almehouse Account for the rent of stables. Matters pertaining to the best arrangement for running the Almshouee and Highway Departments were dis- cussed. The Board agreed to meet the committee on New Form of Tovra Government at the Town Hall on Oct. 270 1921. A true record, Attest: CLERK 0 1 1