HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-04-00-COA-newsletterLexington Senior Center & Social Services Newsletter NON - PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID BOSTON, MA 59348 Partial funding for the distribution of this newsletter is Return Service Requested supported by a grant from the Executive Office of Elder Affairs. April 2008 1475 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA 02420 Phone: 781 - 861 - 0194 Issue 324 http / /ci.lexington.ma.us FAX: 781 - 863 -2271 ACTING DIRECTOR OF b� - E aMft SOCIAL SERVICES Charlotte Rogers Lexington Global Warming Action Coalition crogers@ci.lexington.ma.us Tuesday, April 15, 2008 at 9:30 a.m. OFFICE MANAGER Do you have questions about global warming? How to reduce our contribution to SOCIAL SERVICES COORDINATOR it in Lexington? GWAC (Global Warmin Action Coalition and the workbook, g g Barbara Deveau "Low Carbon Diet," show us how to reduce our carbon footprint and at the same bdeveau @ci.lexington.ma.us time save money on our heating and electricity bills. There are easy steps to take SOCIAL SERVICES NURSE Charlotte Rodgers initially, as well as long term actions. Join other seniors to hear GWAC founders crodgers@ci.lexington.ma.us and Co- Chairs, Nancy Nolan and Kay Tiffany, receive informative materials and get PROGRAM CLERK Cara Shapiro ' your questions answere [ X cshapiro@ci.lexington.ma.us "Bees and Being Green" NUTRITION SITE MANAGER Despina Maradianos Tuesday, April 22, 2008 at 10 :00 a.m. SUPPORTIVE DAY CARE Lexington resident and bee keeper, Elaine Turano, will speak to us about bee - DIRECTOR keeping in "our own backyard ". Honey, wax and related products are all part of Carolyn Griffith cgriffith@ci.lexington.ma.us looking after bees. Elaine will address the current issue of "colony collapse disor- 781- 259 -1807 der" and the importance of bees to agriculture. Plan to make a beeline to the Senior VETERANS'AGENT Bob Martin Center on Earth Day, April 22 , for this informative talk. Please register with the YOUTH & FAMILY receptionist for both GREEN events. Free SERVICES COORDINATOR COUNCIL ON AGING " 401 T DAY FCRLMVI B Bor hes nl Wednesday, April 23, 2008-9:30 to 10:30 AM Shi Marian Cohen, Chair Join us at the Lexington Senior Center for a forum that answers your questions Bob Edwards Dan Fenn about Adult Day Care services. As our population ages, adult day Paul Lapointe care has become an option to help seniors stay safely in their homes. Leo McSweeney Frieda Oliner Day care programs also provide much needed respite for caregivers. Jane Pagett Nicholas San sso Topics to be discussed are: the types of day care models available Jane Trudeau to Lexington residents; how day care services are funded; and examples of a typical FRIENDS OF THE day. COUNCIL ON AGING Mary Ellen Goodwin The panel includes Carolyn Griffith Lexington Adult Supportive Day Care Di- Marie Hill rector, Susan Moore, Social Worker, Cooperative Elder Services, Barbara Deveau, Julie Miller Susan O'Keefe Social Services Coordinator and Charlotte Rodgers, RN, Social Services Nurse. Eleanor Smith Please call 781 - 861 -0194, to reserve your seat. Space is limited. SELECTMAN LIAISON Hank Marz "Yoga AW W — with a Ch air" See e 2 g a for the details. pg 2 LEXINGTON SENIOR CENTER NEWS APRIL 2008 ESL Conversations: Mondays at 1:00 pm. Meg Gailey, longtime ESL volunteer and former principal of schools, will be leading a discussion group for Senior ESL students. Do join in with other enthusi- astic participants. Please call Marilyn Campbell at 781-861-0194 for more information. Lexington Veterans Association - Monday, April 14, 2008, at 1:00 p.m. at Cary Memorial Library (Meeting Room), 1874 Massachusetts Avenue. Please join us to hear Walter Ford Carter discuss Sacrifice, about the lives and deaths of five soldiers buried in the American Cemetery at Omaha Beach. All are welcome. Refreshments will be served. Coffee is generously provided by Lexington Center Starbucks. Finance Matters - Tuesdays, 9:15 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. An open discussion group focused on financial issues of interest to seniors. Topics include estate planning (wills and trusts), probate, investing, bud- geting and saving, risk management (insurance) and taxes. Additional topics as suggested by members of the group. All are welcome. Tuesday, April 15, 2008, 9:15 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Lexington Global Warming Action Coalition - Please see front page for