HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-02-20-HFAC-min Hanscom Field Advisory Commission (HFAC) Minutes—20 February 2024 Prepared by Massport Staff Video of HFAC Meeting on the Lincoln,MA TV Page: hPips://clvud.c,asfus.ty/vod/linc,olr�/�r�a��=IIG)NZ� • Call to Order: HFAC Chairman Christopher Eliot called the meeting to order at 7:02pm • Announcements: • Chairman Eliot recording HFAC Meeting; greeted all to February 20'meeting pursuant MA Open Meeting Law • Chairman Eliot presented emissions study information to Hanscom Area Towns Committee (HATS)on Feb 8th • Minutes: The January 2024 Meeting Minutes were posted in the chat for review • The HFAC will review the January 2024 Meeting Minutes at the March meeting • Cargo or Scheduled Commercial Passenger Services • Amber Goodspeed stated there have been no requests for future scheduled passenger or cargo service • Monthly Noise Reports: The January 2024 Monthly Noise Reports were posted in the chat for review • The HFAC will review the January 2024 Monthly Noise Reports at the March meeting • Capital Programs and Third Party Development Reports: The HFAC will review the February 2024 Report at the March meeting • Chairman Eliot asked if there would be fuel flowage fees applied to electric aircraft being recharged o Mike Vatalaro reported Massport was still researching and will provide more information at the March meeting • Agenda Items: Topics discussed on published agenda: • Presentation on Draft Environmental Impact Report(DEIR) for the North Airfield Development project was given • Jeffrey Mullan, from the Law Firm of Foley Hoag LLP,introduced speakers and gave project overview and update o Sharon Williams, Director of Hanscom Field(Massport),provided information about Hanscom Field o Lauren DeVoe, environmental permitting consultant from VHB, gave summary of environmental review process o Kate Larson, managing consultant with HMMH, conferred aviation activity, analysis, methodology and findings o Rick Muse, Director of Operations for North Airfield Ventures • Barbara Katzenberg inquired on analysis of arithmetic relationship between flight numbers and airborne emissions o Kate Larson confirmed airborne emissions are evaluated in the DEIR • Margaret Coppe had question about what type of aircraft are included in the number of estimated ferry flights o Kate Larson redisplayed slide #31 which showed breakdown as 71%business jets and 29% turboprop aircraft • Emily Mitchell queried about location of the fuel farm and why it was shown at two locations on the map o Rick Muse explained location of fuel storage tanks and fuel station for dispersal of fuel into trucks • Mark Sandeen asked for clarification on changes from original plan to build 495,000 sq/ft of hangar space o Jeff Mullan clarified plans reduced number of hangars but not an appreciable reduction in area of hangar space • Mark Sandeen also asked about standard used to assess air quality and assessment levels o Kate Larson explained air quality analysis is performed using the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) Aviation Environmental Design Tool(AEDT) • Chairman Eliot provided overall concern that any aviation expansion will contribute to global warming o Jeff Mullan responded that the development team is mindful of people's concerns and doing their best to address items that have been raised; the DEIR will contain a full analysis of impacts • MA Representative Carmine Gentile asked about transfer of state land that would require legislative approval o Jeff Mullan explained there will likely be an exchange of land to rationalize property lines regardless of project o Jeff Mullan also explained since Massport has independent legislative authority to convey its land,no land transfer at Hanscom Field would require Massachusetts legislative authority • MA Rep Carmine Gentile also asked Massport to consider environmental effects of continuing private jet traffic • MA Rep Simon Cataldo solicited information on hangar space vacated by private jets moving to Hanscom Field • Neil Rasmussen questioned percentage of ferry flights that will be eliminated by new hangars o Kate Larson explained environmental analysis looked at range of impact so will still get sense of how environmentally