July 11 , 1989
The first meeting of the task force was held at the home of
Marion Reilly from 8 to 10 00 p m
Chair Ellie Klauminzer
Present Marion Reilly, Gail Colwell , Diana Garcia , Lillian
MacArthur , Eric Michelson, Ruth Walton
Visitors George Cooper , Zenia Kotuie
Agenda I General reactions to readings
Homework re problem lists from brainstorming
II Agreement on the task and creation of work plan
III Next meeting date and agenda
Points Members identified the people who need housing
as single parent families , town employees , the
elderly (congregate and moderate income) ; indivi—
duals with special needs ; low income families
Type of housing needed rental units mentioned
most prominently There was discussion over the
ability of the town to control home ownership
The problems of making accessory apartments afford—
able was discussed; comment made that conversion
to two family house may be more easily accomplished
The cost of producing housing was discussed suggestions
to explore ways for the town to provide lower rate
financing, perhaps by using employee pension fund;
investment by unions or other community groups
Comment made that readings appeared to one member
to suggest that our intent is to lower the property
values of the town in order to make housing more
Steps Members agreed that the outline of the plan as
presented was a reasonable way to proceed
3f 2
July 18, 1989 - 27 Maple St - 8 00-10 30 p m
CHAIR Ellie Klauminzer
PRESENT C Abbott, G Colwell, D Garcia, L MacArthur,
E Michelson, M Reilly, R Walton, G Weathers
Visitors George Cooper, Zenia Kotule
A) The task force addressed the first page of the list of
problems ( identified in the first Options Committee
brainstorming session) and how they fit into our scope A
suggestion was made to use a points system in order to
weight each factor
There was consensus on the following
a) Housing should blend with the rest of the neighborhood
b) Family housing should include safe play areas
c) It should be accessible to transportation (although
most residents would have cars )
2 ) We should try to identify how much affordable and luxury
housing already exists in NEIGHBORHOODS Also demonstrate
how the two have worked well in proximity
3 ) PROPERTY VALUES need to be addressed Phyllis Reservitz,
DeWolfe Realty, can provide research
4 ) RESIDENTS We need to address the three groups--low income,
moderate, and elderly--and define who we 're trying to serve,
why, and how
Further discussion yielded agreement that low income needs
rental housing Moderate elderly also need rental but a
different type of housing There is a 2 1/2 to 3 year
waiting list for moderate elderly apartments Low income
elderly are not in as crucial need of housing at this time
Parents who are seeking housing for their adult special
needs children were mentioned as another needy group
There was also a discussion of how the children of low
income families affect schools Although we agreed that
additional children from any income category will increase
costs, questions remained as to whether low income students
in particular create more of a burden and/or whether they
affect the ultimate quality of education The METCO
Coordinator could be a resource for this information
July 18, 1989 Page 2
5 ) The TOWN has the role of educating residents on the costs and
benefits of affordable housing It would be useful to
spread housing proportionately throughout town but not all
precincts have land The town can only grant itself the
same variances that it would give a private developer
It was agreed that there should be a balance between
conserving land and building housing The most economical
use of land is a cluster development, but we should identify
what the density breaking point is
Discussion about 774 led us to three points a) When the
town builds housing, the affordable component should be
more than the 20% of 774, "to maximum benefit"; b) we should
strive to buy existing 774 units, through landbank and other
financing; 3 ) a goal of the Planning Board is to maximize
town control over development
B) L MacArthur and R Walton reported on their research into
the waiting lists at LHA, LexHab and privately owned
housing They will provide separate copies of same
C) E Klauminzer distributed a sample questionnaire on housing
and asked members to evaluate and amend it, and also to come
up with sources of information to justify our decisions and
Diana Garcia, Recorder
MINUTES ,_f JiLY _7 1089 - electmen s Meeting Room 00 PM
f'HAIR Ellie Klauminzer
?RESENT Abbott G (.dwell D Garcia L MacArtnur R
Walton G Weathers
Visitors A Freilich
I Bob Bowyer reported on the Massachusetts Housing Partnership
meeting he had attended earlier today The MHP is examining
revisions to the Chapter 774 rules A special legislatipe
