HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-02-08-TPT-min TOWN OF LEXINGTON TRUSTEES OF PUBLIC TRUSTS Minutes of Meeting of February 8, 2024 The meeting was held at 2pm at 19 Muzzey, Suite 207, Lexington, MA. Trustees David Williams and Susan McClements were present. Trustee Alan Fields joined the meeting by telephone as indicated below. 1) Trustees unanimously approved minutes from 10.04.23 meeting. 2) Trustees unanimously approved distributions from scholarship funds for awards to be made in June of 2024 as detailed in the attached memo dated 01.15.24 from David Williams to Timothy Gould at State Street. Distribution amounts are based on income accounts for each fund as of 12.31.23. 3) David Williams sent memos dated 01.16.24 to the LHS Principal informing him of funds available for the benefit of the Debate Team from the Rapport Family Debate Award and to Caren Bolster with copy to the FOLMADS Treasurer informing them of 12.31.23 income balances transferred from income to principal for four FOLMAD accounts (Bass DiDominico Fund, LHS Music Fund, Ella Lou Dimmock Fund and Jeffrey Leonard Fund). Copies of the memos are attached. 4) Selectboard member Doug Lucente met with interested parties from the Lexington Youth Commission to make recommendations for annual youth award(s) made at Patriot's Day. A memo attached outlining the recommendations identifies two funds as sources for funding the awards as the Charles Ferguson Fund and the Pat Flynn Youth Fund. The Trustees would like to clarify the correct name of the first fund, which should read "Charles Ferguson Youth Recognition Fund". A copy of the above reference memo is attached. 5) The Trustees unanimously approved the terms of The Michael J. Robinson Scholarship Fund which was accepted by the Selectboard on 11.27.23. 6) The Trustees discussed their roles and responsibilities as outlined in the attached response to an inquiry about the same from the Selectboard. 7) David Williams shared a list of procedures and actions that he undertakes in his role as a Trustee, a copy of which is attached. 8) Trustee Alan Fields provided the following portfolio update in writing prior to the meeting: "The portfolio remains overweighted yield oriented in equity which is underperforming the tech oriented S&P 500 index but meets our income focused objective. Equity remains the asset class of choice vs.bonds so I do not expect that there will be much change after the investment committee meeting later this month." 9) David reported that the Charles French Medals are on display on the 2nd floor of Cary Memorial Library and that the family is pleased with the display. 10)David reported that Bill Daley continues to work on establishing a fund in honor of Dr. Wayne Brown. 11)Susan and David reviewed the form of letter agreement the Trustees have been using as a template for initial discussions with donors, a copy of which is attached. 12)Trustee Alan Fields joined the meeting by phone. 13)Susan suggested that the Investment Committee review the Investment Policy statement at its next meeting and share any suggested changes or revisions with the Trustees. All agreed that the policy should be reviewed at least annually. Susan will send Investment Committee members, Alan Fields, Adrian Jackson and Alex Payne a copy of the attached current Investment Policy statement. 14)In light of Alan's impending resignation from the Trustees of Public Trusts effective when his replacement is appointed by the Selectboard, Susan made a motion that David be named Chair of the Trustees of Public Trusts effective as of Alan's resignation. The motion was passed 2-0 with David abstaining from voting. 15)Trustee Susan McClements will be relocating out of state and as a result is also resigning as a Trustee effective when her successor is appointed by the Selectboard. 16)David thanked Alan and Susan for their service as Trustees of Public Trusts. Meeting adjourned at 3:15pm. Respectfully submitted, sadao, /�- x Susan K. McClements Trustee of Public Trusts Encls. TRUSTEES OF PUBLIC TRUSTS Established 1910 R Alan Fields, Chairman David Williams Susan McClements 0 . --- 3 ,�fvv c si 6441V3 t4,6.n lj r iv N SS-0 C> YIs' 9v 13a-T f)ay-\ rn � 3l U -74 6'1 C��7���dE> G2bc.�;2r� 'i- C, uta �s � J 6W �g.ck N 1 �6 e' uw 0iYAJ{C all �'C-15ie 01 � 33T s ( ai /636 Attention Board of Selectman 0 .1625 Massachusetts Avenue 0 Lexington, Massachusetts 02420 P, -�— N C (� t S'-3 (� l 3GG lk U Rj 4?- tj c v /to S p yob e, - C> Sia G `� 61 SifU 936 -7 �,� s r�.a•,,a � ,mss L M s `''' s-s' 5-1- v Yo s 341 05alto," 9' 5�-� r�Yd o VS,- r /�R�� 4- �o�+�.• 'Yh C o YY2r► 0 2.7q? F S v �z6 s"-J s..