HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-06-11-COA-min.pdf ( COUNCIL ON AGING BOARD MEETING - JUNE 11 , 1991 Present Dorothy Boggia, Harriet Onello , Jim Fenske , Barbara Rubin , Bob Borshay , Beth Klarman Ed Grant Jack Eddison (Selectmen liaison) , Linda Crew Vine (staff) Peg Jemison (staff) , Diana Grammont (staff) Meeting was called to order at 4 30 p m Remarks Dorothy Boggia -Dorothy announced the resignation of Sumner Harris from the COA Board -Jim Fenske inquired about a thank you for Sumner -Dorothy reported that Rep Steve Doran s office will send a certificate of appreciation -Correction to the May minutes as follows Pg 2-paragraph 9 , remove the word "were" Pg 3-paragraph 5 , change "form" to "forum" Pg 3- last paragraph , add it to "awaits a decision" Education Report - Barbara Rubin I I -Focus on two aspects 1 Evaluating Present Program 2 Long Range Program Planning Evaluation discussion -Needs will be identified through evaluation of present programs - Intergenerational - build on SPANS Essay/Art Contest , Pops Concert with High School incorporating new Senior Swing Band , Career Fair promoting elders as speakers to juniors and seniors at the High School , involving all levels of schools with Older Americans Month -Housing Provide I & R to seniors regarding affordable housing options , create resource file in our library about a variety of housing options , create a video with housing information , sponsor a housing workshop 1 -Use of TV/VCR equipment - newly purchased by F C 0 a Use of recorded PBS specials followed by discussion -Health - need for Health Education Seminars Consumer education in regard to fees and communication with physicians , on-going education regarding cutbacks in services or increases in Medicare payments -Public relations/fundraising Ethnic dinner followed by a cultural program -Homemaker & Personal Services Training , family outreach , incorporation of local resources (MM Voc Tech) -Next meeting scheduled for Wednesday , June 17 at 9 00 a m -B Klarman shared that the Social Action Comm at her temple has a strong interest in intergenerational issues -L Vine commented that the COA now acts as a skills bank for home health aides , but she would like to provide actual homemaking training through the Center -Use of TV - J Fenske suggested identifying resources for renting video tapes -B Klarman suggested enlisting High School students to produce video tape for housing information Also suggested cable channels for programs -Education committee off to a great start ! SPANS Report - Diana Grammont - Increasingly difficult to connect students -Report , new brochure , and photos were circulated 2 -L Vine and COA congratulated and thanked Diana for her hard work Diana responded that she had enjoyed her first year and looks forward to next year -J Eddison inquired how the 96 students are distributed among high school classes Diana stated that more girls than boys participate in the program in all four years -J Fenske asked is Middle School might be invited to participate in SPANS , ( ie intergenerational band) Diana stated that the lack of maturity might be a problem -J Eddison inquired about the motivation for students to participate Diana responded that their involvement resulted from previous positive relationships with elders and/or the desire for a relationship with an elder Senior Health Monitor Report - Beth Klarman and Peg Jemison -The transition team from Talent Tree (Nurses ' House Call ) staff , Mary Gibbons & Karen Stroda , have met with Peg, Linda and Beth -Clients have been notified of change in vendor -Client s concern - loss of services ; Peg will be visiting each client using new form; 35 SHMP clients as of July 1 , 1991 -New nurses will visit in July , attempts are being made to retain current schedules -Peg asked Nurse ' s House call for two LPN s and they agreed Staff will be one RN and two LPN s -New assessments will be done on all clients -VNCH is sharing medical documentation with Talent Tree -New recording procedure includes client s signature and date for each visit Rate = $30 /LPN visit c 3 Treasurer s Report - Jim Fenske -As end of fiscal year approaches , Jim sees possibility of a surplus Books close July 19 -VNCH bills currently 2 months behind -M 0 W receipts lag one month behind disbursements Program is fairly solvent and the issue of increasing cost of meals can be postponed for now -Social Day Care appears to be breaking even , perhaps a slight surplus after MMHC makes payment -Jim asked if there was any effect to returning funds from the operating budget back to the Town -Jack Eddison stated that is not a problem but reflects good management Director s Report - Linda Crew Vine -The F C 0 A Annual Meeting is set for Wednesday , June 12th The officers will remain the same -May programs were very successful and included The annual cook out , the start up of the Senior Swing Band which meets Wednesday afternoons , and the educational presentations -Formula grant funds update The House cut E 0 E A funds by 5% which will affect homecare services The C0A formula grant will be cut by 15% which will affect the Social Worker s salary -A total loss of $6000 in salaries for SPANS & Peg J is anticipated -MMHC transportation funds for private pay Social Day Care clients will go the bid this summer It is possible this may result in having two (2) vendors next year Share-A-Ride charges $11/day per client 4 D -Problem areas at the Senior Center A) Decline in new enrollers in the Nutrition Program B) Cliqueiness" among long term clients - Suggestion on breaking the ice and making changes include rearranging tables , assigning a dining room host and interactive games -Goal to develop job descriptions with volunteers and mix roles -Letter from Laurie Gleason , M 0 W Coordinator discussed regarding the survey taken on food changes -COA Cinema Time will occur during July & August on every other Friday afternoon in the dining room -An adult tap class will be offered in the fall Other Business - -New Board Members -Members are needed and the following should be considered Older , minority , fundraising skills -Election of Officers -Slate was presented last month -Nominations were open - It was moved and seconded to accept the slate of officers as presented at the May meeting -Jim Fenske inquired of the board wanted to adopt a policy regarding "Rules of Conduct" such as Bedford s policy on conduct general consensus that a policy was not necessary Meeting adjourned at 6 00 p m Harriet Onello , Secretary 5