HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-11-12-COA-min.pdf COUNCIL ON AGING BOARD MEETING - NOVEMBER 12 , 1991 Present Dorothy Boggia, Harriet Onello, Barbara Rubin , Monica Chang , Jim Fenske, Kevin Grimes , Beth Klarman , Jack Eddison (Selectmen liaison) , Donna Hooper (Human Service Committee liaison) , Jackie Davison (FCOA) , Peter Kelley (FCOA) , Clara Murphy (FCOA) , and Linda Vine (Staff ) Meeting was called to order at 4 35 p m Introductions were made of non-board members attending the meeting A group board photograph was postponed until all board members are present Minutes were read and accepted after a spelling correction was made Treasurer ' s Report - Jim Fenske No spreadsheet presented Selectmen ' s Breakfast meeting Report was made on the meeting where the COA budget was presented by Jim Town Manager , Rick White reviewed the Town Manager emergency budget meeting and said next year will present some problems The Human Service Committee has a fund to provide short term financial help to residents in need Jim inquired if we (COA) are competing with this fund of the Human Service Committee? Suggestion was made to coordinate our efforts with this committee in order to minimize competition Discussion followed on how to best coordinate efforts Jack Eddison responded on the origin of the Human Service Committee fund as a response to many requests from needy Lexington residents last year The Selectmen and the H S Comm set up the fund in order to be "ready" The H S Comm fund looks to the needy who are not elderly A current brochures of the Human Service fund was circulated by committee representative , Donna Hooper 1 (- Friends of the Council on Aging - Jackie Davison The FCOA is seeking advice on starting an endowment fund Discussions have been held with John Curry & Alan Field Two options were presented a invest through Trustees of public trusts ; b select a mutual fund FCOA is reluctant to select the second option because of on-going responsibilities and research into investment strategies Inquiry was made as to where Town Trusts are invested That information may be found in the 1990 Town Report Jack Eddison reported an increase in Cary Library funds under the management of Alan Field'. Beth Klarman inquired as to the rate of return in the past Dorothy Boggia commented regarding FCOA changing accountants It was moved and seconded to approve FCOA s investing an endowment amount through the Trustees of the Public Trust Peter Kelley (FCOA) reported that the replacement of the cafeteria floor will cost an estimated $4, 600 This estimate included adjusting the slope between the kitchen and the dining room as well as the slate floor in the foyer Peter will meet with the low bidder the week of November 11th Dorothy B suggested getting the best quality floor tile with "clean shine finish Linda Vine raised question of helping the Senior Citizen' s Club and the Young at Heart Singers through the use of FCOA monies Would the FCOA assist in funding these items? Jim Fenske supports the trend to encourage making recreational activities self-sustaining ; but the choral group would wither without direction Jackie Davison expressed the desire for FCOA to subsidize programs in order to make programs affordable 2 Regarding the Sr Citizen ' s Club , Jim Fenske remarked that this is a sensitive issue because the Club ' s allotment has been steadily reduced until this year when the decision was made to stop funding Linda suggested the possibility of joint fund raising Members of the Sr Citizen ' s Club will be invited to join the FCOA at the next board meeting Invitation will be made to Jim Nicoloro , Sr Citizen ' s Club , president Long Term Planning - Kevin Grimes The committee is seeking information and data as a basis for formulating goals ( ie elderly population statistics on numbers , health and age ranges) Jack suggested contacting Robert Bowyer in the Planning Dept and the ( Town clerk for census data Anne Novak and Phyllis Rand , from the COA library , will do research for the board Barbara Rubin suggested the age range include 55 and over Volunteer Manual - Cathy Poirier An initial draft of a manual that Cathy has put together was circulated to the board The board was requested to review and comment by the next meeting by contacting Linda with their comments Director ' s Report - Linda Vine Linda reported a conflict had arisen between a unit owner and the Senior Center regarding the placement of sod placed in the flower bed which spelled our S C On November 1 , the building supervisor asked to have the sod removed On November 12 , the sod had been taken out by persons unknown Linda responded with the draft of a letter to the Trustees stating that due to circumstances , the Trustees were no longer welcome to use the Center for Board meetings The draft letter was circulated to the board which prompted a lengthy discussion about ill feelings between the Senior Center and other unit owners Linda was advised to discuss the issue with the President of the Trustees before sending the letter 3 I Transportation bid - the federal monies for III -B transportation were awarded to A Connoisseur , the same vendor as LexPress Now Social Day Care clients are transported by two different vendors as MMHC clients are still transported by Share-A- Ride The transition in service went smoothly Asian Community Outreach - A letter of intent has been submitted for outreach to Asian elders A similar need exists in Arlington and Woburn A request has been made for $5000 to hire a part-time outreach worker for outreach to the Asian community Patricia Ross has been chosen to act as program coordinator to manage day to day tasks while Linda in on leave Linda asked the Board to review the statistics from the year end report from the Executive Office of Elder Affairs ( 'he meeting adjourned at 6 07 p m Harriet Onello, Secretary 4