�� 6 f7361 311. f C,� 3 S'-s- 6 A4- 3T r, Yv e (J2- te-r" (YA / fe fz. g hoo rp�r 6 o S 0 0 i -5 d5o c) LL-) Al 0 Y)- ?So TRUSTEES OF PUBLic TRUSTS Established 1910 .flan Fields, Chairman David Williams Susan AdcClements K. Re : ` Attention Board of Selectman 0 1625 Massachztsetts Avenue 0 Lexington, Massachusetts 02420 TRuSTEES OF PUBLIc TRusTS t4 �d Established 1910 ti Alan Fields, Chairman Y 4 David T illiams Susan lfcClements ti cc [ w 47 t-lAor ST C.ex:JW97'n,v oa.Y-1 1 S - 01 V I��� � s � s;t C> f3r7 U L)yy6y Eey E Attention Board of Selectman 0 1625 Massachusetts Avenue 0 Lexington, Massachusetts 024.20 I' i Select Board Announcements and Liaison Reports—December 18,2023 Doug Lucente: Lexington Center Committee + Bus Stop—The Lexington Center Committee has unanimously agreed to endorse and recommend to the Select Board the relocation of the bus stop from its current location at 1684 Massachusetts Avenue to a new position at 1690 Massachusetts Avenue.This move will integrate the bus stop into an existing bump out connected to a crosswalk.This proposal is a new solution proposed by the Engineering Department. Lexington Youth Commission + Update on the Pat Flynn Outstanding Youth Award Background Information: _- a February 20, 1979:The Lexington Board of Selectmen approved the creation of the Outstanding Youth Award, based on a proposal by Mr.Winston "Pat" Flynn.The award involved issuing a silver-inscribed Paul Revere medal annually on Patriots' Day to a distinguished Lexington youth. Lexington Youth Recognition Committee, a subcommittee of the Lexington Youth Commission,was established. e 1979- 1996: The award annually recognized up to three graduating seniors from Lexington for exceptional community service, achievements, and character. e January 6, 1997:The Lexington Board of Selectmen voted to use the Charles Ferguson Fund to provide a monetary award to the recipients. • 1997-2022:The award continued honoring up to three seniors with a monetary prize funded by the Charles Ferguson Fund. e October 24, 2022:The Lexington Select Board accepted the terms of the Pat Flynn Youth Fund, managed by the Trustees of Public Trusts, which included additional involvement from the Lexington Veterans Association. e December 12, 2023: A meeting was convened to address changes to the award due to the Pat Flynn Youth Fund. Attendees included Deb Hankins and Shannon DeGuglielmo (Chair and Vice Chair, Lexington Youth Commission), Doris Kraemer(Recent Chair, Lexington Youth Recognition Committee), David Williams (Trustees of Public Trusts), Linda Dixon (Lexington Veterans Association), a Flynn family representative, and Doug Lucente(Select Board Liaison to LYC). The group unanimously agreed on several points: The following items are recommended for a Select Board vote: • Renaming of the Award:The Outstanding Youth Award will now be called the "Pat Flynn Outstanding Youth Award," in honor of Pat Flynn's legacy and his initiation of the award in 1979.The award criteria and the tradition of awarding up to three youths remain unchanged. • Selection Committee Composition:The Lexington Youth Recognition Committee will include a member from the Lexington Veterans Association. • Funding Sources and Distribution: Funding will come from both the Charles Ferguson 66A Fund and the Pat Flynn Youth Fund. Each recipient will receive a minimum of$500, using interest income first and the Pat Flynn Youth Fund's principal if needed.The Charles Ferguson Fund will contribute through its interest income only. ® Communication and Acknowledgment:The Patriots' Clay speech, delivered by a Select Board Member, and literature about the award will highlight the financial support from both the Charles Ferguson Fund (starting in April 1997) and the Pat Flynn Youth Fund (starting in April 2023). Next Steps: ® Request the Select Board to formally endorse these changes for transparent and consistent management of the award and communicate these updates to the Select Board Staff,the Lexington Youth Commission, and the Trustees of Public Trusts. i i F i f` f. (I. ((C C E f. fl l 2/13424,6 51 PM Gm,,61 10�ii G rn a Susain McClements <skimcclements@gmail.corri ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Trustees Background Information Requested ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Susain McClements <skmcclements,@gimail.com> Thu,Jain, 18, 2024 at 6:40 PM To: Stacey Prizio<s,pri,zio@lexingtonma.giov> Cc- David Williams<WiHiams.dg@comcast.net>, "Fields,Alan"'<Alan.Fields@cib1c.com> Hi Stacey, Good to,speak with you briefly this,afternoon.As we discussed on the phone, David and I had a long discussion with Joe Pato about the Trustees and our roles but are also glad to respond to your email.You mentioned that Joe gave you a copy of his notes