HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-07-11-AC-att-copy '�"vaq`�. . � . <���� �� ,���a: `.�� �'own of Lexington � �.,�:: : :::€.�� �a��. -`���` TO: Appropriation Committee & Select Boarc� SUBJECT: Request for End of Year Transfer between Departm�ntal Line-Items Request is hereby made far the foIlowing�ransfer between line-items as appropriated via a vote of Annual Town Meeting, in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 33B, paragraph (b), as amended by the Municipal Modernization Act. l. Amoun�requested: $25,000.00 2. To be transferred to: Progerty&Liability Insurance 1.1915002-520000 Account Name Account Number 3. To be transferred fram: Health Insurance 11914001-519080 Account Name Account Number 4. Present balance in Appropriation: $4,498,149.69 5. Explanation for purpose of transfer: Property&liability insurance premiums are increasing at a rate grea�er than budgeted in the past twa�scal years; this adjustment will provide a more accurate baseline for budgeting in future years. Additional costs have been added to the budget due to builders risk for the new poIice department. The General Health Insurance Budget has adequate funds remaining to cover this transfer. Kelly Axtell Department Head Action of Select Board: �u1y $�zQ�+� Date Approved Disapproved Transfer voted in tbe su�n of $25,000.00 Ghair, 3elect Board Action of Appropria�ion Carnmittee: Da�e Approved Disapproved Transfer vated in the sum o� $25,oao.oa �J����GV�//r��� Z hair,Appropriation Committee ALLBudgetTransfers_YE_FY2024 FY2024 NSR�:� �"�"�_ `��*, �b'�� �w=�� �'own of�exington • �: = �� iI a'c; "; t,�� uMcro^,. ', riYb} TO: Appropriation Cornrnittee & Select Board SUBJECT: Request for End of Year Transfer between Departmental Line-Tterr�s Request is hereby made for the following transfer between line-items as appropriated via a vote of Annual Town Meeting, in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 33B,paragraph (b), as amended by the Municipal Modernizatian Act. 1. Amount requested: $9,500.00 2. To be transferred to: Board of Health Regular Wages 11 S 1200I-511404 Account Name Account Number 3. To be transferred fram: Board of Heal#h Contract�ervices 11512002-520400 Account Name Account Number 4. Present balance in Appropriation: $21,231.�0 5. Explanation far purpose of�ransfer: It�FY2024,the Health Department was separated from Land Use,Housing and Development to become a standalone department. This necessitated regrades for two staff inembers to reflect increased responsibility; these expenses were not budgeted. In addition, a part-time terr�porary employee was paid out af Regular Wages to support department operations,but vvas budgeted in Cantract Services. This overage in Health Dept. Personal Services can be covered by a transfer from Health Dept. Expenses. Joanne Belanger Department Head Action of Select Board: ���y g, ��Z�[ Date Approved Disapproved Transfer voted in the sum af: $9,SQ0.00 Chair, elect Baard Action of Appropriation Cornmittee: Date Approved Disapproved Transfervoted in the sum of: $9,SOQ.QO � �J����GV��/��� Z Ckair,Appropriation Committee ALLBudgetTransfers_YE_FY2024 FY2Q24 .�i�`°d`"�pc �.� c cr' , .. \°y�s Y-� �=-°� Town of Lexington � r��,�..,�nac�bf:�� `��ik�u� TO: Appropriation Committee& Select Board SUBJECT: Request for End of Year Transfer beriveen Departmental Line-Items Request is hereby made far the following transfer between line-items as appropz7iated via a vote of Atanual Town Meeting, in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 33B,paragraph(b),as amended by the Municipal Madernization Act. 1. Amount requested: $96,000.00 {$60,000 from TMO; $36,000 from LUHD) 2. To be transferred to: L�gal Services I 1151002-530030 Account Narne Accoant Ntur�ber 3. To be transferred fram: Multiple Lines-Town Manager&Land Use 11123QQ2 & 1 J 174002 Account Name Account Nutnber 4. Present baiance in Apprapriations: $124,965.00 {$b4,455 TMO;$60,510 LUHD) 5. Explanation for purpose of transfer: The Legal Sezvices account has occurred more expense than anticipated in the FY2024 budget c�ue ta litigation costs and the increase in Affordable Hausing related tranasactions. Transfers from the Town Manager's budget and Land Use,Housing&Development{LUHD)wiIl cover thes�additional expenses for FY2024. Kim Katzenbackl.Tim Malloy Department Head(s) Action of Select Board: �',,� �Z Date Approved Disappraved Transfer voted in the sum of: $96,OOOAO hair,5elect Board Action of Appropriatian Committee: Date Approved Disapproved Transfer voted in the sum of: $9b,aoo.ao J����Gv�✓�� hair,Appropriation Camznittee ALLBudgetTransfers_YE_FY2Q24 FY2024 �a':``���*?