-ommi;sion has suggested that the law be maintained with some
changes tc be made through administrative regulation ( as opposed
to changes through legislaticn )
In referring to the discussion draft of the document 1r Bowyer
emphasized local housing plans and community objectives The
or-pcsed plan o. Gid -,11-3w ,ommunities the opportu .it
disapprove of plans not consistent with local needs --a phrase
that has not yet been adequately defined h kev element of local
control is the need for defined local objectives to be in place
so that a ,ammunit-r decision is not based on a particular
proposal Responsible assessment of local needs would he an
essential basis for develcpment of an acceptable community plan
and such a plan could not be constructed in such a way that no
proposal would ever be acceptable The ultimate test cf a
community s objectives would still be (low many units save been
built? A possible vehicle for udging performance by towns
might be peer--review committees of like towns
vera luesti .n= ,ogre rai_ - d by the alou-
1 ) is acreage a valid measure [as well as units] In developing
a incal plan a community would need to define the value of open
space to that community in achieving balanced land use
d ) Would there be weighting for peer-review? `This idea is
i Ln_eptuai out pr.esumaoiv Judgments would only .e made by
communities that have produced affcrdable housing
5 ) Could a local plan be amended to respond tc changes in local
conditions ? Yes
4 ) Are 774 permits always hostile? No despite local
II Lillian MacArthur has received informaticn from LHA about waiting
lists for state and federal assistance programs The numbers
will '`, (1151- hiito-I t the mm tt -
III The Jommittee attended to several administrative details mhe
questionnaire will be discussed at our next meeting Tasks will
be assigned at a subsequent meeting
IV The G , P task force joined with the Techniques task force for a
full committee meeting at 9 ,O PM
Uathy Abbott RecLrder
NEXT MEETING Tuesday 8/1/89 8 U0 PM at ; Gerard Terrace
/1 V J 1 1 I fi
_ YJ1 Cv
DRO fle = - , ..r ace
Present dere ` ?el 1 G "O .de I u Garc a G Weathers
aum ; zee .. cnelson acArrnur i. riboott 17
a t Jh s ' , s -eor ae "cope-- :en i a nt : e
-'-e leer - 7ss ua ea to Erne et p ; The minutes Li
P e _ eoren
., souse or - ..es- na re
Ja prese -ne .ommirtee 7r dome
gUeSL i i s Jr,
.. = se. e es- . - - sur e The
Neer [ a rt ;te _ PelS DP area
yc - a espunse _ P as rot u e
dii need help generat ng interest n th s sur ey es
_;ec ..lea _.re quest on on an : ..3e enUu C 'De lc •.. u. �
n na- o e sees to earn ana .
The - Jo a f the discoss! oa as on what groups •e ace
trying to reach ana the nest : ay of reaching them ne can ao
se 'era sur cmpec e f .cra` across the _
Some' groups are a ready more nowleaeaole such as T' M
u tner gro.,ps 7D each are churches and fraternal groups
iarion suggested that the demograph us of the responders
sr.o'u i a ne up ith the aemograph i cs of the town Pass Ole
questions about the responders- owner renter famil "-age and
engin : es ..er [ h :..e,ti i r'gton
suggested that .de should limit answers to multiple choice
for eas er acu at on Er c a So suggested `hat e neer some
reasons 'ram -he community as to :shy :„erington needs
u_ o, oao e rr a r rernaps e3sore co r. cc sea = me
;. .4;J so an ai -ne Jp 1 ri i ons ,uesr on =.i on iia a
quest. nnaire Encu a ce e :paraea ` J .. ode all groups-
oung, e aer : town employees single parents etc _ - .as
agreed trot the pub; c neeas be nformed of renta end
housing costs cetore they can answer question #1 'lany
nornentte a are unaware of present ua enrs It ,das ueue aea
-ha- a re ennone cur e ;u " -at ,e =. uooa lee. .e
;onimim -ee _ -pat ne s.ir P _nou u a e place r
lepterr,Jer --er The :yrJuustarget-ea an ear e
J c =a :a s eru .chaps c ..
= a c pcec ; J
organizations - 7n the spot :o ecti ?n Jf data dDu ..ie the
best .day to have the survey returned Collection boxes are
a an s r ee
B ghat quer- ons should be aadea ae , etea"
It was agreed that Gail s questions were good It was
felt `hat a cover etter shou d be c uded .lith the
P -r
quest onai "e e anon _ aefire affo. uab e housing anu 'r
e are conauer g a survey ..athy `e i t that question 7 cou i z
.Je L JrtJS nc ; some n SO 73 oe nc aeo ' `ne cover sneet
Snuula be int : .-gar on on the ;•;erage fists of entals ana
ingtor Aar ana Er IL ata Uai
meet :cion = -1 i„g'JS' - _1;su.Ass -b s =..iL the ' Jai
-em kiaea us -ra- 'e need to eep n m no that mnne .71 '' 1 be
Ieeaea to puc :nase uni r5 az Fran n ana .at aain nOOQS ii
re - tore
C Ass gnme.n.ts ' be discussed at the re' t meet -g The
-'e: t meeting oe f Jyust 8 az Eli e Klaumiunzer s house at
he 'set rg 55 Ed. OL rred at C 07
Pespectfu iY submitted
uz , a ton ecorcer