from our meeting. Please let us know if you have any addiitional questions. ll shared the description below with Alan Fields and heard back from him this afternoon with some feedback To supplement the information David ainid I shared With Joe, here is a summary of what the Trustees do: The Trustees are charged with ensuring funds given to the Town of Lexington are invested prudently and used for their intended purposes. The cemetery perpetual care funds have an additional requirement that they be invested only in securities on,the"'legal list°". . which is established by regulations. Some of our funds have governing boards which determine when and Ihoww to use funds (e.g., the lilbirary endowments, the lexington fund!, the symphony,)All funds should have terms documented in a short letter agreement signed by the Donor and the Chair of the Trustees.The terms of each fund must Ibe accepted by the Selectboard. State Street serves as the custodian of the funds. The Trustees determilne asset allocation and provide direction to State Street on Iholding,s in the portfolio. Alain has stewarded the investment of the portfolio and more recently has formed an investment committee to consult with, on allocations and holdings. Adrian Jackson and applicant Alex Payne serve on the investment committee. Alan intends to serve on the investment committee to provide some continuity after he resigns as a Trustee. David'!communicates with State Street regularly on operationat matters and has,been instrumental in finding donors to create new funds, especially scholarship funds. David haiindles most of the operational matters, schedules and posts for meetings, sets agendas for meetings and communicates with existing donors about their funds. II have been responsible for meetingi, minutes (we meet 3-4 times a year as needed, with Alan meeting with the investment committee as needed),. I also work with new donors to draft letter agreements detailing the terms of funds, I also respond to donors and others who have questions about how trust funds may be uised. al 2251777179295324701&s,itiup] ,itsg ajr2251777179295324701 1/? 2/13/24,6 51 PM Gmail Trustees Background Information Requested Unless we move the portfolio to a more passive investment delegated completely to State Street,Alan, David and I believe it is critical that one of the trustees work in the investment management field with expertise in portfolio management. Alan added the following about having someone with investment management experience as a Trustee: "State Street is an adequate custodian and serves our needs for complex record keeping but in today's world I am ok with passive portfolio management but not passive asset allocation, State Street will offer no personal attention," It also is very helpful to have someone with either a law degree or legal background to help prepare letter agreements and with familiarity with the law governing trusts and fiduciaries. Finally, having someone who is widely known in the community and very active in town is also very helpful. David has been this person for the Trustees. It also has been very helpful that he serves on and knows the chair of the Lexington Scholarship Committee which administers most of the scholarships for which the Trustees hold funds. Again, please let me know it you or the Selectboard have additional questions and/or need more information. Best regards, Susan [Quoted to t hidden] https://mail.google.com/mail/u/O/?ik=63e4885439&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-a:r-2251777179295324701&simpl=msg-a:r-2251777179295324701 2/2 i i r --........- " d c , ,' 6 � LLM err. ,,iimr .,./i„✓, /2„i .,,.ii iwii,c,:,ii ,c�,2, ,v 9dl,. ,,,,,,,„<vl !(�%.ii,,: ni, ,.rvd .i.,mi.:%.✓, m/c.�.+ / r,,,,,'hur /, mu,n ..v.ri��"',f./ i fir., o i.i. ,er ir,ii � �,iUiii i�// eiw.i ,.�,.✓,�° w I I " ✓V„✓✓/r::r ...✓ref ✓.i,✓i✓: ���i r'Z,i r.rr.;i»r rlii.. .t v�r.rr i.....p rir i✓j.'�o, .i 'ria ra fr yr i it i ii ri,r..G.. � i . i .iri.,.�i. . lvF.�.r ,� ../.,, r�.0 /] l r,,,✓✓, „�.,.a „F,.✓✓� „�✓, ✓��✓� ,✓✓�,�:.- rd��,,,,-.� r,.,,���, ,✓ r�,�.,, „e.,r� „mss.,,-..:. „o ,�:r, ,,,,,,,�. „r��u� � ✓i i�.,� ,,, ,�.�, y, �� ,,.�� r ,�,,..., ,,,,�,�_� u, ;✓i� r��ll,:.. ,..��� 4 v/„../,.% v,,.i. [.ai/ ori n, -✓ „rv� ,✓d ��„ 6GlL,;,r, ,iir rif,u� r�ri i „t�Ori r i in.:':'i rr� aim iv✓ ✓iv. 11✓ ✓�pW ll /. i inori,. i r mr.�ir� ,..o �,r ir.�H i.� ... ,r„ aii vr.. 