HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-06-28-TOUR2-min Town of Lexington Tourism Committee Dawn McKenna, Chair (781) 862-0500 ext 84585 Minutes Wednesday, June 28, 2017 at 4:30 – 6:00 pm Parker Room (Ground Floor Town Office Building) Members Present: Kerry Brandin, Margaret Coppe, Bebe Fallick, Dawn McKenna, Wim Nijenberg Staff Present: Maureen Rynn Center Committee Liaison: Fred Johnson Guests Present: Don Mills, (Architect for Visitors Center), Betsy Levinson (Lexington Minute Man Reporter) Members Absent: Marsha Baker, Jon Himmel, Trisha Kennealy, Leeying Wu 1)Visitors Center The bulk of the meeting was spent discussing the Visitors Center. Don Mills, the architect for the Visitors Center Project, presented the most recent schematic design for the Visitors Center based on the recent stakeholders meetings. In general the Committee was comfortable with the direction and layout. The elements that still need work and consistent with the Selectmen approved program are: (1) a more welcoming rear entry; (2) contemplative space for the USS Lexington/war memorials; (3) the inclusion of a self-serve kiosk; and (4) review of the exhibit design areas. Specific suggestions regarding the Exhibit design included (a) broadening the “Rails to Trails History” to include other trails and conservation within Lexington; (b) inclusion of the non-revolutionary history, such as the first teachers college in America; (c) providing a visual timeline of history; and (d) a section on “Historical and Cultural Importance” looking at the architecture such as the mid-century modern style; and our important farming history/families. The Committee agreed that a citizen’s petition will be prepared for signature for the Visitors Center project to ensure the opportunity to request additional design funding this fall. One of the outstanding issues regarding the Vistiors Center is funding. A draft memo to the Board of Selectmen was presented to outline possible funding options. Margaret Coppe agreed to review the possible grant opportunities listed in the Battle Green Masterplan and let the Committee know what options might be available for the Visitors Center Project. 2)Tourism Operations The Tourism Office has received complaints from the businesses about the lack of Liberty Ride coupons this year. Megan is working on an alternative design to provide coupons for the remainder of the season. The Committee was asked to think about whether we ought to use some of our marketing funds to hire a marketing consultant. The International marketing item has more uncommitted opportunities for consideration. It was announced that Mallory Sullivan, the Liberty Ride Coordinator, would be taking over the online calendar. This will provide her with additional hours, and an opportunity to begin the transition from the work that Kerry Brandin has been doing as a volunteer for many years. Megan Zammuto continues to work on the Lexington Center Map which is making progress but not yet ready for printing. The Economic Development Office is planning on purchasing chairs and tables for in front of the Visitors Center. They also have two interns, Arianna and Janelle, who will be working on surveying Lexington tourists. 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE • LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 3)Year-end Budget Megan Zammuto has reviewed the year-end budget numbers and will provide further information at our next meeting. Liberty Ride revenues are down from 2016. Of significance is that the charters are way down. The Committee discussed the impact that marketing has on numbers and raised a concern over whether the pulling back from sponsoring the Trip Advisor page and the Greater Boston front page ad is having an impact. Further review needs to be done as to how to maximize visitorship. 4)Future Meetings The next meeting of the Tourism Committee will be on Wednesday, July 26, 2017. Future summer meetings will be dictated by the Visitors Center process. 5)Minutes th The draft minutes from the June 14 Tourism Committee meeting were presented. Voting was deferred to allow the Committee members more time to read them. 6)Joint Tourism Season Kick-Off program No progress has been made on this and seems unlikely to happen this year. 7)Updates and Miscellaneous th Selectmen Goal Setting is tomorrow, Thursday, June 29 at 8 am in Estabrook Hall. Committee members were reminded to look at the sign on the Battle Green to provide feedback to the Historical Society on placement. The th Historical Society is hosting a major event on July 4. Documents Available: Agenda Item Summary, Don Mills Visitors Center slide presentation, Lexington Visitors Center preliminary Exhibit Element List dated June 27, 2017, Draft Tourism Committee Minutes – June 14, 2017, 2017 Annual Town Meeting Visitors Center Petition, Visitors Center Citizens Warrant Article 2017 Annual Town Meeting, Lexington Visitors Center Consceptual Project Cost Estimate June 27, 2016, Lexington Visitors Center – Comparisons December 10, 2015, draft Visitors Center Funding Options Memo June 28, 2017, Email from Arianna Dines on Visitors Center Survey dated 6, 27, 201, draft Visitors Center Survey July 2017 Adjourned at approximately 5:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Dawn McKenna Approved, August 30, 2017