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: Betsey Weiss, Chair; Joel Adler, Norm Cohen, Marilyn Fenollosa, Wendy Manz,
Richard Pagett Sandy Shaw, Richard Wolk, Erica Fullerton, observer.
The meeting was called to order by Betsey Weiss at 4:00 P.M. Committee members introduced
themselves for the benefit of observer Erica Fullerton, who is a psychology student from U.
Mass Lowell studying “community psychology.”
Needs Assessment
I. . The Committee made a final review of the Needs Assessment draft
and found no additional issues. The correct amount of funds to be received from the state
on October 15, 2007, $2,556,362.00, will be inserted in the report. Upon a motion
moved and seconded, the Needs Assessment was adopted as written and will be placed
on the website.
2. . The Committee briefly discussed the CPC website and suggested that it could
be improved. Candy McLaughlin will be asked to upload any new material. It was
suggested that updates on projects which have received CPA funding should appear on
the website, but the Committee acknowledged that it does not manage the projects, and
will not take on the job of editing updates from the project proponents. The Town
website also needs work, and Norm Cohen reports that staff are meeting on this and are
reviewing web sites for Acton and Newton as models.
Project Updates
3. . Excellent project updates have been received from Town Clerk Donna
Hooper and Mark Corr of the Police Department.
Regarding the Muzzey Condominium study, the committee questioned whether the funds
allocated by Town Meeting had simply been turned over to the Condo Association to pay
for a study, when the protocol for CPA funds is to pay incurred bills once they are
approved. Norm Cohen will follow up with the Condo Association.
Money allocated for renovation of the Fire House floor was actually spent on an analysis
and recommendations for renovations. Betsey Weiss will get the original application for
the Committee’s review.
Town RFP
4. . The Committee has received a copy of a Request for Proposal from the
Town for structural analyses of three quite different projects: the Stone Building (East
Lexington Library), the White House (formerly the School Administration Building) and
Cary Hall. The Committee questioned why these disparate projects should be included
in one RFP, particularly when structural work on Cary Hall is contingent on the outcome
of an initial feasibility study. They also found the content of the RFP to be cursory and
mostly boilerplate, lacking cost estimates, priorities, and historical preservation goals.
Betsey Weiss will speak with Town Manager Carl Valente about these issues, and
Marilyn Fenollosa, as a member of the Historical Commission will meet with Jim
McLaughlin, who wrote the RFP, to suggest improvements.
Incoming Projects
5. . Betsey Weiss gave a summary of incoming projects to be
considered by the CPC for the coming year.
The Housing Partnership has tabled its previous (rejected) request to fund a deed
restriction on one housing unit and wants to discuss funding a survey of parcels in Town
which have potential for locating affordable housing, and also setting aside a part of
available CPA funds (perhaps a fixed percentage) which would be available for LexHab
or Housing Partnership projects as yet undetermined. The Committee felt that any
applications for funding had to identify specific projects for approval by Town Meeting,
for example, putting aside funds for eventual purchase of units at Katahdin Woods when
deed restrictions there are allowed to lapse.
Norm Cohen reported that LexHab has purchased three condominium units at the Parker
Arms for affordable housing and may apply for CPA funds to service the mortgage. The
Committee noted that most of LexHab’s units can’t be counted on the state subsidized
housing inventory (SHI) because they do not utilize state methods in determining
eligibility for the housing. It was suggested that any projects seeking CPA funding
should be eligible to count on the SHI.
The Historical Society will also be applying for funds to renovate the Hancock Clarke
House; that total project will require more than $1 million. The Historical Society is
seeking grants from state and federal (“Save America’s Treasures”) sources and also
from the Getty Foundation, to help defray these expenses.
No new update is available on parcels of open space for possible acquisition.
Admin Assistant Position
6. . Betsey Weiss reported that the Town Human Resources
Department will have an ad published this week for the CPC administrative assistant
7. . Municipal project applications will be in to the CPC by October 15, 2007.
The next CPC meeting will be Thursday, October 18, 2007 to begin considering them.
We may also meet on Monday, October 22, 2007, if more time is needed. We will try to
process the municipal applications by November 1, 2007, when all other applications are
due. Hearings on the applications will tentatively be set for December 6, 2007.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:05 PM.