HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-09-11-EC-update.pdf Enablement Committee Update as of Thursday, September 11, 1997 Members attending meeting of 8/13/97 Bob Harris, Gary Strong, Darlene Adams, Martin Quinlan, Lorraine Buonomo, Christine Chase, Pat Gardiner, Rick Safford The Enablement Committee bade farewell to Emily Silberberg who has taken a position as a Disability Coordinator at a small college in North Carolina. Title II - Municipal, County and State Facilities Curb cuts George Woodbury had stated that Public Works could can do a maximum of six curb cuts this year We sent him a memo on August 8 prioritizing the following: 1 Depot Square: North side of Depot Square at corner of Mass. Ave. in front of Classic Expressions. 2. Depot Square: South Side of Depot Square next to Warm Hearts and Cold Noses. The slope on this existing curb cut is very steep leading to the possibility that a wheel chair user will attempt the grade and end up tilting forward out of the chair because of the steepness of the grade. 3. Depot Square: West side of Depot Square at corner of Mass. Ave. Too steep by 1% feet. 4 Depot Square: West side. Curb cut in front of Yangtze River next to illegal parking sign should be moved to corner at southeast side adjacent to alley 5 Meriam Street: no curb cut leading into same alley as #4 above running between Wild & Wooley and 9 Meriam St. 6 Bushnell Drive and Worthen Road He replied that he would do four of the curb cuts; the remaining two in the Depot Square area would becomepart ofthe Depot Square project with work to be undertaken most probably next spring. Additional curb cuts needing attention: 1 Bushnell Drive and Worthen Road - Mrs. Barrett of 2 Bushnell Drive (862-5633) had talked with George Woodbury who said that he was in favor of curb cuts at this highly traveled location and then talked with Steve Baran. Emily Silberberg checked this out and found that curb cuts were needed. Steve Baran sent memo to George Woodbury stating that the Enablement Committee recommended that this work be carried out. Enablement Committee Update Wednesday,August 13, 1997 Page 2 2. Worthen Road and Waltham Street - curb cuts and central island - see memo to George Woodbury from Emily Silberberg dated 4/28/97 Sidewalk from Manning Street to Center - Can Luterman called to express her concern about pot holes along the way She cannot maneuver with scooter Title Ill - Place of Public Accommodation 440 Bedford St. (next to Denny's) Holiday Inn Express (861-0850) to be occupied by MacDonald's. Swimming pool needs to be brought into conformity with ADA requirements. Contact New Aqualine Pools, 8 Gilmore St. Stoneham, MA 02180 Telephone: 438-8557 Steve Frederickson has been in touch regarding lift at their new pool and lack of handicapped parking signs. These have been holding up granting a Certificate of Occupancy 475 Bedford St. Lexington Club Rick Safford has submitted drawings of access on first floor and ground floor 16 Clark St. (Medical Office Building) - to reqeust meeting with building owner Previous correspondence referred to parking lot. 29 Hartwell Ave. - Steve Frederickson has noted numerous problems with front ramp. width too narrow handrails not continuous (interrupted by rail posts); front vestibule lacking required 48" clear width between doors). Steve measured 61" with the doors closed. Signage missing for front parking spaces. We wrote to Steve F On 9/9 suggesting that he add to his list: absence of van parking, protruding ramp ramp handrails at intermediate platform restricting path of travel and vestibule which does not conform with AAB regulations. Lowell Street and Woburn Street - Highway Department reports that construction was scheduled to be completed in July but due to Maple St. bridge construction work is now delayed at the request of the Town until the end of August. 10 Maguire Rd. Former Itek building (one block from Hartwell Ave.) with 285,000 square feet to be used for three-story office building. Owner is Nordblum Properties. Steve Logan, 272- 4000, attended meeting 7/15/97, reported on progress. Expecting three or four major tenants. 1,000 parking spaces. Will be fully handicapped accessible. 758 Marrett Rd. - Cambridge Savings - Dan Murphy following up with Andrea Jones re lack of counter accessibility Martin Yost is the Branch Officer Their number is 864-8700 171 Mass. Ave. - Bank of Boston - Dan Murphy following up with Steve Fix, Facilities Coordinator (861-1380) re lack of counter accessibility Brian Caples is the branch manager 1654 Mass. Ave This building is being renovated by Dick Spaulding. Michael Martignetti will follow up. 1656 Mass. Ave - Bonsoir - Lift allows access to sleep shop only Top floor is wholly owned by architects. Building needs signage on the outside and in hallway Michael Martignetti will follow up. Enablement Committee Update Wednesday August 13, 1997 Page 3 1661 Mass. Ave Post Office - Jolley Anne Weinstock wrote to Myrna Levine Chair of Post Office Committee, on June 4 to request electronically operated door to post office, Even though it complies with ADA weight requirements it is large and unwieldy difficult to manage not only for people with disabilities but people with packages, etc. 1874 Mass. Av e. Cary Library Steve Frederickson has reviewed the plans. He wants to hear about concerns of Enablement Committee. 130 Waltham St., Lexington Arts & Crafts. They have requested a variance to install a handicapped lift that would encroach on required egress width 407 Waltham St. MB has written to MHW Trust stating that it has received information that handicapped parking spaces are not provided in the lot; owner requested to notify the Board within 14 days of steps taken to comply 413 Waltham St., MHW Trust. Breugger's is in this building. Steve Frederickson wrote to MHW Trust on August 8 noting lack of handicapped parking spaces. Steve counted 49 parking spaces requiring, therefore, two handicapped spaces. Additional items: Education, public relations - Eva Heney, Minuteman reporter, interested in writing an article on the Enablement Committee's accomplishments. Emily Silberberg will follow up New members who have relatives with disabilities or who, themselves, have a disability, might be recruited also via the newspaper Social group - Darlene Adams suggested that the Committee should sponsor a social group Letter was printed in the Minuteman.