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A meeting of the Lexington Planning Board, held in Selectmen’s Meeting Room, was called to
order at 7:01 p.m. by the Chair, Richard Canale, with members Charles Hornig, Nancy Corcoran-
Ronchetti and Bob Creech. Planning staff Aaron Henry and David Kucharsky were also present.
Ginna Johnson was not present.
*******************************STAFF REPORTS********************************
General Updates:
Mr. Henry noted that a street determination application for 22 Richard Rd had been submitted and
will be coming before the Board on November 1. A legal notice will soon be posted for a Site
Sensitive Development special permit at 497 Concord Ave.
Mr. Henry indicated that the candidate staff had hoped to hire did not work out but that David
Fields would be returning on Tuesday, October 10.
Mr. Kucharsky notified the Board that a Transportation Safety Group meeting is scheduled for
Thursday, October 12 9 a.m. in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.
Comprehensive Plan Update:
No updates
Anticipated Meetings:
Mr. Canale noted that the November 1 meeting will be a joint meeting with the Historical
Commission to discuss the status of the Pierce-Lockwood NCD. The Pierce-Lockwood chair
asked if the group could meet with the Board on October 18 prior to the November 1 meeting.
Mr. Henry indicated there may not be enough time but we can clarify how much time they are
looking for as well as determine if they will be ready for spring Town Meeting. If they are not
going in the spring the meeting could be pushed out further.
The TMMA info session is scheduled for October 10. King Street properties will be there, as
well as Mr. Canale on behalf of the Board to answer any questions.
***************************SPECIAL TOWN MEETING***************************
Mr. Hornig made the motion to reconsider last week’s vote on Article 2 for Special Town
Meeting. As there were no objections, Mr. Hornig moved to recommend approval of the motion
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under Article 2. Ms. Corcoran-Ronchetti seconded. The Board voted 4-0 in favor of
recommending the motion noting Ms. Johnson’s absence. Mr. Canale asked that a note be made
in the report that Ms. Johnson had voted in favor of the project during the August 27 Planning
Board meeting.
The Board proceeded with discussion of comments submitted by Mr. Canale and Mr. Hornig.
Upon completing the discussion Mr. Hornig moved to approve the report as amended subject to
the chairs final review, Ms. Corcoran-Ronchetti seconded. The Board voted 4-0 to approve with
Ms. Johnson absent. Staff will finalize the report and after chair reviews it will be posted to the
Town Meeting listserv.
*********************DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION************************
10 RangewayStreet Determination
– The Applicant is seeking a waiver given prior roadway
improvements agreed upon by the developer of 7 Rangeway (now 38 James St). In the event 10
Rangeway is built before the completion of 38 James then the applicant would be required to
make the improvements identified in the decision prior to receipt of a Certificate of Occupancy.
Mr. Henry noted 10 Rangeway, which is a vacant lot, had a variance from 1962 which was
recently re-affirmed by the ZBA. Mr. Hornig requested a copy of the variance. Mr. Hornig
moved to determine that 10 Rangeway is not of adequate grade or construction but will be when
improvements, detailed in the staff memo, are made. Ms. Corcoran-Ronchetti seconded. The
Board voted 4-0 with Ms. Johnson absent.
1106 Mass Ave Site Sensitive Sketch Plan –
Mr. Canale provided an overview of the zoning
process to the audience. Site sensitive developments take into consideration the surrounding
environment and land uses. This is the first opportunity the Board has to learn about the site,
what is being proposed, and provide input as well as give some guidance as to what they would
like to see. In this particular case the applicant is proposing to maintain the existing home and
construct two additional homes.
Mike Cappuccitti of Meridian Associates gave the presentation to the Board. He was joined by
Todd Cataldo, the applicant, Richard Waitt, principal at Meridian, and Jacqueline Trainer
landscape architect at Meridian.
The property is approximately 1.5 acres with an existing historic home located in the RS zoning
district. Part of the property is located within the Historic Overlay District.
