HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-08-08-TREE-min Lexington Tree Commi?ee Minutes 8.8.24 1. The mee?ng was called to order at 7:31 AM on zoom. In a?endance were Mark Connor, co-chair, Gavin Grant, Gerry Paul, Barbara Tarrh, Pat Moyer co-chair and minutes, Nancy Sofen, Rachel Noack-Summers, Joe Pato ex-officio, Dave Pinsonneault DPW, Kathleen Lenihan, Todd Rhodes, Charlie Wyman. Absent: Alicia Morris 2. The minutes of 7.11.24 were approved unanimously without further changes. 3. Dave P’s informa?on a. The variety of elm planted in May in the center were New Harmony. A third elm planted at the same ?me at Mass. Ave and Harrington is a Lace Bark. b. The le?er to homeowners about interac?ng with insurance cos about trees is in its final stages; Dave has been working with Mr. Malloy about wording, and op?ons. Jonas Miller will send out. Dave will send a cc to Pat. c. Tree inventory has been being updated by Forestry Staff. Pruning unable to be done. Down two staff members. d. Ques?ons about temporary cer?ficates of occupancy. At 8 Thoreau, Tree Warden has been in touch with the new homeowners, who took trees down a?er the temporary CO was issued. They will be mi?ga?ng. At 21 Crescent, Tree Warden will be inves?ga?ng fact that temporary CO was issued so that trees could be planted this spring ; yet no trees have been planted. Dave will talk to the building commissioner about tracking of temporary CO’s. e. Interviews for the new Asst. Superintendant ongoing at this ?me. There are 2 internal candidates. Dave will send Pat the job descrip?on next week, and she’ll pass along. f. About 15-20 residents claimed their watering bags, out of the 70 new trees planted in setback territory last spring. Not clear what will happen to the rest. 4. Nancy Sofen informed Dave of her discovery that the 2 tupelos planted in front of Follen, and several others planted around town last spring, were actually ?lia (?americana ?cordata). She will query the grounds commi?ee at Follen what ac?on they wish to take; Dave will communicate with Ma? Fo? about the error, and will reach out to the residents who received these trees. Further ac?on will depend on that communica?on as well as the Follen and other residents’ wishes. Dave then le? the mee?ng for other business. th 5. Plans for the 250. Barbara and Rachel researched a few op?ons for small but viable trees; 2 are Pierson Trees, and the Na?ve Plant Trust. Barbara reviewed with us the many details to be worked out: species, size, distribu?on, storage, resident f/u. volunteers to help out, help in plan?ng trees, publicity, possibly crea?ng a “how to plant” U tube video. (or finding one already made). Pat offered to be part of this subgroup/planning. Pat will ask Dave P. about storing plants bought at the DPW. (and keeping them watered). Pat will ask Dave about use of the Tree Fund to purchase the trees. Barbara, Rachel and Gavin will con?nue to research nursery sources for spring 2025. 6. Fall Plan?ing. Barbara and Gavin working on this. Schichtel’s list of available trees not ready un?l 8/15/24. Loca?ons: 10 residents are wai?ng for 11 trees. Of the remaining 60 or so sites, each TC member will send a list to Barbara and Gavin of at least 10 sites in their own area that appear available—either in the ROW/ strip outside sidewalk, or on public grounds, or in the setback. Discussion of need to educate residents about use of the setback. Do we need a new policy? Or is what we have enough, and we just need educa?on? Nancy will send a list of Best Prac?ces for Tree Plan?ng to guide all of us in our selec?on of plan?ng sites. (width of strip, proximity to signs, hydrants etc etc) 7. Planning Board: Nancy reported that the planned development at Concord and Waltham (200 apts) will go forward—all PB requirements sa?sfied—agreed to plant all na?ve, and some large, trees. 8. Need for New Member: Members queried Rachel as to her interest in becoming the seventh member; she was agreeable. The 6 current members voted unanimously to approve of her nomina?on. Rachel will send Kim Katzenbach (Select Board assistant) a note about her interest. 9. Affordable Housing Trust development on Lowell. Pat reported that Elaine Tung had approached her re: developers asking if we, or Tree Warden, might waive the requirement to survey all trees on the lot. (the en?re 3 acre lot is treed). There was discussion for and against. Ul?mately the commi?ee asked Pat to communicate to Elaine that we would favor waiving the survey requirements if the developer would offer us a quid pro quo on some aspect of either trees protected or planted. (The requirement for an arborist to do an ini?al survey of protected trees, and prepare a plan for their health during construc?on, would not be waived, per the new bylaw amendment passed in Town Mee?ng this year, and approved by the AG at the end of July). Pat will communicate this to Elaine Tung. 10. In mee?ng with Dave, we had emphasized our interest in par?cipa?ng in the proposal for the funding of an Urban Forest Master Plan (UFMP), due Oct. 1 to the Commonwealth. Dave had asked that we nominate a couple of people to work with him. We nominated Rachel, Pat, and Charlie Wyman and approved them unanimously. Pat will communicate this to Dave. 11. New Bylaw regula?ons. These have been formulated and sent to Dave for comment. Barbara, Nancy, Tim have met with Dave x 2. Generally, he is in support. When finalized, they must go to the Select Board. Charlie Wyman noted that trees can probably be planted as close as 10 feet from wires, not the 25 feet that is currently in Best Prac?ces. He provided some picture report. Rachel noted that she’d like to try a Miyawaki forest somewhere in town. Nancy noted that she would like to get done with the regula?ons as she will be “out of commission” in October-November. The commi?ee voted unanimously to approve the regula?ons with the amended 10 foot distance from wires. They will next be sent to many stakeholders (building dept., planning, conserva?on, town counsel, etc.) for their feedback. 12. The mee?ng adjourned at 10:25 AM. Apparently, this was not our longest mee?ng ever! Respec?ully submi?ed, Patricia Moyer