� 4� ���� Town of Lexington • f��,'��.���'%� ��z� TO: Appxopriation Com.mittee & Select Board. SUBJECT: Request for End of Year Transfer between Departrnental Line-Items Request is here�y made for the following transfer between line-items as appropriated via a vote of Annual Town Meeting, in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 33B,paragraph(b), as amended by the Municipal Madernization Act. 1. Amount requested: $15,000.00 2. To be transferred to: Elections Contract Services 11162002-520000 Account Name Account Nunnbex 3. Ta he transferred from: Elections Seasonal�IT Wage 11162001-512000 Account Name Account Number 4. Present balar�ce in Appropriation: $58,531.78 5. Explanation for purpose of transfer: �oll pad rentals far elecrions were xnore expensive than anticipated b�t created operational efficiencies and reduced need for staff: This request is a transfer from Town Clerk-Elecrions Perso�al Services ta Town Clerk-Elections Expenses. Mary de Alderete Department Head Action of Select Saard: �,�� ' � Date Approved Disapproved Transfer voted in the sum of $15,000.00 Cha r,Select Board Action of Appropriation Committee: Date Approved Disappraved Transfer voted in the sum of: $15,000.00 ��.�/!/1����'�'�� . Chair,Apprapriation Committee ALLBudgetTransfers YE FY2024 FY2024 ��NlryQ �s��; .��'n� �'own of�exington � • �3�=�.:.. :..�;=y;� � � "��� `��`�� TO: Appropriation Committee & 5elect Soard SUBJECT: Requ�st for End of Y�ar Transfer between Departmental Line-Items Reques# is hereby made f�r the foliowing trra.ns�er between line-items as appropriated via a vote of Annual Town Meeting, in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 33B,paragraph{b), as amended by the Municipal Modernization Act. 1. Amount requested: $8,000.00 2. To be transferred to: Lnnovation& Technalogy Overtime �1155001-513000 Account Name Account Number 3. To be transferred from: �nnova�ion& Techn�Iogy Townwide Software Support _ 11155002-534044 - --- -- - - Account Name Accaunt Number 4. Present bala.nce in Appropriation: $14,098.79 5. Explanation for purpase of transfer: In FY2024,Innovation&Technalogy department incurred overtime expenses for the 2024 Annual Town Meeting that were not originally budgeted far. In future years,the Town Meeting tech support budget wiIl be part of the IT Department's budget. This overage in IT Personal Services can be covered by a transfer froin IT Expenses. Tirn Goncalves Deparhnent Head Action of Select Board: �„ty �, �oZ� Date Approved Disapproved � Transfer voted in the sum of: $8,000.00 Chair, Select Board Action of Appropriation Committee: Date Approved Disapproved Transfer voted in the sum of: $8,000.00 J����GV1/�� Chair,Appropriation Committee ALLBudgetTransfers_YE_�'Y2024 FY2024 b�,i��"R�jnb�.� l�'/'._ . �', �-�- ��' � r�,:� �'own of�,exington ` ' • . • �,.��aw ���. �'���z��.. TO: Appropriation Committee&Board of Sel�ctmen SUBJECT: Request for Increase of Authorization of Departmental Revolving Funds Request is hereby made for an increase in the authorization of a Departmental Revolving Fund authorized via vote of Annual Town Meeting in accorciance with MGL, Chapter 44, section 53E%z. 1. Revolving Fur�d to be Increased: Campost Operations 2. �ariginal Authorization $875,000 3. Amount af Increase Reques�ed $65,OQ0 4. Revised Authorization $940,d00 5. Explanatio�for purpose of autharization increase: The Lexingtan Compost Facility had another remarkable year,with revenues of over $920,da0, exceeding the projected amount of$875,000. However, this revenue generates additionaI expenses, including saIes taxes which will resuIt in the fund spending more than orzginally authorized. The Compost Fund Balanrce of$726,692 is more than sufficient to cover the increased a�athorization. Action of 5elect Board: ���� ���ro„z�[_ Date Approved Disapproved Authorization voted in the sum af: $940,000 C air, Sefect Board Action of Appropriation Co�ittee: Date Approved Disapproved Authorization voted in the sum of: $940,00a �✓���Gv�/�� . Chair,Appropriation Committee ALLBudgetTransfers YE_FY2424 FY2024