HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-10-10-PBC-min.pdf TOWN OF LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS PERMANENT BUILDING COMMITTEE Minutes of Wednesday October 10. 2001 meeting in the Construction Trailer on the high school grounds, as approved December 13, 2001 The meeting was called to order at about 7 15 p.m. by Chairman Kelley with other PBC members Johnson, Poinelli and Himmel arriving later to attain a quorum at 8.30. Also attending were Project Manager/Owners Representative Bill Kealy, Assistant Project Manager Dan Vallee, Director of School Facilities John Moynihan and HMFH representatives Philip Lewis and Gabe Petino. Materials distributed included the following Project Manager s report, including more detailed comments on each school from Dan Vallee and the three clerks of the works Requisitions for payment and change order requests. passed out for inspection and then collected for action Change Order Requests for the high school were discussed as they had been analyzed by Petino and Vallee and classified according to their origins such as errors, omissions, latent conditions and owner's or contractor's requests. An agreement to accomplish the work on the Science Building with an altered schedule for the sum of$150,000. has not been completely swallowed by all Peabody management personnel, but Gabe and Kealy are working to make it go down, as a letter signed by one of Peabody's team did agree to this amount. Committee member Poinelli emphasized that no additional work is being done. The only change is in schedule for the work. Moynihan pointed out that time is of the essence for the school science program. Another coming change order deals with the substitution of solid for folding walls that had already arrived on site, with a somewhat remote possibility that they might be used elsewhere. One change order involving a water main not installed calls for a credit to the Town. Some of the financial data related to the proposed change orders is not yet in. Requisition No. 19 from Peabody for work at the high school amounting to $676,666.00 approval was VO TED, although errors were noted on inside pages of the requisition. Peabody had asked and probably is entitled to release of the five percent retainage for sprinklers, structural steel and food service items. Poinelli noted that normally release of retainage is done on a line- by-line basis when punch list items have been completed. Requisition No 16 from Eastern Construction for work at the middle schools in the amount of $761,998.80 approval was VOTED with the inclusion of$119,000 of acoustic adaptation at Diamond Middle School for the hearing impaired twin girls for whom the adaptations have been ordered to be done by November 1 by the State Board of Education. This money would have to come from the project contingency if these expenses are bundled with the regular project requisitions. Apparently there was some kind of understanding that $400,000 was to come from the $840,000 of unspent school capital appropriations from previous years that was supposed to PBC minutes of October 10, 2001 - page 2 be put into the project contingency the so-called "stealth" money and the remainder of the expenses for the special adaptations are to be appropriated in the next year's (FY03) capital budget. The anticipated total cost of the adaptations will amount to about $1.2 million. In response to the funding dilemma, it was agreed that the chairman will send a letter to Town Manager explaining that the Permanent Building Committee simply does not have sufficient funds to accomplish the increase in scope of work that was thrust upon it by the School Committee. Middle school Change Orders have been requested by Eastern in the amount of$25,059 for Clarke. The committee rejected approving $4,699 for cleaning because the contractor was supposed to clean up after his work. The only extra payment that might be approved is for the condensed schedule premium pay to hurry up for the opening of school. The committee also reviewed the elements of a request for change order at Diamond in the amount of$92,994 and similarly rejected paying for cleaning. Thus the change order amount would be reduced to $88,295 The chairman recommended that the committee would consider approving premium time only next month. Approval of reduced amounts for both change order requests VOTED Proiect Manager's report was accepted without comment until reaching item 5 on work at the library Several problems need resolution. (1) Moving or not moving the transformer from its present location and how to deal with it, either way (2) steel drawings and interpretation; (3) how to demolish the existing elevator and drain/dispose of its oil without undue expense and (4) evaluation of"or equal" fulfillment of specifications. Interpersonal relationships, responsibility and legalities are intertwined in the second and fourth of these. To assist in tackling these problems, Poinelli said he would try to find time to review Hale s contract with the Town to ascertain legality Requisition No. 3 from Alexandra was tentatively approved in the absence of any representation of either library staff or Library-appointed PBC members. Meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ztez_ i Erna S. Greene, Secretary