HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-07-17-PB-min-copy Lexington Planning Board Meeting Minutes July 17, 2024 Page 1 of 6 Minutes of the Lexington Planning Board Held on Wednesday July 17, 2024, Virtual Meeting at 6:00 pm Planning Board members present: Michael Schanbacher, Chair; Robert Creech, Vice-Chair; Charles Hornig, Robert Peters and Michael Leon, associate member. Also present were: Abby McCabe, Planning Director; Meghan McNamara, Planner; Michael Golden, Assistant Director of Assessing; Siqing Pan, LUHD Department Assistant and Kiruthika Ramakrishnan, Planning Coordinator. Michael Schanbacher, Chair of the Planning Board, called to order the meeting of the Lexington Planning Board on Wednesday, July 17, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. For this meeting, the Planning Board is convening by video conference via Zoom. Lex Media is filming this meeting and will record it for future viewing here. Mr. Schanbacher conducted a roll call to ensure all members of the Planning Board and members of staff present could hear and be heard. Mr. Schanbacher provided a summary of instructions for members of the public in attendance. It was further noted that materials for this meeting are available on the Town's Novus Packet dashboard. The Board will go through the agenda in order. Development Administration 7 Linc Cole Lane - Request for a minor modification to expand driveway apron for lot J. The Applicant, Todd Cataldo, sought the approval of the Planning Board for a driveway apron 28 feet in width for Lot J (7 Linc Cole Lane) instead of the allowed 20 feet, with the request being made to accommodate a 3-car garage. Ms. McCabe shared the approved plans and summarized the applicant was requesting a waiver from the 20-foot maximum width for a driveway on the private drive which would be a minor modification to the original 2022 approval. Mr. Peters asked the applicant to explain the impact on storm water management since the approval of the request would result in a significant increase in impervious surface. Mr. Cataldo responded that the increase in impervious surface would be within the limit of impervious surface permitted for the entire subdivision, as the original application was designed to accommodate additional impervious driveway paving. Mr. Schanbacher stressed the importance of having updated stormwater calculations and an update analysis any time there is a modification for pavement expansion. Mr. Creech moved to find this request to be a minor modification to the 2022 Subdivision and Special Permit approval and approving the request to increase the driveway apron width does not substantially change the project. Mr. Peters seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 4-0-0 (Roll call: Creech – yes; Schanbacher – yes; Peters – yes; Hornig – yes). MOTION PASSED Mr. Creech moved to waive the strict requirements of the Subdivision Regulations Section 175-7.2.E.9 in order to allow a 28-ft wide driveway apron for lot J (7 Linc Cole Lane). Mr. Peters seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 4-0-0 (Roll call: Creech – yes; Schanbacher – yes; Peters – yes; Hornig – yes). MOTION PASSED Mr. Creech moved to approve the Minor Modification as shown in the plan request submitted by the applicant for the driveway and increase to 28 feet. Mr. Peters seconded the motion. The Planning Board Lexington Planning Board Meeting Minutes July 17, 2024 Page 2 of 6 voted in favor of the motion 4-0-0 (Roll call: Creech – yes; Schanbacher – yes; Peters – yes; Hornig – yes). MOTION PASSED 89 Bedford Street – Continued public hearing for a major site plan review to relocate the historic house to the front of the lot and construct a new multi-family building in the village overlay district (hearing continued from 6/5) Mr. Schanbacher opened the continued public hearing on the application of FK Partners Lexington LLC for major site plan review under §135-7.5 [Village & Multi-Family Overlay Districts] and §135-9.5 [Site Plan Review] of the Zoning Bylaw and Article VI of §181-71 Stormwater Management regulations. The application is for a 30-unit three-story residential condominium building with parking, landscaping, and stormwater management improvements. The project will relocate the historic house with two single-unit dwellings to the front right corner of the lot. The property is located at 89 Bedford St, Lexington, MA also known as Map 64, Lot 161 in the RS (One Family) and VO (Village Overlay) zoning districts. The applicant FK Partners Lexington LLC was represented by Ben Finnegan. Also present were Jay Finnegan, Eric Katz, Alex Katz, Tyler Ruger, Jamie Osborn, and Joe Peznola from Hancock Associates. Architects Mark Moeller and Richard Morris from JSA Design and attorney Fred Gilgun were also present along with current property owner Lester Savage. Mr. Finnegan shared the revised site, design and landscape plan and highlighted the revisions made since the applicant last came before the Planning Board, which addressed some of the concerns raised by the abutters to the project. Mr. Finnegan explained the changes made to add more buffer, agreement to work with a certified arborist on a tree protection plan, and the creation of