HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-05-31-VISION2025-min Town of Lexington Vision for Lexington Committee Meeting May 31, 2024 Remote Meeting 7:45 a.m. —9:00 a.m. Minutes Members Present: Margaret Coppe, Marian Cohen, Andrew Dixon, John Giudice, Jill Hai, Dan Joyner, Bhumip Khashnabish, Kathleen Lenihan, Shannon Murtagh, Bob Peters Absent: Sara del Nido Bush, Carol Marine, Ambilu Silvistri, Catherine Wang, Min Zhao Staff: Jonas Miller, Director of Communications, Town of Lexington Guests: Mark Manasas The meeting was called to order: 7:55 am The Remote Meeting Script was read by Margaret Coppe Roll Call Vote: Coppe, Aye; Cohen, Aye; Dixon, Aye; Giudice, Aye; Hai, Aye, Joyner, Aye; Khasnabish, Aye;Lenihan, Aye; Murtagh, Aye, Peters, Aye. Minutes: • The approval of minutes from April 26, 2024, was moved by Bob Peters and seconded by John Giudice. • Roll Call Vote: Coppe, Aye; Cohen, Aye; Dixon, Aye; Giudice, Aye; Hai, Aye, Joyner, Aye; Khashnabish, Aye; Lenihan, Aye; Murtagh, Aye, Peters, Aye. The vote was unanimous. It was agreed to sign up to change the 250'h Countdown Calendar. Will get dates and get back to the committee. June 12 Meeting Highlights: VFL Website Report on Emails Dan Joyner sent request for update to Bethany. Jonas informed us that she is no longer with the town and the correct contact is Julia Flood. Question about tracking hits. Jonas reported the number of hits since January 2024. Also asked about use of AI; internal testing being done. Daniel reported that someone was trying to enter the Zoom meeting but was unable. He will follow up. Jill Hai left the meeting at 8:15 am. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion 1 Jonas Miller, Director of Communications, Town of Lexington introduced himself and told the committee about his background and what his general duties with the Town are. Discussion followed on the seven recommendations made by the ECiL subcommittee. I. Town should develop a communication plan. A draft plan has been produced that focuses on external communication, not much on internal communications. 2. Implement a shared communication plan between the Town and the Schools. This has and continues to be a problem. A new program, Parent Square, has 10,000 subscribers. Knowing how to sign up has been a problem for those without students in the schools. Reaching out to populations who do not regularly use electronic communication platforms remains problematic. 3. Implement actions to increase enrollment on electronic communications platforms maintained by the Town Enrollment in the Town Face Book page is 2,800; in X is 3,000 (though use of this program is declining), Constant Contact is 4,108, and Town News is 3,933. A suggestion was made to reach out o Real Estate agents for distribution information on these channels to new residents. Jonas said to look at the City of Woburn video welcoming new residents. 4. Identify and incorporate non-internet communications platforms. Only one at this date is SAGE, senior citizen news magazine. 5. Improve search function of Town website No change 6. Update system for residents to report things such as potholes, street lights out, missed trash pickups In August See Click Fix will be launched. It will connect with the DPW. 7. Enable a method for Town Committees to respond to emails from residents. Still a problem. Question about availability of meeting recordings. No one is sure where they reside and how to access them. At this point only Town Meeting recordings are available through the Town website. Suggestion was mad to contact Lex Media. Update on Subcommittee on Voter Participation in Lexington Marian Cohen reported from the subcommittee. It is continuing its work and plans to have a draft report in the fall. Future study on housing Due to time constraint will be placed on June meeting. There is a need to define what the committee should focus on and collaborate with other committees who are also exploring this topic. Suggestion made to use DEI. A working group to bring ideas to next meeting is composed of Andrew Dixon, John Giudice, 2 Shannon Murtagh and Bob Peters. Motion to adjourn: Roll Call Vote: Roll Call Vote: Coppe, Aye; Cohen, Aye; Dixon, Aye; Giudice, Aye; Joyner, Aye; Khashnabish, Aye; Lenihan, Aye: Murtagh, Aye, Peters, Aye. Adjourn: 8:58 am Next Meeting: June 28, 2024, 7:45am by Zoom 3