OCTOBER 27 1993
Present: Liz Andrews, Barbara Lucas, Bill Mix, Fred Rosenberg, Sara Arnold presiding
Official opening on the TAC was announced by Sara Arnold who stated that Lynn Bergen
had moved out of Lexington.
TAC discussed the series of six planning meetings being held in Lexington and it was
determined that support for Lexpress was voiced at at least three of the four meetings
already held.
Barbara Lucas advised TAC about a Lexpress pass that was reported stolen from a locker at
the High School. TAC expressed regret about this incident, but decided that the pass
should not be replaced without payment of the lost pass charge of $5 per month. It was
noted that this charge of $15 for three months is far lower than the cost would be for a new
three month pass.
TAC discussed the theme for the Lexpress article in the upcoming Town Report and it was
agreed that it be very similar to last year with emphasis on reliability
Fred Rosenberg reported that he had spoken with the Garden Club and he believes that they
are moving toward supporting our position regarding the place of Lexpress in Emery Park.
He stated that Steve Hurley of the Ad Hoc Committee will speak at the next Garden Club
Barbara Lucas reported that the Burlington Mall is willing to again contribute a subsidy of
about $900 toward extra bus service on the three week-ends before Christmas. In spite of
very low ridership last year, TAC decided that we should accept their subsidy and run
buses to the Mall on Friday evenings, Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons. To try to
increase ridership, TAC agreed to charge fifty cents per ride on these buses.
TAC discussed FY94/FY95 budget and concluded that we could operate with essentially
the same budget as last year which was based on a $34.50 per vehicle hour cost. TAC
decided that we could not make any proposal regarding a 10% cut in budget if we were
asked to do so.
Sara Arnold showed TAC the plan prepared for Depot Square by the Ad Hoc Committee
which includes a wheelchair accessible area for Lexpress passengers. TAC discussed
some possible temporary sites for wheelchair passengers to use as these changes for the
Depot are at least one year away Sara Arnold agreed to call the Enablement Committee to
ask for advice and help.
Adjourned 9:55 pm
Respectfully submitted,
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Transportation Coordinator
1625 Massachusetts Avenue
Telephone: (617) 861-1210 FAX (617) 863-2530
October 8, 1993
In light of discussions at the last TAC meeting, I am enclosing two items: 1. information on
the 1992 holiday service and 2. the latest version of the Design Advisory Committee's design
for Emory Park.
) Concerning holiday service,I thought you would be interested in the following ride and cost
information for last year's holiday service. Note that, on average, fewer that three people
rode the bus each hour and that the cost per ride was just under $10.00.
Dates #buses/#hrs Rides Rides/hr Fares Cost Cost/Ride
Q day
Fridays 1 bus @ 3hrs 21 2.33 $10.00 270.27 $12.39
12/4, 12/11, 12/18 Total 9 hrs.
Saturdays 1 bus @ 3.5 hrs 18 2.57 $74.21 $210.21 $7.56
12/5, 12/12* 12/19 Total 7 hrs.
Sundays 3 buses @ 5 hrs 132 2.93 $53.21 $1,351.35 $9.83
12/6, 12/13, 12/20 Total 45 hrs
TOTALS 61 hrs. 171 2.80 $137.42 $1,831.83 $9.91
*Dec. 12 No buses due to snow
The table does not take into account the $985.00 received from Burlington Mall. That
donation reduces the amount Lexington paid for the holiday service to $846.83 or $4 15
Jq per ride but obviously does not affect the ridership per hour As I mentioned at the
TAC meeting, we cannot count on the Burlington Mall support for this year's service. In
1992, Randy Lapides, the Burlington Mall General Manager, made 1993 donations
contingent on increased ridership. Those increases have not occurred. The end result is
that I believe the committee is correct in its decision to forego holiday service in 1993
and will make this decision known to Ms. Lapides.
The design for Emory Park is current as of October 7, with the possible exception of a
plan to remove the central walkway through the park that runs from front to back. That
walk may be removed in order to discourage jaywalking from Muzzey St. across
Massachusetts Ave.
If you have any questions or concerns about these two items, please contact me.
Barbara G Lucas
Enclosures: 1