Minutes for the Meeting of October 4, 2017 Page 3
Mr. Canale noted the home is considered a “witness” house (was in existence on 1775) and asked
the applicant to speak to how the home has been modified. Mr. Cataldo stated that town record
indicated the home was constructed in 1760 and it still has a lot of the original detail.
Mr. Canale asked that future plan submittals should include the historic district boundaries. He
also noted that it would be helpful to have the history of the fountain located on the property as
well as the existing stone walls.
Mr. Hornig asked what the structure in rear of the property was used for. Mr. Cataldo said it was
used as a tennis court.
Mr. Creech asked for the square footage of lots 2 & 3. Mr. Cappuccitti stated lot 2 is 15,790 sq ft
and lot 3 is 15,500. Mr. Creech asked is there a maximum retaining wall height restriction. Mr.
Henry noted that a retaining wall of 4 feet or higher requires a building permit but there are no
prohibitions regulating their height.
Board member asked that future submittals include the building footprint of neighboring houses
as well as location of existing pool to help with orientation.
Board member asked applicant to document the trees on site and include them on the plans. It
was noted there are a number of invasive species on the site.
It was noted that Massachusetts Avenue is currently being constructed under a state funded
project. Applicant indicated they spoke with Engineering regarding utility connections and the
need for any future curb cut work. Any work should be coordinated with ongoing road
Applicant recently met on site with Ms. Johnson who provided written comments. Mr. Canale
read the comments noting agreement
David Handlin 3 Plainfield St – Mr. Handlin provided history of site since he had moved to his
home. Suggested more traffic will be generated by this project and asked about the next steps.
Mr. Canale noted that the Board will provide feedback to the applicant which they can consider
as they further develop the project. The HDC will also provide their input and the Board will
work with staff to coordinate review efforts.
Applicant noted that once approval of the sketch from the Board was received he would proceed
with working with HDC.
Board members did express some concerns with the proximity of the proposed homes to the
surrounding properties.
Mr. Handlin noted that the prior owner of the property indicated the stone walls had been heavily
used by Native Americans. Asked if a survey of all significant trees could be provided during the
next hearing including a calculation of what trees remain and would be removed. Asked for a
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finish floor elevation including his own property to determine how high the proposed new homes
would be in relation to his home. Asked to see a vegetated barrier as large as possible as well as
allow his landscape architect the right to review and approve plans.
Mr. Canale noted that the applicant is proposing to preserve the historic home but he could
demolish the house and put in a new road by-right based on the submitted proof plan. Board
would prefer a site sensitive development which preserves existing home and places new homes
in a way that is sensitive to the site. The site sensitive development is a special permit which can
only be granted if 4 members agree the proposal meets the zoning. The special permit also
affords the Board an opportunity to include certain conditions that the applicant agrees to.
Martha Lucas 3 Tower Rd – Requested that building footprints of adjacent homes be included on
the plans.
Board members encouraged the applicant to have an informal discussion with the Historic
Districts Commission (HDC) before coming back with further design plans.
*************************BOARD ADMINISTRATION****************************
Board Member reports:
Mr. Canale noted the Battle Road Scenic Byway Committee met last week to discuss submitting a
CPA request for a wayfinding signage plan. They need to determine how to assess each of the
four towns involved in this effort. A Federal parks service representative was at the meeting and
indicating an intent to take a more active role in the committee.
A proposal to build a Doppler radar tower on the Hanscom property has been abandoned. The
tower would have been extremely high and loom over the park.
Mr. Hornig noted he would be attending a Community Preservation Committee meeting
tomorrow on two last-minute requests for funding. The first is additional funding related to
construct affordable housing units on Lowell St adjacent to LexFarm. There is also a request for
an unknown amount to purchase the property at 44 Adams St adjacent to Town Conservation land
across the street from the Fiske School. The Board felt the Town has other expenses and this may
not be the best use of town funds.
Mr. Canale noted that elections for the Boston MPO are coming up. Lexington’s term ends next
month and we have submitted our application to be a candidate. The next MPO meeting will take
place tomorrow at 10 p.m. in the Bedford Town Hall.
On a motion, duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m.
The meeting was recorded by LexMedia.
Bob Creech, Clerk