HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-09-12-HPB-min Ɏ Lexington Housing Partnership Meeting Minutes for Tuesday, September 12, 2017 Attendees: Harriet Cohen, Jeri Foutter, Mary Haskell, Paul Linton, Bob Pressman, Melinda Walker, Betsey Weiss Absent: Rich McDonough, Nancy Corcoran-Ronchetti, Wendy Manz Guests: The meeting was chaired by Melinda Walker and the minutes were taken by Harriet Cohen. The meeting was called to order at 7:41 pm. 1. Approval of minutes of July 11, 2017 Mr. Pressman had a number of suggestions for updates to the minutes. Ms. Walker will revise the minutes and present them at the next meeting. Ms. Walker moved to table discussion of the minutes until the next meeting; Ms. Weiss seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. 2. Presentation of LIP application for Manor House / Walker The Regional Housing Services requires the signature of the Lexington Housing Partnership (LHP) chair on the Local Initiative Program (LIP) application for Local Action Units at Manor House, 509 Woburn Street. There are 51 condominiums. Some units are already occupied. Six of the units are set aside for first time home buyers at a reduced price. One is one bedroom; the other two are two- bedroom. The sale prices are: $154,400 for the 1-bedroom unit and 167,500 to 170,500 for the 2- bedroom units. These will be deed-restricted properties. Pinnacle Partners hired the Sudbury Housing Trust to do the marketing and run the lottery for the first-time home buyer units. The planning board approved this development in 2014. First time home buyers must be at 80% or less of Boston regional medium household income. Assets cannot exceed $75,000. Some exceptions will allow people who are not first-time home buyers to participate in the lottery. Local preference: 75% of these units must be local preference (4 of 6). Local preference must include at least 20% minority applicants. All applicants must be pre-approved to ensure they can obtain a mortgage on the property. Mr. Pressman moved the motion that Ms. Walker has the approval of the LHP to sign the final version of the LIP application. Ms. Haskell seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. 3. Update on Pine Grove (Judges Way)/ Walker Earlier this week, the attorney for the existing co-op, the attorney for the Lexington Housing Authority (LHA), and Elizabeth Rust of the Regional Housing Servicing Office met with the residents to discuss the financing arrangements. The LHA will be the landlord. The co-op residents have voted unanimously on the conversion to condo units. The Town is expected to approve the financing arrangements in November. Ɏ Lexington Housing Partnership 4. Update on Busa request for Fall Town Meeting / Pressman Mr. Pressman said that LexHAB received the approval letter from DHCD for the project. Someone from Metro West is working on the multi-family housing application to the Zoning Board of Approval (ZBA). LexHAB has selected an architect from Ayre who has worked with Carter on housing at Fort Devens. LexHAB informed the CPC that an additional $750,000 would be needed for the two triplexes, in addition to the money already allocated. This money is for higher wage rates than expected and for ownership of the solar panels. The request will be considered by the CPC in October. If approved, the request will be submitted to the Special Town Meeting. The money in the CPA housing bucket is considerably less than the requested amount. It is not clear 5. Recess for Lexington Housing Foundation Ms. Weiss moved that the LHP move into recess. Ms. Linton seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Ms. Foutter moved to re-open the LHP meeting. Ms. Weiss seconded. The motion was approved unanimously. 6. Update on Goal Setting / Pressman The Board of Selectmen (BoS) adopted goals for next year. Mr. Pressman reviewed the goals that relate to affordable housing. 7. Discussion of any affordable housing initiatives or proposals / All Ms. Foutter had a conversation with Carol Kowalski, Assistant Town Manager for Development, and Aaron Henry, Planning Director, re the 40R and 40S programs. As a result, Jeri was asked to join the committee Comprehensive Planning Committee. 8. New Business Linton moved the LHP approval of the re-appointment of Ms. Weiss and Ms. Foutter. Mr. Pressman seconded. Carried unanimously. Ms. Walker will communicate to the BoS that the LHP has asked to have Ms. Weiss and Ms. Foutter re-appointed to the LHP. 9. Set next meeting date The next meeting will be on October 3, 2017. 10. Meeting adjournment Ms. Linton moved adjournment. Ms. Cohen seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:13 pm.