different removal of ferry flights will be regardless of knowing exact number of ferry flights • Scott Richardson requested explanation of the definition of ferry flights and evaluation of manifest data o Kate Larson defined ferry flights as aircraft that are not a Hanscom Field tenant, flying short term flight, spending less than 18 hours on the ground and flying to or from another airport within 350 miles • Alex Chatfield inquired about the fuel farm capacity,yearly flowage amounts,delivery method and emissions o Rick Muse answered that fuel farm will consist of four 20,000 gallon tanks with trucks delivering off Hartwell Road; gallons of fuel dispensed per year will be noted in the DEIR o Lauren DeVoe reiterated that aircraft generated greenhouse gases (GHG)will be studied and in the DEIR • Alex Chatfield challenged flights anticipated from new facilities will exceed potentials savings in ferry flights • Rick Johnson asked how Massport determined how much new hangar space was needed at Hanscom Field o Sharon Williams explained Massport identified parcels of land for future aeronautical development,issued a request for proposal (RFP) and received proposals that included the size of the facilities • Scott Richardson inquired about how many acres of trees will be cut due to the new development o Lauren DeVoe indicated the amount was specified in the initial filing • Jennifer Boles proposed a study of ultra-fine particles to be included in the DEIR o Lauren DeVoe stated that the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act(MEPA)office has not set standards nor methodology that require it be included in the scope of the DEIR • Kathryn Roy had a question about historical tax credits mentioned in the project presentation o Jeff Mullan explained the project involves renovation of the historical Navy hangar which is mandated to be restored in accordance with requirements and subsequently those costs will be eligible for historic tax credits • Neil Rasmussen wanted clarification on how much fuel is delivered per fuel truck o Rick Muse clarified that a fuel truck holds approximately 10,000 gallons of fuel • Ellen Quakenbush asked if there was an estimate of the underlying economic benefit from the development o Sharon Williams was not aware if the development team had done an economic analysis for new.]obs or revenue • Chairman Eliot asked to be made signatory for contract between emission study researcher, coordinating Town of Lincoln and HFAC; HFAC approved 3-0 with Chairman Eliot abstaining and Mark Giddings not present • Chairman Eliot applied for the domain name "hfac.gov"for the HFAC website • Citizen Comments: Citizens commented on and/or asked about the following topics • HFAC opted to defer any further comments till the March meeting due to length of February meeting • Other Business: The date for the next HFAC meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on 19 March 2024 via Zoom • HFAC voted to adjourn and defer unresolved agenda items till the March meeting • Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m. Attendees: Christopher Eliot, Margaret Coppe, Thomas Hirsch, Barbara Katzenberg, Emily Mitchell, Amber Goodspeed, Mike Vatalaro, Sharon Williams,Mark Wimmer, Lindsey White,Rep. Simon Cataldo, Rep. Carmine Gentile,Kay Corry Aubrey, Stephan Bader, Cindy Baxter, Jennifer Boles,Jeanne Canale,Richard Canale, Alex Chatfield,Manu Chopra, Jill Cleary, Alaina Coppola,Patricia Costello,Robert Creech, Bonnie Culhane,Patty Dahlgren, Paul Dale, Sue Davis, Lauren DeVoe,Peggy Enders, Caroline Freedman, Carolyn Frost, Ira Goldman, Carol Haines,Pat Hanlon, Charles Hornig, Mark Howell, Rick Johnson, Jeanne Krieger, Sarah Lance,Kate Larson, Yeji Lee, David Lees, Flavio Leo, Donald Maciver, Janet Miller,Jeff Mullan, Rick Muse,Anne O'Connor,Patricia O'Hagan, Charlie Patsios, Heather Patterson,Andy Paven, Brenda Prusak, Ellen Quackenbush, Jean Rabovsky,Neil Rasmussen,Kenneth Reich, Scott Richardson,Jennifer Riley, Scott Rodman, Marjorie Roemer,Paula Rose,Mike Rosenberg, Kathryn Roy, Mark Sandeen,Ken Schwartz, Lance Sherry, Anne Sobol, Lara Sullivan, David Sykes, Barbara Tarrh,Leah Teeven, Ralph Tella, Mark Tracy, Anna Trout, Garret Whitney, Kati Winchell, Lily Worthley, Meghan Wrenn and Wig Zamore .