HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921-10-11-BOS-min30 ME'ET11G9 OCTOBER 119 1921. , All Uembers Present. The records of the last meeting were read and approved. dilliam nquaro came before the Board relative to getting the snow plow on some of the streets in the section in which he lived. He was informed that an article would have to be placed in the warrant for the Town Meeting to see if the town would allow the Selectmen to have this work done on unaccepted streets. He was informed that Iv.r. Henrick of Drew Avenue also was desirous of having the snow plow in that section and 11r. A quaro stated that he would ret in touch with him so that the article could include all the streets where the plow was needed. A letter was directed to Elminal'��iunroe in reply to her letter of Oct. 6 relative to the award for damages on 'Joburn Street. ?,_iesidunroe was informed that the award of the County Commissioners made in 1913 granted her $100 for damages to her property and that the same was awaiting her at the Town Hall upon receipt of a release properly signed. The Clerk was directed to write to all persons who have ' not already received the damages awarded them by the County for this lay -out. A Land Court notice relative to the land on Bedford St. owned by the Lexington Building Trust was received. The same was turned over to Lir. Duffy for his attention. Robert H. Holt, Chairman of the Finance Committee, was notified to have his committee meet the Selectmen and High- way Committee at the Town Hall on Oct. 14, 1921 at 8 o'clock P. M. to talk over matters relative to securing additional funds for the Highway Department. Harold E. Cady, who was recently dismissed from the Police Department, was notified that the Board would not reconsider reinstating him. The matter of Police records was taken up. Ir. Richards stated that he would see the Chief of Police of Arlington and secure ideas of how they keep their records. Notice was received from the Commissioner of State Aid and Pensions in which he approved aid to the amount 4o -f $6 per mo. being =ranted to Charles F. Alger, Civil Skar soldier. ' The Town Counsel's opinion was requested as to whether or not the triangles located at the intersection of streets, such as the +'Toburn Street triangle, were under the Jurisdiction of the Park Commission or not. An opinion was received from the Town Counsel relative to the aosessment of betterments on Locust Avenue. Acknowledgment ti^ s received of the certificate of damages by dogs to the property of firs. Adelaide k.-icCoubrey. Notice was sent by the G,hairma.n to the Jounty Lommi.ssioners. A true record, Attest: �;, � C Lr'Zkr . u 1 31