information about this program. Lexington Senior Advocates (LexSA) - Tuesdays, 11 a.m. 12:00 p.m. LexSA identifies, develops and promotes actions or ideas that specifically satisfy the needs of Lexington Seniors. All are welcome. World Affairs Study Grou - Tuesdays, 2:00 p.m. This group meets to discuss world affairs. New mem- bers are always welcome. Intermediate Level Bride Wednesdays, from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. All are welcome. Free Computer & Technology Groin - Wednesday, April 2, 2008 at 10 a.m. Come hear an overview of Win- dows OS given by Jesse Segovia. Wednesday, April 16, 2008 at 10 a.m. CEO of "Com- puter Home Help Co." and Webmaster of the Lexington Computer Group on the YAHOO web site, Paul Lewis will speak about Mozilla's "FIREBOX" Browser. Yo a with a Chair: Wednesdays, April 30, May 7, 14, 28 & June 4, 2008 from 3:00 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. at the Lexington Senior Center in the Muzzey Room. If you cannot get down on the floor but want to stay fit, try this Hatha Yoga class that uses a chair for balance. You do not need to lie down to get the benefits of yoga, includ- ing stretching, flexibility, balance and strength. Learn yogic breathing, postures and meditation. Wear loose clothing and bring a bath towel. You'll feel stronger, healthier and more relaxed after every class! Please reg- ister with Lexington Community Education (781 -862- 8043). $5515 Classes. Master Card and Visa accepted. Advanced Quilting Thursdays through May 8, 2008 at 9 a.m. with Jane Norberg. Students will continue to explore advanced machine quilting techniques. We will design sampler type quilts using varied block shapes and sizes. Register with the receptionist. $42/8 classes. Beginner Quilting Thursdays through May 8, 2008 at 1 p.m. with Jane Norberg. Students will learn the basics of quilting, including both hand and machine piec- ing. Register with the receptionist. $42/8 classes. GET WISE... ADVERTISE HERE Call Senior Citizen Publishing at 617- 254 -4545 or visit us at www.seniornubs.com Pine Knoll Nursing Center. "Still family owned and operated. " 30 Watertown Street 7814624151 Lexington, MA www.pineknollnursingcenter.com SENIOR CITIZEN PUBLISHING • 1505 COMMONWEALTH AVENUE BOSTON, MA 02135 (617) 254 -4545 • www.seniorpubs.com APRIL 2008 LEXINGTON SENIOR CENTER NEWS 3 to our SPONSORS for thF-ir support 275 Mass Ave., Lexington Oil Sales and Service MOBILE FREE M DELIVERY Program Highlights continued.... Current Events: Fridays at 1:00 p.m. No preparation is necessary but it does help to read current newspapers and periodicals or watch political TV programs. All points of view are encouraged and everyone has the opportunity to speak at a round -table discussion. Fuel Assistance Program 2007 -2008 The Fuel Assistance program runs through April 30, 2008. Appointments can be scheduled for new clients by calling the Social Services Department at (781) 861 -0194. Fuel assistance appointments will occur on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate walk -ins, so please be sure to schedule an appointment. Special accommodations may be available to persons who are homebound or have other extenuating circumstances. Please call Barbara Deveau or questions and concerns. You may be entitled! You may be eligible to receive at least $300 from the IRS. Under the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008, people earning too little to pay taxes, but at least $3,000 in income will get $300 if single, or $600 if a couple. This includes seniors whose only income is from Social Security as well as veterans who live on disability payments. To get the rebate, you must file a 2007 tax return even if you don't owe the IRS anything. The IRS will start sending rebates sometime in the late spring and the summer. Money Management Program: Assistance with Monthly Bill Paying Coping with bills and the mechanics of monthly bill paying can be overwhelming. Could you or someone you know use help keeping up with your monthly bills? The Money Management Program (co- sponsored by AARP, EOEA, and Mass Home Care) can provide a volunteer to assist with bill paying including: making a budget, sorting bills, writing checks (for YOU to sign), and reconciling check- books to bank statements. Interested? Call the Money Management Program at Minuteman Senior Services: 781- 272 -7177 or 978 - 263 -8720. Lexington Housing Authority Tuesday, April 15, 2008 at 10 a.m. Did you know that there is affordable housing in Lexington that you may qualify for? Come hear the facts from Anne Whitney, Director of the Lexington Housing Authority. Please register with the receptionist 781- 861 -0194. Seating is limited. 