MEETING DATE June 9 , 1983
PRESENT Eleanor Klauminzer - c
Sherry Edmonds
Elizabeth Flemings
Robert Bowyer
William Hayes (ii
Arthur Gutierrez
1 The minutes of the May 10th meeting were approved
2 The compilation done by Sherry Edmonds of Inclusionary
Housing Programs was distributed and reviewed
3 A discussion followed relative to Arthur Gutierrez ' s
suggestion of sharing the value added that may be
created by actions of a Town Board of other Town
Boards, i e , re-zoning or by Town Meeting variances
by the Zoning Board of Appeals
Concept To have the Town share in the value added by town
actions to create funds available for affordable
a) Re-zoning
b) Appeals to relieve developers from certain
Concept Value is added (or costs are reduced) in each of
the above situations
Added to be shared Say 25-33% by the Town and
the rest by the developer
Earmark funds for affordable housing to be administered by
non-profit group in the town (such as the Lexington Housing
Authority, etc )
Lane - Residential lane re-zoned to commercial
Residential land re-zoned to multiple
family or P U D
Board of Appeals actions that may save a developer
thousands of dollars
After considerable discussion on the subject, William
Hayes concluded that Arthur Gutierrez 's suggestion very
likely would not stand up in court under a legal challenge
because it resembles too much a tax and because it is a
"disguised tax"
4 We discussed the similarity between the proposal for
Lexington with that which is currently is use in Newton
Mr Hayes thought that Newton would be all right, although
he was not sure of a provision in which dollars were set
aside to be at the discretion of the Aldeiuien, and was not
sure if this promise would stand up in court if contested
Bob Bowyer said that communities that obtain financial
contributions from developers have their justification
in the need to mitigate the impact of the development
on the community
Bob Bowyer felt that many affordable housing provisions
could be done much more effectively by means of the
Planning Board policy rather than an inclusionary require-
ment on the Zoning By Laws because it offers more flexi-
bility by the Planning Board to deal with each particular
situation A policy is almost as effective as a by-law
because in the last 35 years Town Meeting has not approved
any zoning change not recommended by the Planning Board
We further discussed how the Planning Board' s policies
could be made more enforceable
William Hayes was not sure if acceptance of dollars in
lieu of units was legal, but he thought it would be worth
a try
It was decided to meet on July 13th (this meeting has since
been postponed) Elizabeth Flemmings suggested reviewing
the Newton policy because it seems to be working, and the
committee agreed to do so