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Re: �n n "-iu u--tA AwaX4 `�-u to-b From David Williams Trustees of the Public Trusts On behalf of the Trustees of the Public Trusts I am pleased, as promised to send you the year end balances in your account. The income amount indicates what you have in your fund to spend if you wish, on your mission. You might want to increase the income amount by sending a check indicating your fund name to Trustees of the Public Trusts Selectman's office 1525 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, Ma 02420 Principal: -)-'6 � '�2 Income, If you have any questions please contact me c 781 5724768 Attention Board of Seleclil7aaz 0 .1625 Massachusetts A.velzzre 0 Lexijzgton, lila achusetts 02420 t4 fz; �RUSTEES OF PUBLIO TRUSTS Established 1910 Alan Fields, Chairman David 9-71hams Susan flfcClements Memo to: � Re: From David Williams Trustees of the Public Trusts On behalf of the Trustees of the Public Trusts I am pleased, as promised to send you the year end balances in your account. The income amount indicates what you have in your fund to spend if you wish, on your mission. You might want to increase the income amount by sending a check indicating your fund name to Trustees of the Public Trusts Selectman's office 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, Ma 02420 Principal: I Income: at 1 If you have any questions please contact me i Williaand a LQm.�. s� t.net 781 5724768 Attendon Board of Selectinan 0 16-2.5 Uasscichusetus Avenue o Lexingtojl, Massachusetts 02420 ,- TRusTEES OF PUB Ic TRuSTS Established 1910 {r 4 Ufl .011 4 � Alan Fields, Chair majr David TT71hains Sttsar:,r11cC1e�rzer�ts Memo to: Re; From David Williams Trustees of the Public Trusts 4n behalf of the Trustees of the Public Trusts I am pleased, as promised to send you the year end balances in your account. The income amount indicates what you have in your fund to spend if you wish, on your mission. You might want to increase the income F amount by sending a check indicating your fund name to Trustees of the Public Trusts Selectman's office 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, Ma 02420 Principal:_. _ 3, 50'� Income; g0c) _ If you have any questions please contact me AUamz.doQcpmcast.oet 781 5724768 Attention Board of Selecl,72alz 0 1625 Masse chusetts Avenue 0 Lexii?gtor2, 111fassaclitrsetis O2 ?D I RUS T EFs OF P 13-TC TRUSTS a Established 1910 la�z Fields. Chah-me1n David ITrI Sirsati J1,10clements Memo to: 'bQ U 00 �,U��`c��� Re: From David Williams Trustees of the Public Trusts On behalf of the Trustees of the Public Trusts I am pleased, as promised to send you the year end balances in your account. The income amount indicates what you have in your fund to spend if you wish, on your mission. You might want to increase the Income amount by sending a check indicating your fund name to Trustees of the Public Trusts Selectman's office 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, Ma 02420 E Principals ❑ �`1 Income; If you have any questions please contact rye 781 5724768 Atten on Board ofSplect jzarz a I52 1Y�assctclztrseiisA1�e31are o Lexirzgtotz, iY£assacl7zrsetts ��� o� ...0 A. CRUST EES OF PUBLIC TRUSTS u; lstabltshed 1910 � 3 �. •,nt�°.ifs+%.5,.=? ie Mara Fields, Chair mat, David Tfllha,tis Strscrr:.cl�eClera:erzts Memo to: L�x� cls �c,ucc,� canG�"mt llce From David Williams Trustees of the Public Trusts On behalf of the Trustees of the Public Trusts I am pleased, as promised to send you the year end balances in your account, The income amount indicates what you have in your fund to spend if you wish, on your mission. You might want to increase the in amount by sending a check indicating your fund name to income E Trustees of the Public Trusts Selectman's office 1625 Massachusetts Avenue E Lexington, Ma 02420 f Principal: Income: If you have any questions please contact me I E WI is pip � � 78�. 572 476$ Atter 071 Board of select:halt v 1625 Massachusetts 4velt1re 0 Lexir2tats f g 111assachtrsettr D?-f?p t�l....c, ..RUSTEES OF P UBL TC TRUSTS yam. .established 1910 I;; 'S;,!1?hili!':•,i� AIM?Fields, Chaii'fijal? David IT71haiaas &S012 21100enienis Memo to: Re: From David Williams Trustees of the Public Trusts On behalf of the Trustees of the Public Trusts I am pleased, as promised to send you the year end balances in your account, The income amount indicates what you have in your fund to spend If you wish, on your mission. You might want to increase the income amount by sending a check indicating your fund name to 1 Trustees of the Public Trusts E Selectman's office 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, Ma 02420 E Principal; E i Income, �} If you have any questions please contact me 781 572 4768 Atteartion Board of selecirixaia v .16.25 lWassachusetts Avenue o Lexie tajz g , AIassttChzrsetts 0_9,420 rn I RUSTES OF PLIC TRuS T S � - Established 1910 ;j Alan Fields, Chairman David PRIltams Sxtsrr�:ll�cCleaa�ents Memo to: � Re: R . 