4 LEXINGTON SENIOR CENTER NEWS APRIL 2008 Program Highlights continued.... Getting a Tax Refund Wednesday, April 9, 2008 from 9a.m. -10 a.m. Please join Senator Jim Marzilli and Representative Jay Kaufman for an informational meeting to discuss tax relief and tax break options for seniors. There are numerous relief options available for Massachusetts seniors confronting the difficulty of paying property taxes. One of those options is the Senior Circuit Breaker which affords relief to those whose tax bill has risen sharply along with the rise in real estate values in resent years. The meeting will feature a presentation on the Senior Circuit Breaker and other exemptions such as $175 exemption for over 70 or surviving spouse, $500 exemptions for Elderly, tax defer- ral, and tax work -offs. "It's important that we help seniors who want to, stay in their homes. We want to make sure they know of possible options if they do need help, " said Senator Marzilli. "Making sure our seniors know what is available in terms of property tax relief is important. This kind of meeting helps get the necessary informa- tion out ", Representative Kaufman said. Seniors and families who want to help their se- nior parents are encouraged to attend. The meet- ing will be held at the Lexington Senior Center, 1475 Massachusetts Avenue. Refreshments will be served. For more information please contact Senator Marzilli's office at 617- 722 -1432. SM - The Qa�e Tuesday, May 6, 2008 at 2 p.m. Lexington Senior Center Cane Award Reception honoring the 2008 re- cipient of the Minuteman Cane Award. T 1 1 / Start time 1:15 p.m. in the Muzzey Room Becoming Jane — Monday, April 7, 2008. Novelist Jane Austen's personal life was as dramatic as her fictional characters. Jane (Anne Hathaway) rejects the advice of her parents, who would like to have her married to the nephew of a wealthy noble, and falls for a poor Irish lawyer, Tom LeFroy (James McAvoy). Headstrong Jane will not be told what to do. Run time: 120 minutes. (PG) The Mane Austen Book Club Tuesday, April 29, 2008. Six book club members realize that their lives mirror the drama of a Jane Austen novel. Sylvia's hus- band of 20 -plus years has walked out: Jocelyn breeds dogs to escape loneliness; Prudie dreams of other men: Bernadette hopes to find Mr. Right; Allegra has issues with her girlfriend; and Grigg, the only man, wonders why he's even in the club. Run Time: 106 minutes. (PG -13) The Lexington Board of Health, Office of Community Development, Senior Center and the Department of Public Works will be sponsoring a "Medical Waste Disposal Day" on Saturday, April 5th, 2008 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon behind the Lexington Town Hall, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue. Lexington residents may drop off, FREE OF CHARGE, household medical waste items, such as syringes, needles, sharps, and expired / unwanted medicines for disposal. For additional infor- mation please contact the Health Director, Gerard Cody at 781- 862 -0500, extension 237. Volunteers Needed! The recent PBS series on "The Brain" stressed the importance of continuing to learn new information.. Crosswords and Sudokus help keep one's mind active, but nothing keeps the brain healthier than learning. Come be part of one growing volunteer corps at the Lexington Senior Center and learn something new! More information or questions? Please call Marilyn Campbell at the Senior Center - (781) 861 -0194 APRIL 2008 LEXINGTON SENIOR CENTER NEWS 5 League Forums League's April Forum on Town Zoning Friday, April 4, 2008 at 9:30 a.m. Community Meeting Room at Cary Memorial Library Just when you think you understand terms like "Cluster Housing" and "Special Residential Developments," they may be about to change. Lexington's Planning Board has proposed two zoning amendments to simplify and clarify the Town's zoning by -laws in Warrant Articles before the 2008 Town Meeting: one article makes changes in "special permit" residential developments and the other reduces the maximum height of new homes and better defines how the height is measured. For more information or to carpool, contact the League at 781- 861 -0123. League Forum on Senior Issues Wednesday, April 9, 2008 at 9:30 a.m. Community Meeting Room at Cary