HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-03-29-EC-min.pdf np MINUTES OF THE ENABLEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING 3/29/02 ( 1 Problem Discussion re why town employees do not know and comply with handicap law The general feeling is ignorance as wellas job descriptions lack requirements Also that town employees need to be trained initally in town by Steve then go for further training with Ex Myra Burloff All to promote and guarantee accountability Sue check with Myra 2 There is nothing in the Human Services packet for new (or for old) employees about Handicapped issues Our committee needs to a compose a brochure to be given to all employess of the town and b be spoken to by the ADA Coordinator and Myra and c Department Heads sent for further training Check with Cambridge 3 The Enablement Committee is the watch dog and needs if necessary to file complaints 4 It was noted that Architects are responsible by law to follow the laws re handicapped issues If they do not they can be sued 5 The EC Committee needs to see all plans proposed to town The preliminary schematic design - large flow ( issues Then design development plans At present EC is out of the loop Permanent Building Committee needs to invite EC a for assessment of how the town plans to comply with ADA laws b the chain of command 6 The license to do business in Lexington is renewed each year - called a Common License Thus businesses must meet ADA qualifications or can be closed Ex 52 Waltham St - a new building with no front or rear accessibility if V.a_ t 7 Town employees need ADA disability awareness a train and threaten with job loss b professional packet c ADA in job discription d Sensitivity training 8 Discussion re difference between an ADA COMMISSIONER and the COMMISSION of volunteers that assists the Commissioner Mr White said that there was money to hire a full time Commissioner to deal with bringing the town into compliance with the law as well as dealing with new projects and complaints Sue to talk with Mr White. It was decided that it was in the best interest of the Town Manager and the Board of Selectman to hire someone /64L3 Enablement Committee Meeting Notes 3/29/02 (cont) P 2 8 ( cont) as a full time Commissioner for the town before the town is embroiled in an expensive law suit 9 Hayden remains effectively inaccessible It does not receive town monies and claim that they do not have the funds at present to bring the building into ADA compliance See old report by Barbara who spoke to the Director and toured the facility. 10 Chuck Cole to discuss 40B amendment with Rep Kaufman Steve to speak with Fair Housing and the Lexington Housing Authority re access issues and universal design 11 Mr Tropiano working on phase 2 of renovations at 7 114 Waltham St He is still unable to give us a time to meet the committee Should a COMPLAINT BE ISSUED? 12 Re PLANT ACTION PROJECT Memo was sent by Steve re ADA compliant town house first floor set aside for a handicapped eligible person. low or moderate income Selectwoman Jeanne Krieger is chairperson of the 40B committee Developer Rising Sun Bob went over the plans and will pass to Ms Krieger notes as to where the plans do not meet ADA requirements Suggestion made that a press release might be right 13 Sue to attend Fair Housing meeting to discuss diversity and handicap issues in this line Meetings at the Senior Center upstairs on April 10 at 7pm and May 15 at 7pm We need to give them a copy of ADA booklet. 14 Review of CVS propiosed reverse ramp in rear of store in downtown Lexington Plans we received were nearly illegable Bob to call architech and discuss plans Apparently CVS made an agreement with Pete' s ice cream re 2 parking spaces CVS - aisles need to be determined as passable 36inches frequently merchandise is in aisles 15 Barbara to check with Post Office re complaint by Martin re roof water causing frozen stoop and sealed off ramp during bad weather 16 Jennifer to check Miriam St parking lot for handicapped parking and their position 17 Rec Committee will soon have new H sign - access still needs to be further investigated All Members present except Chuck Cole 'I" 'G+1 C -ift- a efrrici