HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-11-01-COA-min Town of Lexington Council on Aging Board Meeting Wednesday, November 1, 2017 2:30pm to 4:01pm Lexington Community Center, Room 237 Present: Betty Borghesani (Co-chair),Julie Ann Shapiro (Co-chair), Ellen Cameron (Vice-chair), Marion Kilson (Secretary), Nancy Adler, Camille Goodwin, Sophia Ho, Gerry Howell, Bonnie Teitelman Staff: Christine Dean (Community Center), Charlotte Rodgers (Human Services), Melissa Interess (Senior Services), Hemali Shah (Senior Services) Distribution of Materials:Julie Ann Shapiro opened the meeting with a reminder about Open Meeting Law G. L. c.30A, Sec. 22 that materials for distribution to Board members should be left on the table before the meeting so that Board members may look at the materials after the meeting. Public Comments:The sole public comment was an expression of thanks for the formation of the new committee to review the possibility of expanding the luncheon program to Tuesdays and/or Thursdays. Review of October 4 Meeting Minutes:The October minutes were approved with two revisions: deletion of"legacy" in relation to FCOA gift plan and correction of Camille Goodwin's name in the same line. Depot Square Senior Affordable Housing Feasibility Study:Jerry Paul,who was joined by Melinda Walker and Harry Ford, presented ideas for a feasibility study of senior affordable housing on land made available by the town;the project would be built and run by a nonprofit company at no cost to the town. A lively discussion ensued about options for housing and parking, the definition of affordability, some issues of concern, and suggestions about town organizations to consult. The COA Board will continue discussion on the topic at its next meeting. Staff Reports: Hemali Shah reported on the current Medicare Open Enrollment which will continue into early December and the availability of one-on-one SHINE counseling on Mondays and Fridays. Melissa Interess reported that the Working Group on Expanding the Lunch Program has met twice. It is considering options for working with outside vendors and exploring funding options. Charlotte Rodgers presented a graph of the utilization of senior services over the past three years which show the increases since moving to the Community Center especially in terms of office visits, health screenings, SHINE, meals on wheels, and community dining. Charlotte has shared these findings with the town manager and the selectmen. Human Services has been asked to prepare a level service budget but intends to include two major improvements: to increase nursing hours from 15 to 20 hours/week which would provide more service to homebound people and to fund the Age Friendly Initiative. Christine Dean commented on the success of the Haunted House last week which drew 189 registrations and approximately 500 people; her staff is currently planning a winter event and invites suggestions for it. The Winter program guide is being completed with registration beginning on December 4. Liaison Reports: Community Center Program Advisory Committee—Nancy Adler reported that the committee has yet to meet.Transportation Committee—Nancy Adler did not attend the meeting, but Charlotte Rodgers reported that senior ridership has tripled,taxi rides have doubled in recent months, strategic planning is beginning, and she looks forward to having a transportation staff member. FCOA— Sophia Ho distributed minutes of the most recent meeting. Nancy Adler noted the need for a Friends of the Community Center organization to raise funds for the CC. Human Services Committee—Betty Borghesani reported on the joint meeting on mental health which reviewed the risk behavior survey and the need for the town to address the issue, as the school system has. Recreation Committee—Ellen Cameron reported that at the most recent meeting the success of the 60+ program and family bingo were noted. In addition, $11,500 will be saved with the grant-funded installation of LED lights throughout the building. Lexington Housing Authority—Camille Goodwin reported on the new storm door problems at Greeley village and that she had nothing to report on Judges Way. OWLL—Marion Kilson noted the new poster in the foyer that calls attention to two courses beginning in November as well as two "Winter" courses. New Business/Announcements: Bright Ideas Liaison: no one yet. Board Vacancy Update:There will be two vacancies on the Board in January, as Marion Kilson is resigning from the Board. The Town Manager is interested in diversifying the COA Board. Holiday Lunches: Melissa Interess will send an email to COA Board members to sign up for the lunch with which they can help. Board Meet&Greet: schedule at a time that convenient for Michelle Ciccolo. Meeting Adjourned 4:01. Respectfully submitted, Marion Kilson Secretary