HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-01-14-COA-min.pdf �', G9Uft�IL ON AGING BQARD MEETING � JANUARY 14 , 1992 Present : Dorothy Soggia , Harriet Onello, Beth Klarman, Kevin Grimes , Ed Grant , Danna Hooper (Human Service Committee liaison) , Pea Jemison (Staff) . Meeting was called to order at 4 : 35 p .m. without a auorum. Remarks : Dorothy Soggia ' Dorothy announce that Linda Vine had a baby girl on 12/23/91 and will be on leave until April . Pat Ross , Program Intern, was to be i.ntroduced at this meeting hut was unable to attend because of illness in the family . The 2nd Annual New Year's Eve partp from 5 - 9 a.m was a great success . Members from the Senior COA Band provided music for the 80 people in attendance. The Senior Center sign at the street entrance has aqain heen � vandalized with black paint . Dorothy contacted the Muzzey Trustees president and requested that repairs be handled by the condo association . She also gave permission to the Trustees to have the management company remove the letters in the garden at the entranc� to the Center. Human Service Committee - Donna Hooper Donna raised an issue from the Tax Collector regarding reauests for assistance in paying property taxes . She suagested that information about abatement and deferral be publicized. The COA asked that the Tax Coilector ' s office disseminate that information , Peg J , commented that water bill problems are most orominent among Center complaints , Human Service Handbook - a draft of a corrected book will address confusion about the list of services provided by the Town. The book will list services nrovided by the Human Services fun�. Beth K, inquired about the use of the Human Service fund to assist individuals in need so far this year . � . ��. Minutes were read with the following addition: per Lynne Lees , MMHC, 40-50 volunteers service the Town of Lexington and their hours vary. A vote to accept the minutes was deferred to the next meetina. Senior Health Mpnitor Program - Pea Jemison & Beth Klarman Peg: Clients are deteriorating with many being hospitalized. The numbers are currently 34 , down from 40 . Nurse's House Call is restaffed. The agency is prompt to respond to any complaints or problems . Beth: Regarding the meeting in December with Linda And Peg, r•lient • complaints were summarized; the need to streamline billina and the n�wd ��� ma�Q ��f����l� w�� di�vus�ed (pas�ibiy ask agency to press referrals from Spmmes hospital ) . Kevin G. suggested w� ��praa�h �hxsicians about after care referrals and reported that the Director of Nursing is in charge of this service . Beth: Possible options include: � 1 . Get patient discharqe plan and have SHMP follow up 2 . Publish availability of program in the Newsletter and publicize to Minuteman 3 . Plan "Aginq Forums" at the elder villages in the spring to survey needs Treasurer' s Report - tabled until the next meeting Education Committee - The committee met 12/18/91 and discussed the following programs : 1 , On Japan, Feb 3, at 1 : 00 p .m. Sumire, a song and dance group. The board is invited to host this event . 2 , On America, April 15 , with presentations hy Neil Cronin. 3 . Center Open House, May 22 , with Scott Blum, (safety & social services) . Long Range Planning Committee - Kevin Grimes Th� ��mmikt�� wi11 maet 1/21/91 at 4 : 30 in G-15 at the Town Hall . Kevin re�uested ��fosm�tion cn C�nk�x n��gr�m� fos d�m8�s�pti�c �tudy: age, sex, minority mix. �� �_ � Direotor' s Rega�t - Peg Jemir�n The COA has been invited to participate in the annual Parade with marchers and/or float . Dorothy commented that a float is possible . Kevin G. suggested cooperation with SPANS. No definite plans were made. Volunteer Recognition Day is saheduled for February 14th. from 2- 4 : 00 p.m. Peq requested that the board participate and show the board' s appreciation for the many hours and efforts of the volunteers . The Annual Rotary Club dinner/dance is 1/25/92 for seniorr over 60 ' and is already a sell out , Open House was held at the Center January 7th trom 10 : 00-12 : 00 p .m, and was well attended. Invitation to attend this event was extended through the newsletter which was mailed to all residents reaching age 60+ , Minuteman Home Care - the Governor wants to consolidate the Home Care agencies . Lynne Lees asks that we contact state ( representatives and express our views on consolidation. Meeting ended at 6: 05 p.m. Harriet Onello, Secretary l �'-