Memorial Library The Senior Issues Committee of the Lexington League of Women Voters has been studying the services that are /are not available for Lexington's Seniors and has assembled a panel to discuss the issues. Although this is primarily an opportunity for the League to have their say on what they think Lexington should be doing, the general public is invited to hear the presentations. Following the panel presentations and questions and answers, League members will stay for further discussion to come to con- sensus among its members to adopt a position to take action in lobbying for or against legislation. Panelists include Vicki Blier, Co- chair, Selectmen's Tax De- ferral & Exemption Study Committee; Joan Butler, Director, Min- uteman Senior Services; Christina DeMambro and Tamzin Duffy, detectives with Lexington's Family Services; Gary Fallick, Lex- ington at Home; Charlotte Rodgers, Acting Director, Lexington Senior Center; and Gail Wagner, Coordinator, Lexington Trans- portation. For more information or to carpool, contact the League at 781- 861 -0123. All League forums are open to the public at no charge. PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE OUR SPONSORS The Barron Center for Men's Health Clinic • Urinary and Sexual Health • Second Opinions • Prostate Exams 4 1 • Testicular Exams MOUNT AusuxN • Primary Care Referrals HOSPITAL • Education and Support Services Open to all men regardless of insurance or ability to pay. Where Every Patient is the Only Patient. Call for a FREE appointment today. 617 -499 -5722 330 Mount Auburn Street Cambridge, MA 02138 SENIOR CITIZEN PUBLISHING, INC. 1505 • COMMONWEALTH AVENUE BOSTON, MA 02135 (617) 254 -4545 WWW.SENIORPUBS.COM A oW O Pr r E) ........... 0 (3) cn cn > 0 -M 0 woo" _ m X U) Cl) cu CU U C- CU cn 00 0 cn > 0 . ......... LL. (13 cu (1) __j LLJ cm ...... .... 0 a) ........... uj x LU-) cu E + L ............. .................................. 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Amesbury Playhouse $56 Wed., April 9, 2008 After a complete luncheon, with a choice of baked haddock, sliced roast beef, or baked stuffed chicken; sit back, relax, and enjoy the comedy, "Don't Dress for Dinner ". Set in a converted farmhouse in the French countryside, this fast - paced farce presents a challenge for the players, lots of fun for the audience, and a story with more twists than a corkscrew. Trip Code TO8 -19. Depart 10:30 a.m.; return 4:30 -5 p.m. Park at St Brigid's Church, Worthen Rd. Glass Flowers Exhibit, Harvard Museum $59 Thurs., April 24, 2008 Enjoy a guided tour of one of Harvard Museum's most famous treasures, the unique collection of over 3,000 models of glass flowers. This internationally acclaimed collection of more than 830 plant species was created by Leopold Blaschka and his son, Rudolph, 19th century German glass artisans. A family style lunch that includes Fettuccine Alfredo, cheese ravioli, roasted chicken, fresh fish, choice of salad, dessert, and beverage will be served at Maggiano's Restaurant. Trip Code TO8 -20. Depart 10:45 a.m.; return 5 -5:30 p.m. Park at St. Brigid's Church, Worthen Rd. Museum of Fine Arts $32 Tuesday, May 6, 2008 Don't miss the opportunity to see this exhibit of paintings, sculpture, and decorative art of two of the giants of 17th century Spanish Art: El Greco and Velazquez. This groundbreaking exhibit examines a fascinating period (1598 -1621) book -ended by these two masters who painted during the reign of Philip III's court. The art produced at and for the court reflected a new style of grandeur. There will be ample time after lunch, on you own, to explore and visit the other exhibits at the museum. Trip Code TO8 -23. Depart 9:15 a.m.; return 2:30 -3 p.m. Park at St. Brigid's Church, Worthen Rd. Suffolk Downs Race Track $33 Wed., May 14, 2008 Join us for a day of exciting thoroughbred horse racing and a complete buffet luncheon from soup to dessert, at the Suffolk Downs Racetrack. We will be in the "Topside Room ", where you can view the races and place your bets in comfort. Trip Code TO8 -22. Depart 11:15 a.m.; return 5 -5:30 p.m. Park at St. Brigid's Church, Worthen Rd. Nantucket Island Getaway $299- double; $359 single Wed., Thurs, May 28 -29, 2008 From its impressive history and unparalleled beauty to the wealth of cultural attractions, Nantucket combines the warmth of a quaint New England community with the sophistication of a world -class resort. During the 90- minute tour of the island, there will be a