1potz From David Williams Trustees of the Public Trusts On behalf of the Trustees of the Public Trusts I am pleased, as promised to send you the year end balances in your account. The income amount indicates what you have in your fund to spend if You wish, on your mission. You might want to increase the income amount by sending a check indicating your fund name to Trustees of the Public Trusts Selectman's office 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, Ma 02426 Principal: r),LAC) O 14 Income: �� r If you have any questions please contact me 781 5724768 Alterztiofa Board of SAlectt}1atT p. 1625 �y� ,�s��yhttsetts Ave�taee o Lexie gta�z, .Vlassachtrseits 02420 1 RLJSTEES OF PIM i LC T1 RUS T S Established 1910 r i7 '4101 Fields, Chair maj, David ITT1harars Susan AkCler;2ersts Memo to: L�x� S �s�2�ec c .i�-fir Re: LcLv, c� t9J1n �v N PP From ®avid Williams Trustees of the Public Trusts On behalf of the Trustees of the Public Trusts I am pleased, as promised to send you the year end balances in your account. The income amount indicates what you have in your fund to spend if you wish, on your mission. You might want to increase the Income amount by sending a check indicating your fund name to Trustees of the Public Trusts Selectman's office 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, Ma 02420 Principabo 3 Income: If you have any questions please contact me will! ni- 781 5724768 Atteatti077 Board of Selectman 0 .1 b25 Masse chusettr Avec:are o Lexie toja ly g .tcrsscrcharsetts 0?,4?0 T-RuSTEES OF PUMT rc TRUST S t f,{4; �t ;�! -Established 1910 'j—g .n x 11 Alall Ft6fds, Chairman David Tfllhams Susan 11deCleriel2ts Memo to: Re: Vp From David Williams Trustees of the Public Trusts On behalf of the Trustees of the Public Trusts I am pleased, as promised to send you the year end balances in your account. The income amount indicates what you have in your fund to spend if you wish, on your mission. You might want to increase the income amount � by sending a check indicating your fund name to f Trustees of the Public Trusts Selectman's office 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, Ma 02420 E F E Principal Income: A E If you have any questions please contact me wi i m 5.D-et ` 781 5724768 Attention Board of selectmatt o 16125.M'assachuseas Avenue o .Lexingtalz, ,r�fasscrc r 13usetts 02L 20 RUSTEES OF P-Mr is TRUSTS 1� �r Established 1910 �11ar;Fields, Chairman David TTrilliarjrs Sarsan!l;lcCler;ients Memo to: or�� ���� Re: �STIZk From David Williams Trustees of the Public Trusts On behalf of the Trustees of the Public Trusts I am pleased, as promised to send you the year end balances in your account. The income amount indicates what you have in your fund to spend if you wish, on your mission. You might want to increase the income amount by sending a check indicating your fund name to E Trustees of the Public Trusts Selectman's office E 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, Ma 02420 Principal:` 15 15 Income: If you have any questions please contact me wiia cm s . t 781 5724768 AttelVimi Board of 8elecliizatz 0 I6�S lUla.,yscrcJztrseits Avenue 0 Lexie to }z, 1111assaclrzrseas 02420 1 TRUSTEES OF P UE i IC Tl RDSTS Established 1910 '41trz Fields, Chah-ma;j .David 1,R1jian7s szrsan 11lcCle;asents Memo to: `rn2s ` o, czi Re: From David Williams Trustees of the Public Trusts On behalf of the Trustees of the Public Trusts I am le paced as promised to send you the year end balances in your account. The income amount indicates what you have in your Fund to spend if you wish, on your mission. You might want to increase the income amount by sending a check indicating your fund name to Trustees of the Public Trusts Selectman's office 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, Ma 02420 E Principal: ' i0, -Z Income: 5 " If you have any questions please contact me w' ia cmasL.o—el 781 5724768 Attention Board of Selectrr7ar7 0 163.E!12crsscrc]zxrsetts Averiaca o Lexington, 11assaclztrsetts Q�, �� _4 _ ZIA TRUSTEES OF P B x TRuSTS Established 1910 .3 wj r• i'^j37i�ff��5,y Alm?Fields, Chairttiatz David T-Tfilhaiiis Susan AdcClements Memo to: u SI ,5, Re. From David Williams Trustees of the Pu lic Trusts On behalf of the Trustees of the Public Trusts I am pleased, as promised to send you the year end balances in your account. E The income amount indic, tes what you have in your fund to spend if F you wish, on your missio You might want to increase the income amount by sending a the E k indicating your fund name to Trustees of the Public Truts Selectman's office E 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, Ma 02420 Principal: GI as Income: • If you have any questions please contact me 1 v iI iams. 781 5724768 f' Attention Boar d of Selectttzafr 0 .1625.l