JANUARY 7 1993
Elizabeth Andrews, Sara Arnold, Sally Castleman, Elaine Dratch, Barbara Lucas,
William Mix, Fred Rosenberg, Carole Sonduck
New Depot Square/Emery Park Proposal
TAC discussed the new proposal put forth by the Design Advisory Committee called the
"Hulsizer Proposal" This proposal called for moving the green route bus stop to Mass
Ave. in front of Emery Park and also moving the red and blue route bus stops to the front
of Emery Park when the buses are heading west. These buses would stop in front of the
Cary Library at the MBTA bus stop on the opposite side of Mass Ave. when they are
heading east. TAC understood that the Design Advisory Committee saw the advantage
of using the existing MBTA bus stops, but TAC agreed that this proposal was
unacceptable because it would be confusing to passengers and it would be dangerous to
have passengers, crossing Mass Ave. to transfer buses. This was seen as being
especially hazardous to the great number of elderly and student passengers.
Greeley Village/Elder Issues
TAC was advised by Barbara Lucas of a letter she received from Mr. Dixon in which he
complained about cutbacks in service to Greeley Village. He was upset because
his 81 year old mother who is a pass holder was not getting service into the Village in the
late afternoon. TAC was advised that service has not been decreased to the Village
during the time that Mrs. Dixon has been a pass holder. Greeley Village has as much
service as other Town housing for the elderly Sally Castleman pointed out that we
haven't the funds to increase service and have no plans to decrease service. TAC
concluded that we need not reply to Mr. Dixon but instead have Town Manager Rick
White handle this complaint.
In response to statistics reflecting chair car ridership being down since the contract was
last up for bidding, Elaine Dratch of Share-A-Ride provided information pertaining to
this service. Since the last contract, the MBTA has instituted The Ride and this
accounts for much of the decrease in demand for our chair car. Elaine Dratch also
pointed out that when Share-A-Ride started, there was a lot of publicity for the service
and this is no longer the case. We currently provide sixteen hours of chair car service. It
was agreed that given the current level of demand, we could provide the rides required
with eight hours of service. Barbara Lucas agreed to set up a lunch with Linda Vine of
the C. 0 A. to discuss needs of seniors for rides for social purposes Elizabeth
Andrews, Sara Arnold, and Carole Sonduck expressed interest in attending this meeting
with Barbara.
Barbara Lucas reported that we still don't know if we are required to have wheelchair
equipped vehicles if we put out a bid for old vehicles and the contractor does not have to
purchase any new vehicles. She stated that the carrier has advised us that 30% of his
fleet must be wheelchair equipped and, therefore, it is probable that 30% of our fleet
must be so equipped. There was further question as to whether this requirement is for
our operating fleet or our total fleet including the back-up bus. Norm Cohen will have to
provide answers to these questions. Sara Arnold and Fred Rosenberg will meet with the
selectmen regarding the budget Fred pointed out that the number of wheelchair
equipped vehicles required is not a TAC decision. This decision will be made by Rick
White and Norm Cohen based on Norm's interpretation of the law
Barbara Lucas advised TAC that we need to set up public meetings with people who are
effected by paratransit. She stated that we are required to provide paratransit service for
the same number of hours that we provide our six route fixed route system We are
covered for this by The Ride service of the MBTA and also our own Share-A-Ride
service. Although we meet the service requirements, we have not turned in a report
because we have not met the requirement of holding public meetings for paratransit
riders. These meetings must be held in an accessible place and would be easier for these
people to attend if they were not held at night. The meeting would provide information
as to what is now available and would seek information about what needs are not being
met TAC agreed that these meetings would be held at the C.O.A. during the last week
of January or the first part of February
Barbara informed TAC that she had received a check in the amount of $985 from the
Burlington Mall representing their subsidy of extra holiday service. She determined that
the amount of $90 should be refunded to them because we did not run all of the routes
that were scheduled due to a snowstorm. Although the amount is small, it was agreed
that it should be refunded in the interest of maintaining a good relationship with the Mall.
TAC agreed to adjourn at 9.45 pm.
Respectfully submitted