guided tour of the famous Whaling Museum, that demonstrates the island's history involved in whaling. We will be staying at the Nantucket Inn, with dinner, buffet breakfast, and a boxed lunch included. The Inn provides a shuttle bus for rides into town. A deposit of $50 is required on registration, with final payment due by April 25. Trip Code TO8 -17. Depart 6:45 a.m. Wed., May 28; return 6 p.m. Thurs., May 29. Park at St. Brigid's Church, Worthen Rd. Tanglewood Overnight $285- double; $325 single Sun., Mon., July 13 -14, 2008 James Levine will conduct the Sunday afternoon performance of the Boston Symphony Orchestra that includes the works of Haydn, J.S. Bach, Mozart, and Schubert. The featured soloist will be Peter Serkin playing Bach's Piano Concerto No. 1. Our overnight stay at the William's Inn in Williamstown, MA includes a complete dinner and breakfast. On Monday morning, we will visit Naumkeag for a guided tour of the summer estate and gardens of the Choate family. A deposit of $25 is due on registration; balance due June 10. Registration limited to 25 people. Trip Code TO9 -1. Depart Sun., 8 a.m.; return 5 p.m., Mon. Park at the Lexington High School, Worthen Rd. field. SAVE THESE DATES FOR FUTURE TRIPS -Mon., lone 9, 2008 Foxwoods Casino If you have questions about the trips listed above, please contact Phyllis Rand at the Lexington Senior Center, most mornings at (78-1) 861 -0194. APRIL 2008 LEXINGTON SENIOR CENTER NEWS 9 V~ is Ow FwC 'lop This question has been asked of us recently. Therefore, in short, the Friends of the Council on Aging is a separate non profit organi- zation of volunteers dedicated to the support of the Senior Center, now and for the future. The Friends maintains the monetary dona- tions raised through both contributions and fundraising activities on behalf of the Council on Aging, for the benefit of the Senior Center. Our Board members are: Susan O'Keefe .................................... ............................... President Mary Ellen Goodwin ......................... ............................... Treasurer Marie Hill ......................... ............................... Recording Secretary Julie Miller ............... ............................... Corresponding Secretary Friers of the an A9ry Da�atiam Request Farm Who are we? The FCOA as we are known maintains the monetary donations raised through both contributions and fundraising activities on behalf of the Lexington Council on Aging to support the Senior Center. What are the funds used for? They are used to support programs and activities, help purchase equipment and services, and to provide improvements at the Lexington Senior Center. � of finmv r � � i.r � .tn .f n iviemorium In Memory of �eniors attend our FCOA sponsored of the music and exercise programs that you can make a tax deductible a 501(c) 3 and are a non profit s to: 1475 Massachusetts Avenue, U. i IIAA1[E AN APPOINTMENT FOR YOUR IFI tE E Hewing sorming or Hearing Aid Cimning Rsniw $1 a Q!'tlo purcham of a hsdring aid. 10 LEXINGTON SENIOR CENTER NEWS APRIL 2008 Froam Ow hl"H7 Garnw.im "Ifi&MT ARE ADULT DAY SERIflCE57r Charlotte Rodgers, RN, Social Services Nurse What are Adult Day Services? More than 3,500 adult day centers are currently operating in the United States providing care for 150,000 older Americans each day. Daily fees for services are almost always less than the cost of a home health visit, and about half the cost of a skilled nursing facility. Fees vary and depend on the model of care and transportation options. Adult day services are usually comprised of two models of care, the social model and the medical model. Adult day services, known as the social model of care, are community -based group programs designed to meet the needs of functionally and /or cognitively impaired adults through an individual plan of care. These are structured, comprehensive programs that provide a variety of social and other related support services in a protective setting during the day. Adult day health services provide the addition of health related services to the social model, and usually offers such services as nursing and medication support. Adult day centers generally operate programs during normal business hours up to five days per week. Both models offer less than 24 -hour care. Who can benefit from Adult Day Services? Adult day services provide care for frail elders as well as persons of all ages with multiple and special needs associated with conditions such as