assachusetts Avenue 0 Lexiilgfota, iV[assachiisetts 07:t?D I'' I` UTE OF Pyr IC TRUE T S Established 1910 !f J 1 Alan Fields, Cltair;na;z David ITjillranas Szfyalt i1!aCleinents Memo to: �� G`C�`C1 From David Williams Trustees of the Public Trusts On behalf of the Trustees of thePublic Trusts promised to send you the year end balances your a u pleased,acc nuntas , f The income amount indicates what you have in your fund to spend if you wish, onour mission, Y You might want to increase the income amount by sending a check indicating your fund name to Trustees of the Public Trusts E Selectman's office E 1625 Massachusetts Avenue E Lexington, Ma 02420 f Principal Income: i E If you have any questions please contact me E 781 5724768 i Artetztion Board of Select nal? 0 1525 MasscxhusettsAverrase o Lexrngtara, IV lassachusetts 02.70 ' RUSTEES OF Pyr is TRuS T S- _ rr Established 1910 ,41CM Fields, Chaia t;2a;r DaNd 17!11 atars Salsars 11cClements Memo to: _ y Re: From David Williams Trustees of the Public Trusts On behalf= of the Trustees of the Public Trusts I am pleased, as promised to send you the year end balances in your account. The income amount indicates what you have in your fund to spend if you wish, on your mission. You might want to increase the income amount by sending a check indicating your fund name to E Trustees of the Public Trusts Selectma n's office 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, Ma 02424 Principal; O 'i� E; Income: � 3 If you have any questions please contact me r n t 781 5724768 Atterrtiora Board of Select Tian o 169511assaclaarsetts Ave trate 0 Lex' r rzgtora, jYlcrssa chtrse02420 RU'TEES OF PUB i IC TRUST S trEstablished 1910 C.i f Alai?Fields, Chair}}falx .David T-Tilliarass Sirsati jVoCleme}}ts Memo to: Re: From David Williams Trustees of the Public Trusts On behalf of the Trustees of the Public Trusts I am pleased, as promised to send you the year end balances in your account. The income amount indicates what you have in your fund to spend if you wish, on your mission. You might want to increase the income amount by sending a check indicating your fund name to Trustees of the Public Trusts Selectman's office 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, Ma 02420 Principal.-4 9w Income; i1 c, -- f If you have any questions please contact me wii 'a c s 781 5724768 E tte}ltiafa Board af8plect}}2a}z o 16-9-5-Massachusetts o Lexi}? t g at7, _r 11aSSaChIlsetts 024-20 CRUST EES OF PUL I C T - T - -' Established 1910 s -41011 Fields, Chair311att Dm,ld TTrilli'7112s &,Satz�l�cCdenzettts Memo to Re: From David Williams Trustees of the Public Trusts On behalf of the Trustees of the Public Trusts I a pleased, Promised to send you the year end balances in Your acount, The income amount indicates what you have in your fund to spend You wish, on your Mission. You 'night want to increase the income e if ' amount by sending a check indicatingme your fund name to Trustees of the Public Trusts E Selectman's office 1.625 Massachusetts ,avenue Lexington, Ma 02420 I Principal; Income; Q0 Sb If you have any questions please contact me wi la s, ca as , et 7$1 5724768 Atte'?Uo x•Baaa•cl ofSelectinart o 1 d?5 Massac]zZ 1 Sett s e11 iz2 o Lex t1 ( r Q32 g � , �J saclnrsetf, 0�7?D k TRUSTas OF PUBLIC TRUSTS Established 1910 .�la;z Fields, Chcrir•n;ati Davol lTfflliatj2s SlUa;l A&Clements Memo to: w\(,. From David Williams Trustees of the Public Trusts On behalf of the Trustees of the Public Trusts I am pleased, as Promised to send you the year end balances in your account, The income amount indicates what you have in your fund to spend if you wish, on your mission. You might want to increase the income amount by sending a check indicating your fund name to E F Trustees of the Public Trusts Selectman's office 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, Ma Q2420 E Principal: Income:? If you have any questions please contact me wi [i 7815724768 Atte1211072 Board of Select a3ar7 0 1695 Massachzrsetrs Avenue oexira t g on, Alassachusetts 024t?p RUSTEES OF PUB-IC TRUST S Establislied 1910 Alar?Fields, Chairn?an David bYillicisars Susan 11rcCle�;set?ts Memo to: Re: M � tin Nu From David Williams Trustees of the Public Trusts On behalf of the Trustees of the Public Trusts I am pleased, as promised to send you the year end balances in your account. The income amount indicates what you have in your fund to spend if you wish, on your mission. You might want to increase the income amount by sending a check indicating your fund name to E Trustees of the Public Trusts Selectman's office 1625 Massachusetts Avenue I Lexington, Ma 02420 i Principal: ° t»o {E E Income. t ( o If you have any questions please contact me Willi st.net 781 5724768 E Attention Board of Selectilaaf? 