a one bedroom plus office unit in the historic house in response with the Board’s request to create more one bedroom units. Mr. Moeller shared the revised architectural plans and gave an overview of the changes including the addition of a secondary entrance to the building facing Bedford Street and the changes to the overrun dimension of the elevator. Mr. Moeller also explained the changes made to the parking garage and the storage lockers. Mr. Peznola shared the existing conditions plan and went over the revisions to comply with the Tree Bylaw and the relocation of the generator. Mr. Peznola highlighted the changes that were done with respect to grading and the steps taken to address the comments from the Peer reviewer. Staff Comments Ms. McCabe informed the Board that many of the comments from staff and Board have been addressed by the applicant and that there were few more questions and staff has asked the applicant for revisions. Ms. McCabe added that staff favored the additional egress and access around the other side of the building but recommended that the stone dust path be paved. Ms. McCabe stated that the staff had asked for a preliminary sign package and updated information on the lighting to confirm that it was 12 feet to the very top of the lights. Ms. McCabe added that staff had asked for more variety of landscape plantings Lexington Planning Board Meeting Minutes July 17, 2024 Page 3 of 6 and details about the tree mitigation plan and screening to confirm that a taller vehicle such as an SUV’s headlights would be screened. Peer Reviewer’s Comments Bill Maher, the Peer Reviewer, stated that most of his comments have been addressed by the applicant and added that the applicant will be providing more details for double catch basin, elevations of downspouts, and piping from the bike storage shed and the historical house to the infiltration system. Mr. Maher added that he had also asked for some of the grading near the garage entrance door for additional review of the infiltration system in that area and recommended the applicant install an additional catch basin on the curb side of the wall near the garage opening. Mr. Maher also asked for details about the inverts coming out of the area drain near the stone dust path. Board Questions Mr. Hornig asked the applicant if he felt that any issues that were mentioned by the peer reviewer and staff were beyond addressable by him. The applicant assured Mr. Hornig that they will be able to respond to all the comments from staff and peer reviewer. Mr. Peters asked Mr. Maher if the proposed storm water management will prevent storm water flowing into the abutters’ property in the event of a high intensity storm. Mr. Maher responded that, based on the test pits that were conducted and based on his observations, and if the stormwater management plan submitted by the applicant was strictly adhered to, the infiltration system should be effective and will not lead to any overflow into the abutter’s property. Mr. Peters asked Mr. Finnegan about the proposed plans for parking to be provided for the 2 units that are located in the historic house. Mr. Finnegan explained that the parking for those units are located near the parking lot near the bicycle shed. Mr. Peters wanted to know the proposed plans for staff parking during construction. Mr. Finnegan responded that he believes that construction vehicles can be accommodated on site. Mr. Peters also asked the applicant to consider substituting electric fireplaces and grills for gas fireplaces and grills. Mr. Leon also felt that electric grills were a better option and asked the applicant for details of the proposed management and regulation of lighting systems and maintenance of plants through the Condominium association. Mr. Gilgun responded that provisions can be added to the trust bylaws to regulate the lighting systems. Mr. Leon also wanted to make sure that the stormwater management system is set up in such a way to address the comments of the abutters and asked Mr. Peznola if the offsite impacts of mounding that will occur due to the large amount of stormwater in the infiltration chambers were also considered in his analysis. Mr. Peznola stated that the stormwater system is designed to handle these eventualities. Mr. Maher also reiterated that there would be no material impact on groundwater elevations on the abutting properties. Mr. Creech recommended a smoke-free environment and solar ready roofs and agreed with Mr. Peters that the fireplaces and grills have to be electric. Mr. Creech also suggested having 12 feet of extra space behind the building for wildlife habitat, natural infiltration and better screening for light trespass. Lexington Planning Board Meeting Minutes July 17, 2024 Page 4 of 6 Mr. Schanbacher asked the applicant to explore more locations for the transformer in a not so prominent place such as near the bike shed, possibly in an enclosure, and where it can be screened. Mr. Finnegan said that he will check to see if it could be pushed back. Public Comments Cerise Jalelian, 7 and 9 Lois Lane, expressed her opposition to the project as it would cause flooding in the neighborhood. Joan Dassule, 6 Lois Lane, expressed her concern about the potential