HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-10-26-DIAMOND-min Diamond Site Council Meetings 2017-2018 October 26, 2017: Meeting Minutes Members in Attendance: Jen Turner, Deepika Sawhney, Katina Lawdis, Sean Han, Sam Bosbach, PK Shiu, Krystal Wettstone, Dan Strollo Note-taker: Liz Sharp Approval of 9/17 Minutes: Approved. Principal's Report: • First in-home parent PTA coffee was earlier this month. Topic focused meetings at school will continue. The in-home meetings will be less structured. About 30 parents were at the October meeting. Next one is in December. • Washington, D.C. fundraiser for all three grades. Concerns from some parents will be addressed in the Principal's newsletter to families. • The purpose of fundraising was for supporting financial assistance and offset the cost of the trip. • The fundraising company suggested starting fundraising at sixth grade to hold those funds each year for their 8th grade trip. No money is going to the PTA. • Consider one fund each year or split up when we run for 8th vs. the other grades. • Budget update: • School does not have its own budget except "operating budget". Everything else is in the town budget. Operating budget includes funds for copier machines, some PD money, Enriching Students software for scheduling WIN, and miscellaneous items. No major changes for next year. • Staffing will be through district. Projected enrollments show that Diamond will be much larger next year, so we will be asking for more staff. Since Clarke is at capacity for some grades, we will be getting new growth in the future. Both Clarke and Diamond are asking for an unallocated fund amount to add staff when we know our needs in the spring. • Would reaching out to the real estate agents give us a better idea of projected enrollments? • Concerns from last meeting: • Rotten milk concerns - addressed with Wittson's manager. He assured refrigeration is working and expiration dates are checked. • iPads and distractibility. ■ New tech director will announce 1-1 iPad program being phased out. Likely in favor of Chromebook. Look for updates at the next School Committee Mtg. ■ Looking forward to "next steps" for families. Hoping for a district vision around technology both in and out of school. ■ Katina updates council on scientific studies re: students and screen time &value of technology and diversified instruction. • MCAS Next Gen - no comparisons year to year for individual students. May compare scores across students in a single year, and SGP should be accurate. Not a "pure comparison". Reporting language more consistent with standards-based language. • Brief discussion about search for new Superintendent. Moving quickly. Staff Report: • Student Council fundraiser complete. In process for allocating raised funds. Member Input: • Science Bowl update: Diamond has one spot currently. Some concerns about baseline science content knowledge among the students. • Parent forums about Intnl Trips and the new Homework Policy implementation coming up Who gets to go on trips? Adjournment