HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-05-29-PBC-min.pdf TOWN OF LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS PERMANENT BUILDING COMMITTEE Minutes of Tuesday May 29 2001 meeting in the Conference Room, School Administration Building, as approved November 12, 2001 The meeting was called to order at 5.10 p.m. by Chairman Kelley with all other PBC members Cannalonga, Himmel, Johnson, Kennedy, Poinelli and Touart present. Also attending were Director of School Building Operation John Moynihan, School Committee Chairman Robin DiGiammarino and Selectman Dawn McKenna. The purpose of this meeting was to interview three selected architectural firms who had submitted design proposals for the renovation and expansion of the Bowman and Estabrook schools. Two of the three presenters, Icon and TLCR in association with Stull &Lee, Inc. presented additional materials prepared especially for their interviews. J Stewart Roberts, a firm formed five years ago presented first with representatives Chris Albright, who would be project manager; J Stewart Roberts; Eric Parkes; and Philip O'Brien. The firm employs 13 people and largely specializes in schools and libraries. They displayed an organization chart showing the proposed team for the Bowman and Estabrook schools, inviting the committee to check their references. They described themselves as listeners. They noted that one of the team had previously worked with Cole and Goyette on minor revisions at the Harrington school. They also named the firms they would call upon for engineering, and HVAC. Their estimator is Jack Foley Among their projects highlighted were an elementary school in Pelham, the St. Joseph's elementary/middle school in Needham and the Peter Noyes Elementary School in Sudbury They noted that they are still working on the front entrance and traffic circulation issues at the Estabrook School. The previously-done landscape planning for this school is more advanced than that at Bowman, but needs some freshening up. PBC member Cannalonga asked if existing classrooms will remain the same size, School Committee DiGiammarino asked about problems encountered in previous school projects. Albright told how in Newburyport a project had to await an MBTA decision about locating facilities, first hastening then halting the project. TLCR, holders of a$300,000 contract for preparation of schematics and Design Development for the new Fiske and Harrington schools,presented next, explaining that they had invited the firm of Stull and Lee, Inc. a firm with whom they have previously worked well, to associate with them with this project. Presenters included Santiago Rozas, landscape architect Nelson Hammer, and Kevin Benjamin, along with Todd Lee. Nelson Hammer stressed safety issues, notably providing a separate drop off for Kindergarten children. The team also commented that the Bowman School lacks a clear main entrance. When asked about the collaboration of the two architectural firms for this project, Kevin Benjamin explained that this would be a true collaboration taking advantage of everyone's expertise. PBC member Himmel pointed out a need for fresh cost estimates. The TLCR team noted that Dedalus now has a new chief estimator The TLCR team also works on estimates. Costs are escalating most rapidly for elementary schools. PBC Minutes of May 29, 2001 - page 2 ICON Architecture, the last presenters, arrived with Steve Heikin and Janis Mamayek. Project manager Richard O'Dwyer was not present. Mamayek, first spokesperson, told of their firm's involvement in planning for the Minuteman Bikeway and Massachusetts Avenue in Arlington. Noting that schools have not been the past focus of their work, she told that her firm would be especially careful in their preparatory work, looking for hidden conditions and the like. Heiken recommended a new "baseline" estimate based on the existing HMFH drawings. They would hire an energy consultant Sullivan with whom they have had good relations. At 7 30, after the applicants had left, the meeting moved to a smaller conference room down the hall so that the School Committee could meet in the Conference Room. After discusssion the PBC VOTED (five in favor, with two abstentions) to select J Stewart Roberts, subject to checking their references from staff and building commissioners in towns of their building projects. Concerns reeardine Cary Memorial Library took up the remaining PBC meeting. Architect Stephen Hale will be asked for his explanation of why the bids were high in relation to the estimates. The project was influenced by several different town agencies as well as the abutter's law suit, but the concern now should be on how to proceed with the construction in the most capable and timely way It was recommended that EDG, the firm hired in March for the second review of Hale's plans, for engineering and MEP, be retained to coordinate the project during construction. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. until Wednesday, June 13 at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Le_ Lantz_ Erna S. Greene, Secretary