ATTENDING Charles Frani Charlie Schwerin Geoff Spof-
ford Don Blake, Richard Withers (members )
Harry and Mary Drake 238 South Road Judy
Wilson 212 South Rd and Lorraine Smith 210
South Rd
The concerns of the South Road residents were discussed
after R Withers reviewed the history of the bikeway project
Their primary concern appears to be drainage as water is
already a problem and has worsened with the Wiggins Ave dovol
opment on the other side of the right-of-way H Drake rep-
orted that the existing rained is in spots not wide enough
for a 12-ft -wide paved path It was agreed that if widening
of the raised bed is necessary it should be done on the Wig
gins Ave side of the bed where the ground is higher and that
care must be exercised to avoid worsening the drainage prob
l.em Small brooks run alongside both sides of the bed behind
some of the houses and drain into the drainage canal which
flows through a culvert toward Wiggins There appears to be
about 27 to 28 feet of right-of-way between the tracks and the
property lines of the South Rd residents, and about 40 feet of
ROW between the tracks and the property lines of the Wiggins
Ave companies
There was little concern about use of the bikeway by
adults but the residents voiced concern about kids hanging
out dirt hike riding snowmobiles etc There was a con-
sensus that posts or gates should be used to block the entry
of cars at roadway crossings but that the police should be
able to unlock the gates to gain cruiser access We discussed
the positive experience of the Charles River paths and the
Cape Cod Rail Trails Committee members suggested that the
existing incidents would decrease of the bikeway brought out
numbers of legitimate users
L Smith was strongly opposed to lighting the path feel-
ing that it would encourage hanging out R Withers informed
her that lighting was very unlikely in Bedford and was not
under active consideration She is also concerned about her
loss of privacy Committee members encouraged her to investi-
gate fencing or vegetation (both of which are somewhat diffi
cult because of the water) but felt that the State would not
pay for either
L Smith will serve as the contact person for the South Rd
residents and will be kept informed of Committee meetings
In other business the Committee elected Richard Withers
its Chairman and Don Blake its Secretary A letter drafted by
R Withers for signature by the Selectmen which indicates their
support of the project to the MDPW was approved
Unless other business arises out next meeting is tenta
tively scheduled for JO am on Saturday May 3 when we will
examine the right-of-way along its entire length in Bedford
South Rd residents will be invited II`` __
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