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1 Transportation Committee
November 5, 1984
Present Sara Arnold, Joyce Hals , Don Graham, Lili Silvera,
Elaine Dratch, Lance Newman, Steve Caplan
1 Steve Caplan of Gray Line met with the committee
to present a proposed change in schedule and to
discuss vehicles to be used on the service
a) Vehicles Gray Line described the following
-Gray Line has arranged to keep two Prevosts on
the service for the next month to allow him more
time to repair the 1965 's; the 65's will be
refurbished by Dec 1--if they are not ready
they won't use them
-The Prevosts will be used on the two double runs
each morning, covering 4 trips
-One .revost will be used on one double run in
the afternoon; the other Prevost will be used on
either the second double run or a single run,
depending on whether the mini bus can handle the
ridership the second double run
-New buses are due for the Worcester service in
the first quarter of 1985
-The mini buses will only be used on trips 2 and 7
in the afternoon
b) Schedule The following points were made to justify
some changes
-It is not economically feasable to keep 5 buses
operating; it is difficult to raise fares; the
$2 00 fare is low People from Framingham pay
$2 65 one way which allows for one stop at
Shopper 's World and one stop in Boston, unlike the
Lexington service which has numerous stops
- There are only two people taking the bus from Bedford
At a V /calf
-Roughly 17 people use the bus in and out of Copley
-Travel between Copley and Government Center is a
1 nightmare--no bus can maintain a schedule
-Fewer people take the bus in the evening than in the morning
Gray Line made the following proposal
-All service in Bedford be eliminated
-Copley service be reduced so that one morning trip
eliminates Copley and so there are only 2 Copley
pick ups in the evening
-Drop one evening trip so there are 6 pick ups
in Boston instead of 7
-Initially Gray Line wanted to drop one morning
trip, which is referenced on the schedule
presented by Steve However, Steve reconsidered
and is reluctant to recommend that change
2 After Steve Caplan left, the Committe discuesed the
scheduling problem and the vehicle issues
-Proper maintenance and reliability of the current
fleet is of concern We should look into other
carriers as far as their eventual interest and
capability to provide the service We will
not reference the possibility of changing carriers
before July, 1985
-Joyce will contact Fiore Bus Lines
Don will contact Hudson and Brush Hill
-We need data on Copley ridership and schedule
Gray Line will provide Copley ridership figures
for the next two weeks Sara will continue to
set up a net work of commuters to report on
the service
-We need to know whether the problems Gray Line
is experiencing are related to traffic or poor
equipment before we can establish criteria for
Gray Line to meet
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