HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-09-14-TREE-min Below are the approved minutes for the Tree Committee meeting September 14, 2017. I will forward in a separate email to you the chart(s) mentioned by Gerry in Item 7 below. Please call me if you have any question. 781-862-2104 John Frey, Chairman, Lexington Tree Committee. _____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ The Lexington Tree Committee Meeting,, September 14, 2017 beginning at 7:30a.m. at the Samuel Hadley Public Services Building, Room 125. Members Present: John Frey(Chair), Gerry Paul, Jewel Kuljian, Karen Longeteig, Nancy Sofen, James Wood, Chris Filadoro(Tree Warden). Guest: David Williams(Public Art Project on Lincoln Park Property) 1. Jewel Kuljian acted as Scribe. The minutes of the August 10, 2017 meeting were edited to state “A quorum of five present” to include Karen Longeteig. Minutes approved. Tree Committee members thank Karen for all of her contributions and friendship on this Committee, presented her with flowers, and wished her the best with her upcoming move to Rhode Island. Karen suggested we look to add two new members by January. 2. Bylaw Tree removal applications. Chris will send the information to John Frey very soon and John will forward this information to Tree Committee members. 3. Anne will send Chris a list of the Native Canopy Trees. He will forward the list to the Board of Selectmen. 4. Tree Inventory. Chris has a spec written to send out for bids. He first made inquiries to other communities about their bids. The Town budget is to provide $50,000 in funds to assess trees in town, with two fiscal Purchase Orders over two years. Street trees are to be assessed first(including the two precincts not covered in the last Inventory), and also some “primary parks” and other areas. 5. Tree Manual Updates. Anne reviewed Section VI. Planting Guidelines. A sentence is to be added about soil testing when the soil is very poor or contaminated. Approved. Figure 14 was reviewed, the second row of the title “TREE BYLAW SETBACK AREA” will be removed. The drawing showing the Town owned Right of Way distance(variable) from the edge of the curb. Also indicated is the Setback tree area along with notation of a 20’ maximum beyond the line of the right of way and some line changes in the drawing for emphasis. Approved. 6. Fall Tree Planting Strategy. Fifty-six of 70 street trees are to be planted in East Lexington. Specific species are being selected. Trees are to be bare root and installed. The Town is to order and pay for the trees. Installation will be contracted and paid for separately. Regarding Setback Tree Agreements, of which there are many requests, members will work from this list in order of their date of receipt. Gerry-2, Jewel -4(John to assist), Nancy-4, and Chris-4. 7. Forestry budget/spending. Some time ago Nancy and Gerry met with Dave Pinsonneault to discuss the funding allotted for tree planting and care of trees. At the time he committed that no funds would be spent out of mitigation funds without a discussion by the Tree Committee. Money in this budget is allocated for tree planting and maintenance for 130 trees each year as approved by Town Meeting in 2015. Gerry presented a chart of the Forestry Historical Budget and Spending with varying amounts from the Tree Fund from FY2014 to FY2018. It is suggested that an RFP to encumber spring and fall funding for tree planting/maintenance be done to avoid any of these funds to be used for the snow removal budget. 8. Mass Ave. sidewalk reconstruction Bow St. to Fottler Ave. A sub-committee recommended to plant trees in 3’ strips and identified 56 planting sites with eight species of trees. The sub- committee will select and order the trees. Google docs is suggested for keeping track of trees to be planted for fall of 2017. 9. Plastic Tree Grates? Jim pointed out that these plastic grates used to prevent soil compaction are very strong and can be cut to size. Certain locations may be useful i.e. the Visiter Center and other locations. Jim will bring a sample to the next Tree Committee Meeting in October. 10. Tree Committee website is out of date. Cathy Santos (Town Webmaster) will promptly put up additions/changes to the web site. As time permits Nancy will make changes and updates to the site. 11. David Williams requested to come to our meeting today to describe and show beautiful drawings done by Thomas Worth Associates for a public art project called Granite Forest at Lincoln Park, designed as a public historical park using saved old granite. This new venture will cost over $110,000 to fund. The Town CPC has funded $30,000, they have an additional $23,000 and they need to raise $60,000 more. The cost of the trees: three American Beech trees surrounded by fifteen Poplars are the focus. Matt Foti is growing and planting these trees at a cost of $18,000. The granite pillars will have historical markings on them. David would welcome a contribution from the Tree Committee. Chris is holding one copy of the drawings and members said the Tree Committee would consider this at our next meeting. Kirk&Lee Funds(a sub-committee of the Recreation Committee employs 6 paid employees) is working on this project. David also informed us that all of the striped maples planted for Nell Walker are living except for one. Meeting adjourned. Next regular meeting: October 12, 2017, 7:30AM at DPW, 201 Bedford Street, Room 125