HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-09-14-COA-min.pdf LEXINGTON COUNCIL ON AGING 1 MINUTES OP BOARD MEETING September 14, 1993 Lexington Senior Center Attending Bob Cushman Chairman Frank Chen Member John Curry Member Monica Chang Member Barbara--Rub±n Member Linda Vine Director (4• The meeting opened at 4 35 by Chairman Bob Cushman Re-appointments to COA Board--Monica Chang, Kevin Grimes and Barbara Rubin were reapponinted by Rick White to three year terms expiring June 30, 1996 Resignation--Harriet Onello has moved out of Lexington and has resigned her position on the Board Chairman Bob Cushman thanked Harriet for her service and for serving as Co-Chair last year. Minutes of June Board Meeting--The minutes were reviewed A correction to Fran (k) Chen' s name was noted A formal vote to accept June' s minutes was deferred to the October meeting Intergenerational Committee--Frank Chen reported on the activities of the Intergenerational Committee Frank discussed broadening the program including SPANS Possibly extending the program to the Middle and Elementary Schools, although SPANS is currently geared to the High School Creating a clearing house for ideas, better co-ordination, mini classes (less intent, larger variety) , discussion with the Superintendent (schools fund 1/2 SPANS program) , start- up of new programs to be self sufficient were reviewed and discussed Due to the absence of several members, further direction was deferred to the October meeting Motion to form a Committee to further research and implement suggestions was approved Financial Report--Final results for FY ' 93 indicated a balance of $4, 668 34 was unexpended and turned back to the town (Free Cash) This excess was primarily the result of a freeze on spending institued by the town in early spring There were several areas were this money could have been judiciously spent if there had been no freeze I The Social Day Care Program ended FY ' 93 with a fund balance of $28, 823 50 vs a beginning balance of $24, 471 38 Effective October 1, 1993 a fourth day is being added to the Program We will continue to monitor the fund balance since we anticipate increased transportation costs which will not be covered by the grant from MMHC We also do not know how quickly we will reach our attendance goals for the four days and may consume a portion of the fund balance in doing so Lastly, the town is absorbing the costs of Health Care coverage for one employee in the program Effective July 1, 1994 we expect to be charged directly for this disbursement (expected $5-6 , 000) The Meals on Wheels fund balance declined from $9 , 583 75 to $8, 321 72 during FY ' 93 The FCOA has voted to provide scholarships for several individuals for the past year We expect this will bring us to breakeven for the year Director' s Report- -The "Supper Club" program kicks off October 6 at Greeley Village Rotating between Greeley, Countryside, Vynebrook and the Senior Center, the program begins with a Wellness Program at 4 30, a meal at 5 00 and a program after A donation of $1 50 is being asked Linda distributed a copy of a letter from Lynne Lees, President , FCOA to the Friends regarding the denial of a request from the Senior Citizens Club for a grant of $2, 000 Linda and Jeanne Madden of the Arlington COA submitted a joint proposal to MMHC for a grant of up to $10, 000 for a "hollistic" wellness program to train older persons to do health assessments Effective date would be October 1 A draft of a property tax workoff program for older people in Lexington was distributed by Linda Julia Novak wants to include low income as well as the elderly Steve Baran, Bob Miner and Linda are the Committee and will do more research to see what form, if any, the program should take The class schedule for the Senior Center and the Center Library report were distributed Volunteers were needed for the Business Expo on Sept 23 from 3-8 P M to help in the kitchen and to pass out literature A modest fee will be charged for line dancing on Thursday This is consistent with other programs A draft of the Linkage Subcommittee Report is to reviewed by the Board for unput before going to Town Manager Comments to Linda by end of month Next meeting on Tuesday, October 12, 1993 Motion to adjourn at 6 15