Alzheimer's disease, brain injury or stroke, vision and hearing impairments and other conditions that limit function and safety. Since adult day services are less than 24 -hour care, this allows the person to maintain their independence and continue living at home with loved ones for as long as possible. They also provide caregivers the opportunity to care for their loved one at home while providing needed respite. What resources are available to help with reimbursement of Adult Day Services? Some long -term care insurance policies will cover part or all of the costs of adult day services and some states offer a Medicaid waiver to reduce the costs. How do I find out more information aboutAdult Day Services? You may call the Lexington Social Services Department for more specific information about the Lexington Adult Supportive Day Program. The Lexington program provides the social day care model in a lovely home located in Lincoln, MA, near the Lexington town line. Director Carolyn Griffith will be happy to meet with you and give you a tour. Call Carolyn at 781- 259 -1807. Information is also available from Minuteman Senior Services by calling 781- 272 -7177. And, plan to attend our panel discussion on Adult Day Care Services at the Lexington Senior Center on Wednesday April 23rd. Information for this article was gathered from the website of the National Adult Day Services Association at www. nadsa. org PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE OUR SPONSORS It makes sense to concentrate your advertising where it does most good - right in your neighborhood! You pay only the advertising cost. Public relations and good will values are free. This newsletter is kept at home a full month. It is regularly referred to for important dates, times, events and meetings. Convenient Budget Payment Terms Write Today! Or call 617- 254 -4545 WWW.SENIORPUBLISHING.00M SENIOR CITIZEN PUBLISHING • 1505 COMMONWEALTH AVENUE BOSTON, MA 02135 (617) 254 -4545 APRIL 2008 LEXINGTON SENIOR CENTER NEWS 11 �a�onl 1 A � e�r�rgs Thursday mornings from 10 to 11 AM at the following locations: 1St Thursday of the month - Lexington Senior Center, 1475 Massachusetts Av- enue. 2n Thursday of the month - Countryside Village, off Woburn St.- in Lexington Housing Authority Office Building /Meet- ing Room. 3r Thursday of the month - at Greeley Village, off Bedford St., turn in on Tewksbury St. or Shirley St.- in the center building/ meeting and laundry facilities. 4th Thursday of the month - at Vynebrooke Village, off Waltham St.- in the center building/ meeting and laundry facilities. 5th Thursday of the month — no BP clinic. Mother's Day Formal Tea Thursday, May 8, 2008 at 11:30 a.m. Lexington Senior Center Ladies are encouraged to wear a hat! Come enjoy tea sandwiches, pastries and a selection of teas. Space is limited! Please register with the receptionist at 781 - 861 -0194 by May 1, 2008. Sponsored by a - Instea r Windowpane Shop Hours 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p. m. Weekdays Selling like -new spring clothing, accessories, jewelry, scarves, & pocketbooks. Accepting donations of small household items, Mon. through Fri. 8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. PaWicgfs DW Parade an LEJOWSS Monday, April 21, 2008 Meet at the Main Lexington Fire Station, 45 Bedford Street, across from the Stop &Shop at 12:15 p.m. The bus returns to the Fire Station at approximately 3:30 p.m. Once again, a LEXPRESS bus will be part of the Lex- " ington Patriot's Day Parade! Lexington Seniors wishing to participate in the parade are cordially invited to ride the bus or walk. Lunch will be provided for all participants upon arrival at the parade staging area. Please call the Senior Center receptionist at 781 - 861 -0194 to sign -up to participate. Space is limited. For more information call LEXPRESS at 781 - 861 -1210. WHAT IS IMPORTANT FOR YOU AT THE LEXINGTON SENIOR DO YOU HAVE AN OPINION OR IDEA YOU WOUID Uff TO SHARE? PLEASE PLAN TO JOIN US FOR "LtiFFEE /YID [X—MY VERSA T /OY" FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 2008 10 A.M. TO 11 A.M. LEXINGTON SENIOR CENTER DINING ROOM GeWn Arcurzi LEXPRESS - The LEXPRESS staff is happy to initiate Seniors to Lexington's in -town bus service by telephone inquires or accompanying a rider on the bus to guide them as they build their comfort level. Call the LEXPRESS office at (781) 861- 1210 to speak to the staff about schedules, routes or travel train- ing. FISH Needs Volunteers to drive