air and noise pollution due to the proposed development and asked for a maintenance plan for the evergreen trees that will provide screening. Tom Diaz, 13 Lois Lane, said that there is flooding problems at Lois Lane and asked with the recourse would be in the event of a stormwater management failure. Rudy and Judy Landry, 23 Lois Lane, said that they have concerns regarding traffic and added that the proposed development would add to more traffic and safety issues. Manicas, wanted to know if there was any proposed plan for a stormwater management system. Marcia Steere, 22 Lois Lane, expressed her concern regarding flooding and heavy traffic. Mary Kate Franchetti, 97 Bedford Street, asked the Board to consider reducing the size of the project to 15 units per acre and asked to prohibit smoking in the outdoor spaces as well. Ms. McCabe explained the process of installation, certification, and maintenance of the stormwater management plan. She said there is an existing flooding problem at Lois Lane, which was approved and constructed in the early 1970s when there were not the same stormwater management requirements as today. This project is being reviewed under the current stormwater standards which can be enforced with the Planning Board’s approval. The existing flooding on Lois Lane would need to be explored by the owners and improvements could be made by those owners. Mr. Hornig also explained that the stormwater bylaw includes a provision for enforcement. Board Comments Mr. Creech and Mr. Peters reiterated that smoking should be banned through the Condominium Association rules and regulations. Mr. Peters also recommended a reduction in the number of parking spots that would be closer to the minimum parking requirement. Mr. Hornig asked the applicant to provide detailed plans supporting the changes suggested by the Board and the Peer Reviewer. Mr. Leon asked the applicant if he could make changes to the façade on the new structure, to bring about consistency with the historic house. Mr. Leon said that he’d really like to see the project have a similar roofline or roof ridge line, particularly on the side facing Bedford Street, to be more similar to the historic house. Mr. Moeller said he would explore that. Mr. Schanbacher acknowledged that the proposed particular building typology is very challenging from a design standpoint, but wanted to ensure future Lexington Planning Board Meeting Minutes July 17, 2024 Page 5 of 6 developments are maximizing the possibilities within their potential. He said he felt the responses from the architect were less than satisfactory for this submission and encouraged the design to be more thoughtful and less fast-casual. Mr. Creech moved to continue the public hearing for 89 Bedford Street Village Overlay District proposal to the Planning Board Meeting on Wednesday, August 14, 2024 at or after 6:00 pm on Zoom. Mr. Peters seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 4-0-0 (Roll call: Creech – yes; Schanbacher – yes; Peters – yes; Hornig – yes). MOTION PASSED 28 Meriam Street & 32 Edgewood Road - Approval Not Required (ANR) Plan to combine the two lots Ms. McCabe explained that as per a condition of approval for the Special Residential Development application, the Board had asked the applicant to combine the two lots with an ANR application. Ms. McCabe added that staff recommend approval as they do not see any issues with the application. Mr. Creech moved to accept and endorse the ANR (Approval Not Required) Plan as described tonight for 28 Meriam Street & 32 Edgewood Road. Mr. Peters seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 4-0-0 (Roll call: Creech – yes; Schanbacher – yes; Peters – yes; Hornig – yes). MOTION PASSED Board Administration Board Member Updates Mr. Creech updated the Board about the details of the meeting of the Town Manager Search Screening Committee and shared the timeline. Review of Draft Meeting Minutes: 6/26/24 Mr. Creech moved to approve the draft Planning Board Minutes of the meeting held on 06.26.24 as presented. Mr. Peters seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 3-0-1 (Roll call: Creech – yes; Schanbacher – yes; Hornig – yes; Peters – abstained;). MOTION PASSED Upcoming Meetings: 7/31, 8/14, 8/28, 9/11, 9/25 Ms. McCabe reminded the Board about the upcoming meeting on July 31st. Adjournment Mr. Creech moved that the Planning Board adjourn the meeting of July 17, 2024. Mr. Peters seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 4-0-0 (Roll call: Creech – yes; Schanbacher – yes; Peters – yes; Hornig – yes). MOTION PASSED Meeting adjourned at 7. 46 p.m. Lex Media recorded the meeting. Material from the meeting can be found in the Planning Board’s Novus Packet. List of Documents Lexington Planning Board Meeting Minutes July 17, 2024 Page 6 of 6 1. 89 Bedford Street: Staff memo dated 07.11.24, Peer reviewer’s memo dated 07.12.24, full link to application material (latest material uploaded on https://lexingtonma.portal.opengov.com/records/89324 ) 2. 28 Meriam Street & 32 Edgewood Road: ANR Narrative dated 07.10.24, ANR Plans for 28 Meriam Street, dated 07.11.24 3. 7 Linc Cole Lane: Request for Driveway modification dated 07.11.24 4. Draft meeting minutes from June 26, 2024