0 1 bZS Massachusetts Avetsa?e 0 Leiilzgtoaz, s'llassachti setiS 0 94 0 I RUSTEES OF rUBLIC TRUSTS Established 1910 Alan Fields, Chairman David 1TTilliams Susan AlloClements Memo to: From David Williams Trustees of the Public Trusts On behalf of the Trustees of the Public Trusts I am pleased, as promised to send you the year end balances in your account. The income amount indicates what you have in your fund to spend if you wish, on your mission. You might want to increase the income amount by sending a check indicating your fund name to E Trustees of the Public Trusts Selectman's office 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington,. Ma 02420 Principal: SCS 5al Income: too If you have any questions please contact me E williams.dgCcDcomcast.net 781 5724768 I Attention Board of Selectman 0 1625 Massachtisetts Avenue 0 Lexington, lvrassachitsetts 02420 TRUSTEES OF PUBLIC TRUSTS t5�t{1 Established 1910 Alan Fields, Chairman David ilfilliams Susan 11IcClements Memo to: Re: From David Williams Trustees of the Public Trusts On behalf of the Trustees of the Public Trusts I am pleased, as promised to send you the year end balances in your account. The income amount indicates what you have in your fund to spend if you wish, on your mission. You might want to increase the income amount by sending a check indicating your fund name to Trustees of the Public Trusts E Selectman's office 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, Ma 02420 Principal; 5 `arra r Income: loo r E If you have any questions please contact me villiams,dgacomcast.net 781 5724768 Attention Board of Selectrnasa 0 1625 Massachusetts Avenue 0 Lexington, illlassachiisetts 02420 RUSTEES OF PUBLIc TRUSTS Established 1910 3 u_ 'til Alan Fields, Chairma;r David 911ftai?ns Susan kfaClements Memo to: Re: LAS 011oss 'i 1 Crlte �,,��. From David Williams Trustees of the Public Trusts On behalf of the Trustees of the Public Trusts I am pleased, as promised to send you the year end balances in your account. The income amount indicates what you have in your fund to spend if you wish, on your mission. You might want to increase the income amount by sending a check indicating your fund name to Trustees of the Public Trusts Selectman's office 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, Ma 02420 Principal: t3' 45o r Income: If you have any questions please contact me 781 5724768 Attentio;2 Board of Select;;zan 4 1 G?S Massachttsetts Avenue 0 Le:y;ingta7z, 11,1assaclizrsetis 0 420 I I RUSTEES OF PUB-Tic TRUSTS Established 191 o Alma.Melds, Chairman Davol Ylrilliasjrs Sitsatt AllaCleinents Memo to: c�`��irliee-��� From David Williams Trustees of the Public Trusts On behalf of the Trustees of the Public Trusts I am pleased, as promised to send you the year end balances in your account. The income amount indicates what you have in your fund to spend if you wish, on your mission. You might want to increase the income amount by sending a check indicating your fund name to Trustees of the Public Trusts Selectman's office 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, Ma 02420 Principal: F°? I too Income: r?ol f If you have any questions please contact me c -W-111jacn.9 do. 781 5724768 i F Attention Board of Selectinan 0 1 b9S Massc.chuselts Avenue 0 Lexit7gtoj2, -tlllassachitsetts o2420 CRUST MS OF r U�i TC TRUSTS _ Established 1910 Alar'Fields, Chair rnari David fftillialns Susan 1111cCle;:eats Memoto: Re: C.a.,cz:,\-�1l From David Williams Trustees of the Public Trusts 4n behalf of the Trustees of the Public Trusts I am pleased, as promised to send you the year end balances in your account. The income amount indicates what you have in your fund to spend if you wish, on your mission. You might want to increase the income amount by sending a check indicating your fund name to Trustees of the Public Trusts Selectman's office 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, Ma 02420 i E Principal: Income: _ .. -5orlq If you have any questions please contact me v�.i.11iams. c c.,. st,net 781. 5724768 Attention Board of Selecunan 0 1625 Massachusetts Averztre o Leyir1gtolz, dlassachztsetis 02420 %MMFfl9911�'M" / r r fl !1- /// v; a, /// ��i,/i�r;r/i /✓ ,/ ° /rill �%//%//r%%///ii" „ ?'" ��� � � � �"! �" " ► rd jjJtm ; ff r/ice/ drib do has; �r a l ° ion.,ire fh ' t,then �, ti�r� , ,�� i� u I S,cur th arc r the milt, "r year athe ,.ahead.„ r / / � � ru � Mull/ ,” gip, ' � ""� M�!: '� ,� a..,,,, .,.,. � ► , � �"� t; , ,, ,,, ,,. ,,,, ✓ 1. ,�;, ,/ ri ./ � /,�r .�. �,r ,. .