HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-02-02-WALKS-min Report of the Lexington Sidewalk Committee Meeting February 2, 2009 11:00 a.m. Selectmen’s Meeting Room, Town Hall Present : Jerry Van Hook, Judy Crocker, Meg Lotz, Francine Stieglitz, Jeanne Krieger (Selectman liaison) Wayne Brooks (DPW), Richard Canale (Planning Board), Elaine Celi (LPS Transportation Mgr.) Minutes: Since there was not a quorum, the minutes of December 2008 and January 2009 could not be approved. Hancock Street rotary and Holmes Development: Richard Canale reported that the developer can provide a by-right conventional set up of balanced housing with clusters and possibly pedestrian access, but the developer does not want to make any physical changes to the rotary. There is consensus among the neighbors that the current configuration of the rotary is not good. Can other options be found to modify the development plans to make walking to Diamond safer? Holmes Development will present its plans to the Planning Board at its meeting on February 4. As of now, there is no plan for solution to the rotary problem. Letters to the Planning Board should indicate what improvements should be made to the rotary. The worst-case scenario would be to leave it as is. One suggestion would be to change the sidewalk from Hancock to Diamond. Wayne suggested that engineering come up with some options, perhaps maps to show the developers what could be done. Judy has been talking with several people, and she will contact John Livesey, the town engineer. Spring Street project. Jerry encouraged the Committee to be proactive on sidewalk needs, especially in terms of betterments. He has been involved with the Spring Street project and has written a letter to the abutters/neighbors stating that the Committee has approved Option 3, as reported in the December 3 minutes. Option # 3- ?? East Side of Spring Street from Marrett Road to Hudson Road ?? West Side of Spring Street from Hudson Road to the Shire Property. ?? West Side of Spring Street from Marrett Road to Grassland Street There has been much discussion and no consensus on the Spring street elist about which side of the street to put the sidewalk. In terms of right-of-way, the west side has 15 feet while the east side has five. Dave Cannon, Assistant Town Engineer, favors the west side partially. The plan is to remove fewer than 5 trees, so that will not present a problem. The wetlands are a non-issue. Traffic calming was discussed with suggestions of radar-type indicators on posts at one or two locations on Spring street, and sideline striping along both sides of Spring Street. In order to make the crosswalks safer, the crosswalks at Grassland, Underwood, and Hudson would have a different texture from the rest of the street. Jeanne said that 30 mph could not be guaranteed, however. The intersection of Marrett and Spring was also discussed. A pedestrian-only signal of no more than 30 seconds was one possibility. Richard had written an email about the planned signalized intersection that he shared with the Committee. He recommended that pedestrian delay at the Marrett/Spring intersection be no longer than 20-30 seconds. Such a delay in crossing signal activation would have only a moderate likelihood of noncompliance. Any longer delay would result in higher noncompliance. Jeanne urged the Committee to lobby for pedestrian safety, and Jerry’s email to the Spring street neighborhood will mention the measures that can be taken to achieve such. Granite curbing will be installed and the sidewalks will be plowed, according to the consultants. Planning Board zoning bylaw amendments. Richard discussed the proposed changes in zoning and the Traffic Management Overlay concept, which will be tried on Hartwell Avenue. Currently most businesses on Hartwell are zoned CM. The Planning Board could put reasonable conditions on the TMO zone and some mitigation fees would be possible. The Planning Board will hold another meeting on March 4 to discuss a set of principles in developing regulations and transportation plans, but the plans will not be developed until after Town Meeting. Richard suggested that the Sidewalk Committee should inform the Planning Board on their conditions for improving pedestrian safety in the Hartwell commercial district. Jerry reminded Richard that, with committee approval, he had sent a letter to this effect to Charles Hornig, chair of the PB, several months back. Wachusett Drive : John Davies was not at the meeting, so Wachusett Drive was not discussed. Roosevelt Road:: Wayne presented the three options, but no further action has been taken. He estlimated that it would cost $25,000 to put a sidewalk in on either side of Roosevelt, not including an additional cost of $15,000 for relocating a telephone pole if the south side of Rossevelt is chosen. He informed the Committee that there are presently no funds for general sidewalk improvements in the FY ‘09-‘10 budget.. The meeting was adjourned at 1:00. The next meeting will be on Monday, March 2, 2009, at 11:00 a.m. in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room. A group photograph is planned at 11:30 am and all members are asked to be present. Report prepared by Francine Stieglitz