locally. If you want to hear more about volunteering call 781- 862 -0375. Fix -It Shop Open Thursdays 9:00 a.m. to Noon Do you have small items around the house that need repair? Do you ever think about getting those items fixed? If so, this is your time! Bring them to the Fix -It Shop. The volunteer workmen are "starving," not for food but for work. You will have a fast response with the best workmanship imaginable. Huey the time is now! 12 LEXINGTON SENIOR CENTER NEWS APRIL 2008 Yoga for Health and Fitness, with Lisa Groves Fridays, 9:30 -10:35 a.m. April 4, 11, 18, 25 $24.00 May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 $30.00 Develop strength, flexibility, and balance, and improve overall physical and mental well -being using time - honored yoga movements, postures, and breathing exercises. Exercises will be adapted to meet individual needs; all levels welcome. Please bring a blanket or yoga mat. Register with Senior Center receptionist. Class size is limited. New T' ai Chi Class with William Barron Wednesdays, 1:30 -2:30 p.m. April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 $20.00 May 7, 14, 21, 28 $ 16.00 Participants will be instructed and will perform exercises that warm up the muscles; promote body awareness; promote safety; loosen joints; improve energy efficiency; enhance breathing and oxidation capacity and improve posture. • Stretch & Bend. Large, popular stretching and limbering group offers support and instruction. The group meets Monday through Friday from 9:00-9:30 a.m. Free. • 60+ Fitness. Led by enthusiastic group members, this workout focuses on both upper and lower body muscle strengthening, using free weights and bands. Meets Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays from 9:35-10:30 a.m. All welcome. Free. • Kripalu Yoga with Don Weikert. Move gently from a centering meditation, to stretching and warm -ups, to learning physical postures (asanas) to relaxation. Mondays 8:30 -9:45 a.m. $5 /session. Pay instructor. • Ping Pong. All welcome to j oin a game on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays, 1 -4 p.m. All levels. Free. • Line Dancing with Sam O' Clair. Dancing is a great way to exercise! Come j oin the group for great music, fun dances and a group of people having a great time. Classes will be every Thursday from 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Cost is $3.00 per session, pay the receptionist. The Evergreen Group - (Chinese Senior Sup- port) We meet to talk about personal and family issues. Meets at the Senior Center the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month, 10:00-11:45 a.m. Parkinson's Support Group. Led by Art Sotak. The Parkinson's Disease support group will meet 4th Monday of each month at 1:00 pm at the Senior Center in the Muzzey Room. Bereavement & Friendship Group. Meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. All are welcome, and no registration is neces- sary. 1:00-2:30 pm. Prostate Cancer Group. This group is for men who currently have prostate cancer or survivors who wish to share the knowledge they have gained with others. Meets third Wednesday of each month, 1:00 - 2:30 pm. Caregivers Group: Group meets 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month, 1:00 –2:30 pm. A sup- port group for caregivers of individuals with memory impairment. The group is ongoing and there is no fee. If interested please call Charlie Zoeller at 781- 861 -8630 or Susan Moor at 781- 861 -9863 for an initial telephone intake. SHINE. Counselors Rose Lerner or Rhoda Neidorf are available to help you with any as- pect of your health insurance on Tuesdays from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 pm. Call the Senior Center at 781- 861 -0194 to make an appointment. Podiatry Clinic. With Dr. Gimbal. Wednesday, April 16, 2008. Call 781- 861 -0194 to schedule an appointment $30. Please pay the Podiatrist directly. Appointments scheduled 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Blood Pressure Screenings. Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. On the first Thursday of the month, the screenings are held at the Senior Center. Screen- ings are also held at the Senior Villages other Thursdays of the month. Call the Senior Center for directions to the other locations. Supportive Day Care. Provides a safe daytime environment for seniors who are having diffi- culty living independently, and respite for caregivers. Call Carolyn Griffith for further in- formation at 781- 259 -1807.