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January 21, 1998
Members Present: Sandra Shaw, Pam Varrin, Don Chisholm, Rick DeAngelis
Staff Present: Karen Simmons,Jon Jalbert
Others Present: Bill Harrison,New England Golf; Eva Heney,Lexington
Minuteman; Dick Perry, Center Lights Committee
1 The minutes from December 17, 1997 were accepted with the following correction to
paragraph 2 in item#7 Sandra completed the letter to Rick White asked him to appoint
an Ad Hoc committee for April 1st
2. Bill Harrison from New England Golf handed out his 1997 report on Pine Meadows
Golf Club. A copy is enclosed.
1997 improvements: the five tee signs delivered in September will be installed in March
1998, leaving three more for purchase. Flower plantings will be continued in 1998. In
addition to the irrigation for holes 1, 2 and 4,new heads were bought for tees 2 and 3
New England Golf installed one on the 1s`hole during the summer.
On 1998 improvements,the left side bunker on#1 green will be shortened and then
widened back. On#3 bunkers will be put on both sides to open up the front of the green.
The dredging has not started yet,but the hay bales are stored on the right side of the pond
and a path for trucks through the woods has been constructed.
In 1998 Bill proposes a ban on metal spikes. The warning sign has been up for a year,
which he feels is sufficient time. There will be two warnings before the first tee, either
by signs or by the starter. Bill proposed eliminating the two-week advance tee time
except on weekends since it is an administrative havoc.
Bill will provide the committee with a survey of other nine hole courses comparing the
greens fees. It was suggested that the rangers be more vocal on the course about ball
marks and maybe hand out plastic ball marker repair tools to repairs ball marks on the
greens. Rick complimented John Allen's efforts.
1997 was an exceptional year due to the good weather. Bill cautioned the committee not
to expect the same numbers again. He feels the rounds could go down based on weather
conditions. He predicts that in 1998 we will see 44,000 rounds played. The average
playing time in 1997 was 2 hr. 20 min.
Rick DeAngelis made the motion to alter the use of the ID card for residents to allow tee
times to be made 10 days in advance, instead of two weeks, for weekends only, meaning
Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. This will be re-evaluated by the Recreation
Committee after 60 days. The Recreation Committee voted to accept this proposal.
3 Center#1 Lights
Karen Simmons, Rick DeAngelis and Dick Perry have discussed the recommended new
light hours from May 10—August 25, 1998. Rick passed out a copy of a request letter
that was submitted to Karen Simmons.
The question was raised as to whether or not there is a Town by-law regarding the time
such lights may be used. Karen will look into this, but even if there were no restriction
any change would have to be presented to and approved by the Board of Selectmen. Any
issues and concerns from residents must be taken seriously and reviewed. Pam asked
how it would be possible to schedule two games given the time restraints. Rick said it
would be easier on the weekends because during the week it is not possible to start the
first game until 5.45 PM. He is willing to start games at 7.45 PM and end at 10:30 PM,
with different situations for weekends and playoffs.
Karen Simmons emphasized that baseball is a great spectator sport at night and it gives
kids an alternative to hanging out on the streets. Karen will draft a letter inviting the
neighbors to the next meeting and present it to Sandra for approval. It will then be sent to
residents of Forest Court, Baskin Road,Middleby Road,Lincoln Street(to #180),Parker
Street and Bushnell Drive to inform them that the Recreation Committee will be
discussing the issue of keeping the Center#1 lights on until 10:30/11.00 PM.
The LHS baseball coach, Tom O'Grady,would like to host a Spring Baseball tournament
and Dick and Rick offered to run it. They have also invited Karen Boudreau to host a
softball tournament at the same time,probably Friday and Saturday, May 29—30. The
lights would also be dedicated at that time, and possibly a plaque.
4 Review fees
Karen recommended the following increases in fees:
Town Pool daily admission- youth to $3.00
Tennis reservation with lights per hour with no ID- to $8.00/hr.
Resident Evening Gym Season Pass-to $45.00
Golf cart rental/9 holes-to $12.00
One week field permit-to $300.00
Pam suggested that the daily fee for the Town Pool and Res be increased to $5.00 for
adult residents and guests and $3.00 for children and seniors who are residents or guests.
The Recreation committee agreed and voted to accept the new rates.
5. Karen presented information on a collaborative program including the Minuteman
Tobacco Education Program,the Police and Fire Departments and Recreation. Hot Shots
is a tobacco prevention program for 4`h, 5th, and 6th grade students. Hot Shots combines
the physical activity of basketball with educational activities that teach the hazards of
tobacco use. Children compete at the school level and have the opportunity to advance to
the State Finals held at the Fleet Center in June.
6. Skateboard Committee
Jon updated the Recreation Committee on progress with the skateboard committee. Dana
Ham of the Police Department and Jon have nominated six of the eight committee
members. Dana will send a letter to the Chamber of Commerce asking them to nominate
the two remaining members of the committee. Jon and Dana have set guidelines and a
charge for the committee and will submit a copy to the Recreation Committee members
at the next meeting. Jon will continue to update the committee regularly
7 Sandra presented a letter from Norman Cohen dated 2/4/91 regarding the Hennessy
Land. See enclosed copy
Sandra also reported on the experiment of hauling the snow removed from the center to
Westview Cemetery instead of to Lincoln Park. This has been successful so far this year.
Sandra presented information at a recent Conservation meeting. A copy of her statement
is enclosed.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 PM.
7.30 PM