HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-12-10-COA-min.pdf COUNCIL ON AGING BOARD MEETING - DECEMBER 10 , 1991 Present Dorothy Goggia, Harriet Onello, Monica Chang, Barbara Rubin, Beth Klarman, Jim Fenske, Kevin Grimes , Jack Eddison (Selectmen liaison) , Donna Hooper (Human Service Committee liaison) , Suzanne Hill & Lynne Lees (Minuteman Home Care Representatives) , Peg Jemison & Linda Crew Vine (Staff) Meeting was called to order at 4 40 Remarks Dorothy Boggia Good Wishes for the Christmas and Hanukkah Holidays were expressed Dorothy noted that this would be Linda Vine's last meeting before her maternity leave The meeting today will be brief so that the President may also attend the meeting of the Muzzey High Condo Association Minutes were read and corrected as follows The COA Budget was not specifically presented at the Selectmen's Breakfast meeting, rather the budget was discussed in general Jack Eddison corrected the spelling of Alan Fields and noted that the report was about successful management of Library Funds rather then an increase in Library Funds The minutes were accepted as corrected Minuteman Home Care Report Suzanne Hill & Lynne Lees The representatives reported on each town's contribution and its use For the $4 , 137 00 from Lexington for FY 92 , Minuteman Home Care provides $333 , 595 00 of services to Lexington residents thru state, federal and private resources Lynne Lees explained the content of services to Lexington as State Homecare services , case management , and, thru the Older Americans Act , federal funds for meals , legal aid and transportation The local share assessment is based on a formula dependent on the 60+ population for each community Jim F - regarding questions on the report , the number of residents served is a duplication of individuals not the actual number of people; ie maybe 1000 persons are served from a population of 6500 people 60+ in Lexington c (1'4unTcr,,s 410 - 5d 1 `tl-),r r )(m t t.tG') �. Kevin G inquired how we should interpret the Minuteman Home Care figures Lynne Lees responded that Lexington has made excellent use of services and expressed concern about the continuing threat of state reductions currently under rheteric of "consolidation" of Home Care Corporations Kevin G also asked what services and what coordination enters into discharge planning Linda V explained that the COA uses the Minuteman Home Care report to analyze funding sources for COA activities Barbara R asked how many Minuteman Home Care hours are volunteer hours; the answer was not known Senior Health Monitor Program Peg Jemison The number of SHMP clients has averaged thirty-six (36) over the past two months Clients have become unstable lately with seven (7) of the thirty-six now hospitalized Others are Protective Services and/or Elder at Risk clients Most clients now typically have multiple problems The new health care agency (Nurse's House Call ) has had some staffing changes including the program supervisor Weekly meetings ( will be resumed The SHMP needs marketing which will begin in January 1992 Some competing agencies are creating some loss of clients Kimberly Quality Care performs Medicare services, but then does not follow up and place the client after Medicare services end Beth K suggested obtaining client 's consent for SHMP to get the discharge plan for them which could assist in the transition to the SHM program Kevin G suggested talking with the physicians at Symmes Hospital Beth K , Linda V and Peg J will meet on Tuesday, December 17 regarding the program especially in relationship to other programs Treasurer's Report - Jim Fenske The Meals on Wheels program is running a consistent deficit not covering expenses especially the salary of the Coordinator A $ 50 increase of meal cost puts it back on even footing but the figures do not reflect scholarship clients Because there is still a cash reoerve in the program, the treasurer is not recommending an increase at this time 2 Npecial diet requests are increasing and this may lead to a cost increase Linda V commented that collection is complicated by the frailty and confused state of many of the clients The Meals on Wheels population has changed and we are seeing more short term, post hospital clients which require more record keeping and juggling of of routes, diets , etc Beth K asked if a volunteer could assist the Coordinator with some of the administrative duties Director's Report - Linda Crew Vine Peg J visited the Lend-A-Hand group at the First Parish Church and suggested they contribute to the Meals on Wheels Program, however, she feels that the Social Day Care program may receive their contribution The Dining Room floor will be installed beginning December 20st and the center will be closed until December 27th Peter Kelley is coordinating the project Pat Ross (Middlesex Community College LIVE program) has been selected to intern for four months for 25 hours per week, Mon- ( Thurs She has 135 volunteers to get to know and work with The programs and trips are scheduled and set up for that period of time Linda will ask the Town Manager about letting the Senior Center provide its own cleaning through the Dept of Public Works Outreach with the Arlington and Woburn COA's has been initiated and a grant proposal submitted to Minuteman Home Care A copy of the proposal was circulated to the board The grant has been approved and the program will be coordinated with Arlington, with the staff (1 or 2 persons) housed in Arlington A planning session is scheduled for December 11th and the program will start in January 1992 The Literary Council has requested to use the Center for training sessions The group will use older volunteers and will meet four times on Saturdays and Sundays They will clean and reset the space they use Monica C suggested a security deposit in case of damage Barbara R expressed concern that this opens the door to more requests 3 The board discussed ways to tie the acceptance of groups using the Center to Center subscribers They approved and voted that groups using the Center should provide information for outreach to seniors and should use the newsletter to recruit participants Muzzey Trustees Pres apologized for the sod removal and said the board wanted to vote to remove the individual responsible from their board The sod was replaced The Volunteer Handbook is still being edited So far only Jim F and Beth K have commented with changes Other board members are encouraged to do so and return their comments as soon as possible Long Range Planning Meeting - scheduled for January 21, 1992 at 4 30 , Rm 615 At the Town Hall The committee thanks Anne Novak for the outstanding report she prepared while being hospitalized Thanks and best wishes were extended from the board The meeting adjourned at 5 45 p m 4