HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-09-22-TAC-min.pdf Meeting Minutes Meeting: Transportation Advisory Committee Author Diane Pursley Date: September 22,2003 Location: Town Offices,Room 105 Attendees: Sara Arnold,Richard Canale, Sally Castleman,Elaine Dratch,Eric Eid-Reiner,Bill Levison,Diane Pursley Francine Stieglitz, Barbara Lucas Next Meeting Date: 10/2/03,7 PM Location: Room 111 Items i Follow-Up– — Assigned to Citizen Visit o Concerned citizens Michelle and daughter Jeanette voiced the issue that the current Lexpress routes do not service Franklin School Apartments. Group brainstormed on ideas for Jeanette getting home from school until we can add back service. o Michelle voiced willingness to look into foundation opportunities aimed at either students or lower income women. New membership process + MOTION:To appoint Eric as official student rep to TAC.(APPROVED) Diane 1 a Diane will notify Selectmen. o Role of student rep:Represent student transportation needs to TAC and help find ways to involve students/parents in promotion of Lexpress as a critical community service. o MOTION:To appoint Francine as a member of TAC.(APPROVED) o Diane will notify Selectmen. Diane will follow up with conversations with TAC's two inactive members,Ben Turk and Bill Mix. Dale(helped with marketing brainstorming)is a possible candidate for TAC member. Diane will write and send a thank you/contact note to the people who signed the sign-up sheet at the high school back-to-school night.Ask for volunteers to help TAC efforts. Fundraising Wrap-up 2 Individual thank yous still to be completed.Elaine,Sally,Liz Andrews will help complete this effort.Bill will also help. Elaine,Sally,Bill • Outstanding leads include:Fleet,Eagle Bank,Spaulding,Stop&Shop,Theatre Pharmacy,Lahey Clinic,Avalon,Clarion o Diane is following up with Avalon o Other leads do not have an owner for follow-up Page 1 of 2 Public Relations Sally will contact the Globe to see if they will write another article. Sally,Gail o Gail will contact the Minuteman to reinstate the monthly article on Lexpress.Possible contact includes `Hello,we're back' thank yous to corporate donors and request for volunteers to help. o Gail will look into leaving Q&A and maps at the library 3 Financial Status There is still some reconciling that needs to be completed around checks sent in as donations versus passes,making sure we are not double Bill,Gail and Sally counting donations.Bill,Gail and Sally will work this out offline. Regional Transportation Advisory Council 4 •• MBTA proposed fare increase will have heaviest impact on suburban transit. Diane Barbara and Richard reported that$500K is available for operating expenses,programmed into transportation improvement plan.There was discussion around approach for the RFP Exact timing of the RFP process is unknown at this time(possibly November).The award can be spent over three years. • One idea was to proposed an express bus to Waltham or other neighboring towns.The group discussed ideas to create a web of routes going out to the suburbs. Leo McSweeney is the Lexington representative to the MBTA Advisory Council.Advisory Council is voting on 9/25 on the MBTA fare increase.If the MBTA fare increase is not supported,there will be significant impact to Lexington,including the Lexpress grant,VA Hospital bus and general cutbacks in MBTA bus service.Diane will contact Leo to discuss his role on the Advisory Council and whether TAC can support him on the Advisory Council.Diane will also invite Leo to our next meeting. Strategic Plan Review o Break out strategic goals into two:position Lexpress and separate transportation services in Lexington.(see attached document) Other Items Next meeting is 10/2 at 7PM. Page 2 of 2