//r. .r / / ✓ r r�,r/ , ,rr rr , ✓ �i/ / / r / r r i 1 i r r � r / � r r / I I DONOR NAME ADDRESS DATE Mr.Alan Fields Chairman Town of Lexington Trustees of Public Trusts Dear Mr. Fields, This letter is to set the terms by which the Trustees of Public Trusts agree to hold Fund, (the "Fund") which we hereby establish. I. The Trustees will hold and invest the Fund as part of the Endowment Fund administered by the Trustees for the benefit of the Town of Lexington. 2. Each year, the Fund will transfer to [the Lexington Scholarship Committee/ or their designated successor] an amount that the Trustees deem appropriate and consistent with their Investment Policy with the intention that the Fund be preserved in perpetuity. (alternate wording is percentage of income only) 3. Any net income and all capital gains of the Fund not distributed annually shall be transferred to Fund principal. 4. By signing this letter, I acknowledge that contributions to the Fund are irrevocable and any changes to the terms of the Fund must be approved by the Trustees of Public Trusts and/or the Town of Lexington Select Board or their successors. S. Purpose/Guidelines for distributions — SAMPLE LANGUAGE for a scholarship - Each year the Lexington Scholarship Committee shall award one or more scholarships to be known as the Joe Quigley IVMemorial Scholarship. To be eligible the recipient must meet the following criteria: a. Be a graduate of Lexington High School or Minuteman Technical High School. b. Will major in a STEMfield at an accredited two to four year college program. c. Demonstrate a passion for mathematics. d. Demonstrate financial need. e. Preference will be given to students who had participated in the Lexington Math Club, while it is in existence. 6. The Lexington Scholarship Committee shall allow a member of the Quigley family, as long as they are willing and able to serve, to present the scholarship to the recipient at the annual awards night. 7. If the charitable purpose of the Fund becomes impossible or impractical to achieve or the size of the fund too small to warrant ongoing administration, the Trustees in their sole discretion may dissolve the Fund and apply the proceeds to a similar charitable purpose to benefit the Town of Lexington. DONOR INVESTMENT POLICY STATEMENT Trustees of the Lexington Public Trust Investment Investment Purpose: The purpose of the Trustees of the Public Trusts is to Objectives: administer, invest, and disburse the funds bequeathed or donated to the town for specific public purposes. Investment Objective*, The purpose of the investment portfolios is to provide for the long-term benefit of the beneficiaries of the assets that have been bequeathed or donated to the town of Lexington. The portfolio should have a balanced exposure to fixed income and equity assets in order to provide growth and stability and therefore protect against the long-term risk of inflation. While the trustees acknowledge the acceptance of market risk, the long-term objective of the fund is to obtain growth in income. Protecting the value of the assets from undue volatility and or risk of loss of capital supersedes the desire of maximizing the growth of the corpus. Portfolio Investment Strategy: The investment strategy is focused on earning a long-term Investment inflation adjusted return sufficient to grow the purchasing power of the fund. This Strategy: strategy requires a willingness and ability to tolerate a moderate level of portfolio fluctuations in order to achieve long term objectives. General asset allocation guidelines to achieve these objectives are shown below BALANCEDSTRATEGY Asset;Class: Cash and Fixed Income 30%-50% Equities 40%-60% Alternatives 0%-15% Equity Equity investments are intended to provide capital appreciation for portfolio assetsand Guidelines: protection from inflation over the course of the investment cycle. The equity portion of the portfolio may consist of both individually held securities and pooledfunds such as common trust funds and mutual funds. The portfolio's equity investments may be diversified across companies, sectors, and industries. Additional diversification may be achieved by providing exposure to various asset classes, such as large-cap, mid-cap, international, and income-oriented equities. Fixed Income Fixed income investments are intended to provide a stable income stream while also Guidelines: reducing the overall volatility of the portfolio. Fixed income securities may consist of both individually held securities and pooled funds such as common trustfunds and mutual funds. Spending In response to an extended period of historically low interest rates, the Trustees have Policy: adopted a spending policy to allow annual spending of up to five percent(5%) of total investment returns of a fund, unless otherwise explicitly restricted by the terms of the agreement establishing the fund